January News from
Denver Open Media

DOM logo
  January 2008
in this issue
:: First Fridays at Denver Open Media
:: 56 is the new 58
:: Time to Renew your DOM Membership
:: What's to Come in 2008 at Denver Open Media

TONIGHT! January 4, 2008 @ 7pm 

Every First Friday, Deproduction and Denver Open Media feature some of the best local music and performance art that Denver has to offer.  Broadcast live on DOM Ch 57, as well as KGNU radio 1390 AM, these events are a great way to check out our space and enjoy live, local music.

Tonight's musical guests include: Andrea Ball and Jen Korte and The Loss

PLUS!  If you're over 21, print out this invitation to partake in some tasty BRECKENRIDGE BEER!*

NEXT MONTH! February 1, 2008  7-9pm

Musical Spotlight:  Kissidugu and Underlining Einstein

If you are interested in doing a volunteer shift for the event, please contact Jackie at
jackie@deproduction.org at your earliest convenience.

The liquor laws in the Santa Fe Arts District restrict the distribution of alcohol to invited guests and registered members of DOM, so you must bring this invitation or be a registered member of the organization to be served beer.  Please note, a small donation will be requested for beverages.

As some of you have already noticed, Denver Open Media's channel 58 has now been moved to channel 56. We apologize for the lack of notice, but there was miscommunication between Comcast and the City, who had hoped to make this change towards the end of the month.  We are very sorry for any inconvenience this may have caused you, our producers and viewers.

We had planned to implement some exciting new features and services on 58 when it moved to 56, including live text-message voting, with a real-time vote results and comments scroll across the bottom of the screen.  With the change happening several weeks pre-maturely, we are now rushing to add this feature ASAP, which will help us all get some valuable feedback from our viewers and should increase vote participation among viewers.  This feature will be the first of its kind on TV in the US.

Channel 57 is staying exactly the same, with the programming determined primarily by votes, but Channel 56 will now be the NEW show channel. Anyone who has a regular series that has been airing on 58 will now see it on channel 56.

For those of you wondering why this change is taking place, the City (who operates channel 8) asked us to make the trade so that they acquire Channel 58 for the upcoming 2008 Denver Sesquicentennial, 150 years since being founded in 1858.  In exchange, DOM is receiving support from the city to promote DOM channels and to initiate the SMS text messaging and voting for the channels. This is a very exciting addition and will allow viewers to email or text in their votes as well as leave comments live during the broadcast of your show! By the end of the month, viewers will be able to vote in three ways: via text-messaging, by phone through a voice-activated system, and (as always) on the website.

Thank you, and on behalf of the City of Denver, Comcast, and Deproduction, we apologize for the abrupt channel move.

 - Ann Theis, Tony Shawcross, and the Deproduction staff.

Membership Renewal
For all individuals who became members of DOM in 2006, your membership is up for renewal.

It's that glorious time of the year; time to renew your membership with DOM.  Remember that by renewing your membership you are helping DOM stay active and alive.  You are also taking another step in promoting a lasting open access media community! 

There is no need to re-take classes or be re-tested to use the equipment and/or studios. 
If you want to find out more about what benefits are available to you through your membership, please visit our website at: Member Levels
To renew your membership with DOM, please call the office at (720) 222-0160 or stop by the station at 7th & Kalamath Streets between 2pm & 9pm Tuesdays through Fridays to make a payment. Or, renew from the convenience of your home by going to www.denveropenmedia.org.  Thank you very much for your ongoing support!

Upcoming Classes at DOM!

Start a new hobby in '08

Intro to Studio Production
January 9-10, Wednesday & Thursday, 6-9pm

Final Cut Pro Workshop   
January 19, Saturday, 11-5:30pm

Web Video Workshop   
January 26, Saturday, 12-4pm

Field Production Workshop   
January 30-31, Wednesday & Thursday, 6-9pm
These low-cost community classes provide a great way for individuals to learn the basics of media production and to put their work on TV! 

Become a part of this exciting community and register today!
COMING TO DENVER OPEN MEDIA IN 2008 - A Message from Executive Director, Tony Shawcross

This time of year, every Executive Director in the country is telling their community what a great year its going to be for their organization. But I feel cause for a unique level of optimism at Deproduction and Denver Open Media. The last few months, I've been overwhelmed at the new relationships and opportunities coming our way.  We're embarking on a number of new efforts and projects that could mark 2008 as THE turning point for the organization. 

From our involvement in the Democratic National Convention, to our role in the new Colorado State Legislature production, our production efforts continue to expand, subsidizing the other great work being done at Deproduction and Denver Open Media.

With a particular focus on youth, our outreach efforts promise to reach a new level in 2008 as well.  We're establishing new partnerships with local schools, and embarking on two exciting video competitions, undertaken in partnership with the Denver Public Library, the Denver Film Society, and the Denver Office of Cultural Affairs. These and other programs promise to bring a new level of visibility in Denver and beyond.

The prospect I'm most excited about for 2008 is the new SMS and phone-based voting which we plan to launch this month.  While our entire model is based on community feedback and voting, participation has been lower than anticipated. In our first year on TV, we've learned that viewers want to participate in different ways.  While the average show receives only one or two votes per airing via our on-line voting system, our call-in shows receive as many as 20 or 30 calls in an hour.  Even more surprising, shows which encourage participation via SMS/Text Messaging receive as many as 40 or 50 texts per airing.

Given this knowledge, we've been working hard with support from the City to develop new SMS and Phone-based voting capabilities, with real-time visibility on-screen via a text scroll on the bottom of channel 56. Please tune in later this month to see this unprecedented innovation in interactive, community-driven TV!

Tony Shawcross