February News from Denver Open Media
February 2008
Community Needs Assessment
Cable TV/Public Access Needs Assessment Workshop Tuesday, January 29, 2008 * 7:00 p.m. - 9:00 p.m. Studio A * Denver Open Media 700 Kalamath, Denver (btwn Santa Fe and Kalamath on 7th, in the MBD Building) Light refreshments will be served
Cable television, multimedia and public access services within the City and County of Denver are continually evolving, changing, and expanding, as are changes in technology and the service provider climate. Denver will be renegotiating its cable franchise with Comcast, and the review is underway concerning what terms and conditions might be included in the renewed cable franchise.
This process has sparked many questions for our community. Will changes in the broadband, cable television and telecommunications marketplace provide new and improved public access services for Denver residents and organizations and at what cost? What are the current and future public access and cable television related needs of the Denver community? How might Comcast help meet these needs?
Denver Open Media and the Denver Office of Telecommunications (OTC) need your help in answering these questions. The OTC is currently performing a Public Access Needs Assessment as part of overall community ascertainment activities. As part of this assessment, a Workshop has been scheduled for Public Access program producers and providers. You can be a part of shaping the future of cable television and public access in our community by participating in the meeting.
Every First Friday, Deproduction and Denver Open Media feature some of the best local music and performance art that Denver has to offer. Broadcast live on DOM Ch 57, as well as KGNU community radio 1390 AM, these events are a great way to check out our space and enjoy live, local music.
Musical guests include:
Next Month: March 7, 2008 7-9pm TBA
Know of a band or a non-profit organization that you think should be highlighted during our next First Friday event? Encourage them to apply here. And please visit the bottom of this newsletter to view some of our lovely acts from 2007!