June News from
Denver Open Media

DOM logo
  June 2009
in this issue
:: First Fridays at DOM
:: Producer of the Month: Paula Rhoads
:: Free Seminar on How to Create Sustainable Funding
:: Technical Updates From DOM
:: DOM Youth Production Group
:: Upcoming Classes and Events
:: Your Voice. Your Media.
First Fridays Live at Denver Open Media

First Friday DeconstructedOn the first Friday of each month, DOM holds a free community event that spotlights local performance groups, musical acts, and nonprofit organizations.  These events are broadcast live on Comcast channel 57 and re-broadcast on channels 56, 57 and 219. They are also available online.

June 5, 2009 8-10PM

Exposure Denver with Denver Open Media are celebrating June's Santa Fe Art Walk with a gallery opening, live music, food, wine, beer, and a live broadcast on Comcast channel 57.  We will be exploring the definition, interpretation, and action deconstruction.

Deconstructions will be held on June 5th, 2009 at Denver Open Media, 700 Kalamath Street.  Doors will open at 7pm and the live broadcast will commence at 8pm with performances by Freedom Movement, slam poetry from local Denver artists and Search + Rescue Productions showcased in the second floor lounge.   Photography pieces contributed by Exposure Denver will be hanging for the entire month of June and may be purchased at Denver Open Media or by contact ExposureDenver@gmail.com.

For additional information on Deconstruction, contact Exposure Denver or visit www.ExposureDenver.com.

Exposure is a new Photographic Arts Community serving the Denver Metro area.  We strive to be a supportive community of artists dedicated to helping each other grow in our art. We are composed of photographers representing all ages, skill levels, and interests.  

In addition to our shows we host educational opportunities, such as seminars in framing, studio photography, and Photoshop. These workshops are taught by local photography professionals, and are available to members for a small fee. We also host several social events each month, such as happy hours, networking meetings, and photo scavenger hunts that will give you a chance to get to know this fabulous community of local photographers.

Please check out our Myspace and Flickr pages for more information on some of our members and events.

Know of a band or a local non-profit organization that you think should be highlighted during our next First Friday event?  Encourage them to apply here.
Producer of the Month Award
DOM Acknowledges Paula Rhoads

Brainiacs, Channel 56, Saturdays, 12pm
Views From Denver, Channel 56, Fridays, 4pm

Producer of the MonthHow did you begin producing videos?
I began producing films at Denver Community Television (DCTV) in November of 2000 before the city of Denver pulled the plug on community access television. I then came to Denver Open Media and have been producing numerous shows since. 

What is the message of your show(s)?
At Denver Open Media, I now produce Brainiacs and Views From Denver. I also enjoy doing occasional Shakespeare Festival shows. Brainiacs has been focused on brain injury but now includes topics that deal with a smattering of other disabilities too. Views From Denver started because we liked covering the Colorado Legislature and having a chance for community members to make a difference in their society. 

What do you do outside of producing videos?
I have a daughter that I care for; I like to help her succeed in life and push her to excel. I want her to be self-confident and proud of me when she gets older.  Before I was television producer, I was a newspaper reporter. I also like to write because I can't do it as a career anymore with my brain trauma.

What is your advice to aspiring producers?
If you wish to become a producer, take DOM's courses, meet someone there, form a group or work for some other producers on a few productions and see how they do it. Get some experience, then decide how you want to do it. Studio production is a team sport.

Why is public access important? Why do you enjoy producing public access content?
This show is special to me because I suffered a traumatic brain injury and this production was a chance for me to begin a new life. I had lost my previous employment and producing a show is a way to change the way society looks at people with disability.  On Brainiacs, we consider ourselves to be a voice of people with brain injuries, and with Jaime Lewis also hosting, we expanded to the general disability community. That's important because I don't really think people with brain injuries have had a solid voice in the past. Our group has been especially slow, in comparison to other disability groups, in advocating for ourselves. While we target the disability community, we also hope the general public watches because the best answer to brain injury is prevention. Brain injury is usually expensive and often destroys people's families, causes them to lose their homes and assets, and this causes homelessness and incarceration.

