May News from
Denver Open Media

DOM logo
  May 2009
in this issue
:: First Fridays Live at DOM
:: Your Voice. Your Media.
:: Producer of the Month
:: Film Screening & Discussion
:: DOM Youth Production Group
:: Upcoming Classes
:: New PR Workshop Offered at DOM
First Fridays at Denver Open MediaFirst Fridays Live at Denver Open Media

On the first Friday of each month, DOM holds a free community event that spotlights local performance groups, musical acts, and nonprofit organizations.  These events are broadcast live on Comcast channel 57 and re-broadcast on channels 56, 57 and 219. They are also available online.

May 1, 2009 8-10PM

Tonight, Denver Open Media will be partnering with dorkbot to help create a nerd-alicious night of entertainment!  This party will feature Professor Sonic and his homemade recycled electronic instruments; Bloodshed Deathbath Productions Flick with the making of "Motel London" by Ryan Policky. + Art, Ecology and Technology with RUST-E, a radical new idea in techno-ecology. & Dj Spooky's premier Denver screening of "Rebirth of a Nation."  Cheap beer will also be provided.  Come join the party, a little rain is good for your soul!
Your Voice.  Your Media.
Come learn about the past, present and future of our organization

You're invited to a special event to learn more about our organization.  We want all of our community producers to join us and share their feedback as we discuss our plans for the future.  This event will consist of a unique tour and presentation on where we've been and where we want to be. 

The upcoming tours are: May 6th, May 20th, June 3rd and June 17th.  All sessions begin upstairs  at Denver Open Media (700 Kalamath Street) at 5:30pm.  Tours will start promptly and end on time.

If you'd like to attend, please RSVP as space is limited.  You can do so by contacting Development Director Maria Lewis at 720-222-0160 x202 or
Producer of the Month Award
DOM Acknowledges Adebola Odukoya

As an effort to recognize talent and commitment to public access television, each month we will be featuring a producer who is dedicated to this particular medium and has achieved outstanding work in community media production. This month, we are proud to feature the first winner of the Tony Shawcross Producer Award, Adebola Odukoya.

Adebola Odukoya, aka "Bola", has been producing videos for 20 years. He began his journey in Atlanta, Georgia when he was invited to read sermon at the Second Ponce de Leon Baptist Church.  At this time, the church was trying to integrate an African-American voice into the predominantly white community. Since then, Bola has embraced the power of video, preaching the word of God around the country. In 2005, he landed in Denver to begin working on his program, Spottswood Gospel Hour, which is now in the process of becoming Deep Rivers Ministries. Bola writes his own shows, records and edits his own work, and has become an iconic figure on DOM's 3 access channels.

"I like it when people come up to me that I don't even know and they say, 'I've seen you from somewhere. Are you on television?'  This means I'm doing my work and creating a show people actually care about!"
Bola has also turned many of his half-hour segments into books that have been published. He strives to put his voice out there in as many ways as possible for as many people to hear. He particularly likes producing segments for television because he believes that television has a broad spectrum of possibility: it's like a small window of the world in almost every household for new ideas and information to be produced and distributed.

Bola's advice to those who want to produce video is simple. "Have patience and learn a lot. Nothing beats the power of knowledge because the more you know, the more you can share with others. Take advantage of every given opportunity and benefit you have at Deproduction. Take the classes, get to know the staff and interns, and put your ideas into work!"

Bola's programs can be seen on Sundays at 8:30pm on Channel 56 and are also available on Denver Open Media's web video archive.
DOM Hosts RIP: A Remix Manifesto Film Screening
An open source documentary about open source and remix culture

RIP: A Remix ManifestoPlease join us on Friday, May 15th at 8pm in Studio A at Denver Open Media for a screening of RIP: A Remix Manifesto, an open source documentary about open source and remix culture.

"In RiP: A remix manifesto, Web activist and filmmaker Brett Gaylor explores issues of copyright in the information age, mashing up the media landscape of the 20th century and shattering the wall between users and producers.
The film's central protagonist is Girl Talk, a mash-up musician topping the charts with his sample-based songs. But is Girl Talk a paragon of people power or the Pied Piper of piracy? Creative Commons founder, Lawrence Lessig, Brazil's Minister of Culture Gilberto Gil and pop culture critic Cory Doctorow are also along for the ride.
A participatory media experiment, from day one, Brett shares his raw footage at, for anyone to remix. This movie-as-mash-up method allows these remixes to become an integral part of the film. With RiP: A remix manifesto, Gaylor and Girl Talk sound an urgent alarm and draw the lines of battle."

Doors open at 7pm; film screening at 8pm.  Cheap beer will be available.  Suggested donation: $5.
Spotlight on StudentsDenver Open Media Youth Production Group
Next meetings:
May 6th 3:30 - 6:30pm
May 20th 3:30 - 6:30pm; live Show at 5pm

Do you know a student who dreams of being on TV?  How about working behind the scenes?  If so, they should join Denver Open Media's FREE Youth Production Group!

Participants will alternate between learning field, studio and editing techniques.  Students will learn how to produce youth-related content and will help solicit new youth-related programs.  Anyone between the ages of 12-19 can drop by. Please email for more information. 
Upcoming Classes & Events at DOM:

First Friday at Denver Open Media
May 1, Friday 8-10pm

Intro to After Effects Workshop
May 4, Monday, 6-9pm

Field Production Workshop
May 9, Saturday, 11-5:30pm

Final Cut Pro Workshop
May 13 & 14, Wednesday & Thursday, 6-9pm

RIP: A Remix Manifesto Film Screening
May 15, Friday, 7pm

How to Build Rapport With Just About Anyone
May 19, Tuesday, 4-6pm

Field Production Workshop
May 27 & 28, Wednesday & Thursday, 6-9pm

Intro to Studio Production
June 3 & 4, Wednesday & Thursday, 6-9pm
New PR Workshop Offered at Denver Open Media
How to build rapport with just about anyone

Good rapport is the basis for success in everything from business to parenting, customer service to good personal relationships. While some people seem to be 'naturals' at genuine rapport-building, there are a few simple skills that anyone can learn. This class will offer useful tools and tips to help you increase your ability to respond effortlessly and naturally to just about anyone!  In this workshop you will:

- Identify 3 of your own communication patterns and expectations
- Identify 3 ways to build nonverbal rapport
- Identify 3 ways to build rapport on the phone and via email

Be one of the first individuals to register for this new workshop!  This class is offered Tuesday, May 19th from 4-6pm and Tuesday, June 16 from 4-6pm.  It costs $30 for DOM members and $45 for non-members.