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 Measure Y Newsletter
Your Measure Y Dollars at Work For a Safe Oakland April 2008
Dear Neighbor,
Thank you for supporting Measure Y, Oakland's violence prevention and public safety initiative.  We'd like to let you know how the funds raised through your generosity are being used to create a Safe Oakland.  If you know others who are interested in this information, please forward it to a neighbor.
Fruitvale Safety Project Fights Crime with Help from the Community 

fruitvaleAfter a three month effort, the Fruitvale Safety Project has reached the end of its first phase, and already has lowered the crime rates in the neighborhood. Notably, reported robberies decreased 31 percent.

       The goal of the project was to actively target street crime in the community through foot patrols and surveillance operations, and also inform the public about city services available to them and to urge the residents to participate in a safety class.  City agencies, including Measure Y funded outreach workers and police officers, worked closely with the community, and met bi-weekly to problem solve and stay connected with developments in the area.
         According to its leaders, City Council President Ignacio De La Fuente and Captain Ricardo Orozco, it was a great success.  "It shows what we can do when we work together," said Capt. Orozco. "It was a project about enforcement and community outreach."

       To read the KTVU story, click here.

Oakland Gets $400K Anti-Gang Grant from Governor Schwarzenegger
Governor announces Cal GRIP

As part of an overall strategy to combat gang violence, Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger announced on March 3, 2008, the award of $9.2 million in competitive grants to cities and community-based organizations (CBOs) for gang prevention, intervention and enforcement, including $400,000 to the City of Oakland.

       This grant is part of the California Gang Reduction, Intervention and Prevention initiative (CalGRIP).  These funds leverage Measure Y dollars, and extend the gang prevention and intervention programs initiated through Measure Y funding, including funding for increased policing as well as gang awareness classes for parents.

       Read the Governor's Press Release for more information about CalGRIP.

Oakland Firefighters to Host Seventh Annual Random Acts of Kindness Awards
OFD kindness

On April 12th, Oakland Firefighters Random Acts will present the 7th Annual Awards.  The Random Acts program provides funds and resources for Oakland Firefighters to create a Random Act of Kindness when they encounter people in need in the community. This program, which started in Oakland, has since expanded nationally to fire departments in seven states.

       For more information, to donate, or to purchase tickets to the event, call 510-465-8422 or visit www.ofrandomacts.org.

Breaking the Chain -- Isaac's Story
breaking chain

"Isaac" had been in and out of jail since he was sixteen. A troubled youth from a large family with only his mother to take care of him, Isaac began using drugs and then later committing robberies. Now, at nearly forty, Isaac has chosen to turn his life around by participating in Project Choice, which he entered while in San Quentin Prison.

"I was getting nowhere," he said. "My son is a real inspiration for me to be the father I never had. If it wasn't for Project Choice I wouldn't be able to visit him today."

Read the rest of Isaac's story...

Questions? Comments? Have a story to share about your neighborhood? For more information, please visit us at www.MeasureY.org.
The Measure Y Team
We are: Police, Fire, and Community Programs for a Safe Oakland
In This Issue
Fruitvale Safety Project
Anti-Gang Funds
Random Acts of Kindness
Isaac's Story

Upcoming Public Forum


Vice Mayor Larry Reid and the Oakland African American Chamber of Commerce present


Working Together For a Safer Oakland

A Public Safety Forum


Saturday, April 5th 2008 11am-2pm

Acts Full Gospel Church

1034 66th Ave, Oakland

For more information, please call 510.238.3649


Get Involved!

Join a Neighborhood Watch group

on your block or attend a Neighborhood Crime Prevention Council meeting in your area. 


For more information, contact Claudia Albano, Neighborhood Services Coordinator, at [email protected] 

or (510) 238-6372.


Next Measure Y Oversight Committee Meeting


Monday, April 21st


Hearing Room 1

City Hall, Oakland


For more information, contact Jeff Baker, Assistant to the City Adminstrator, at [email protected]

or (510) 238-3671.

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