I like being a producer because it allows me to use many of my remaining reporting skills. I was a black and white photographer in the newspaper, often running the darkroom. My photo skills translated to camera work in TV. I did not, however, intend to become a host. That was the hardest part. I think I'm doing OK. It is odd how life turns out. I was a writer. I can't write anymore. So I'm on TV instead...I guess I just don't quit easily.
DOM Hosts Seminar on Creating Sustainable Funding
Free seminar to be held at DOM on Wednesday, June 9th, 3-5pm

Creating Sustainable FundingWhat would it look like to have an ever-increasing stream of major donors who love your mission?  Join us for this free seminar on how to create sustainable funding for your nonprofit.

Learn a tested system to identify and cultivate donors who love your mission-donors who will give for operations, capital, and endowment-even during challenging financial times. Learn how to engage your community in your organization's mission and to inspire giving, even in a lagging economy. Designed for board members, executive directors, CEOs, and fund development professionals, this entry-level seminar will give you the fundamentals to embark on the path to sustainability and grow your major gifts programs year after year.

June 9, 2009
3:00 p.m.-5:00 p.m.
Denver Open Media
700 Kalamath St
Denver, CO 80204
Cost: No fee to attend

RSVP is required; space is limited - Register today!
Technical Updates from Denver Open Media
Flash video returns to the DOM site, plus new ways to find crew for your projects

Videos now up and running on our website
The Flash video files are now available on our site for videos that have been ingested and were encoded correctly. If you see still that your video is not playing on the website please come down to DOM to re-ingest it.  Thank you so much for your patience during the down time!

Find and contact a crew for your next project
When logged into the site, look under your user name for FIND VOLUNTEERS and click on it:

My Member Tools

You will see a list of members who have indicated that they want to volunteer for other members' shows. Click on the various members to view their profile and see their skills and interests.

Member Profiles

If the member is someone who seems to be a fit for your show, you can click on the contact tab to the right of the view tab along the top of the profile.  Then you can send an email to each appropriate individual to let them know what your project is about and to see if they'd be interested in volunteering for your show. This method allows us to protect your personal information.

Contact Information

In addition to those features described above, we are developing the ability to search for crew based on experience and post/search for crew requests.   These new features will be released and demonstrated in an informational session on Thursday, June 11th at 6 PM. All Denver Open Media producers are invited to attend. This event is free, but space is limited. Please register here ASAP. For more information, please contact john@deproduction.org
Spotlight on StudentsDenver Open Media Youth Production Group
Next Training/Rehearsal June 3rd, 3:30-6pm
Next LIVE SHOW June 17th, 3:30-6pm

Do you know a student who dreams of being on TV?  How about working behind the scenes?  If so, they should join Denver Open Media's FREE Youth Production Group!

Participants will alternate between learning field, studio and editing techniques.  Students will learn how to produce youth-related content and will help solicit new youth-related programs.  Anyone between the ages of 12-19 can drop by.  Check out our website for more information or email ann@deproduction.org. 
Upcoming Classes and Events at DOM:

Your Voice.  Your Media
June 3, Wednesday, 5:30-6:30pm

Intro to Studio Production
June 3 & 4, Wednesday & Thursday, 6-9pm

First Friday at Denver Open Media
June 5, Friday, 8-10pm

Creating Sustainable Funding
June 9, Tuesday, 3-5pm

Final Cut Pro Workshop
June 10 & 11, Wednesday & Thursday, 6-9pm

Producer Information Session
June 11, Thursday 6-7:30pm

Your Voice.  Your Media
June 17, Wednesday, 5:30-6:30pm

Field Production Workshop
June 27, Saturday, 11am-5:30pm

Refining Your Elevator Pitch (details coming soon)
June 30, Tuesday, 4-6pm

Intro to Studio Production
July 11, Saturday, 11am-6pm

Attention Community Partners
Come learn about the unique services that Deproduction can offer your organization!

Media and technology are driving forces in our society. Without them, an organization would be left behind.  Deproduction would like to invite you to learn how to strengthen your mission through media and technology.

Currently we assist non-profits and other local organizations with video production, website development and graphic design. In addition, you can participate in classes and we will personally train you to effectively use media to promote your organization.

To learn more about reinforcing your mission through media come explore Deproduction's facilities, learn about current projects, and get involved.  Please join us for a Your Voice Your Media session on June 3rd or 17th at 700 Kalamath Street. Tours are precisely one hour beginning at 5:30pm. Please RSVP to Maria Lewis by phone or e-mail at 720-222-0160 x202 or maria@deproduction.com.