Canst thou not arrange together the rosette of diamonds of the Pleiades? - Beigel translating Job 38:31
The Pleiades are a gorgeous sight in our skies, a faintly blue gathering of magical stars. They have been poetically described as gems, rosary beads, diamonds and glittering dew. They have captured the imagination of humans as far back as we can remember.
Fixed Star scholar Bernadette Brady researched the many symbols projected onto the Pleiades seemingly since the beginning of time. Some examples: the Pleiades have been described by the Chinese as "Seven Sisters of Industry," by the Greeks as the children of Atlas, or the seven doves who take ambrosia to the infant Zeus, and by other cultures as a hen with her chickens. Humanity has spun a plethora of tales regarding the Pleiades, producing a virtual litany of associations:
These associations say more about the cultures who told the stories than they do about the energetic energy of the Pleiades themselves. However there are common themes regarding the Pleiades and the star Alcyone - the brightest star in the Pleiades - that give us some clues:
(1) VISION: Alcyone is said to convey inner vision, visionary capabilities, and psychic/intuitive gifts when it is prominent in a birth chart.
Now that Alcyone has moved into the sign of Gemini, we are experiencing a renewed focus on the aspects of HIGHER VISION and HIGHER MIND, in particular the Reasoning Mind which sees and knows the Truth, cutting away illusion and emotional glamour. Gemini is in a harmonious (trine) relationship with Aquarius, and so the brilliant Reason of Gemini paves the way for the Genius lightning-like leaps of creative imagination that will be the order of the day in the dawning Age of Aquarius.
(2) JUDGMENT: Hand-in-hand with the quality of vision, Alcyone is also associated with judgment, sometimes harsh judgment. If you are a seer, if you have a vision, it is important to discern its true meaning, apart from the filters of the personality. Clear thinking and impartial judgment, even if it seems harsh, are essential tools as we enter the murky waters leading into the Aquarian Age.
(3) LOSS: Because the mourning of the dead was associated with the rising of the Pleiades cluster, the Pleiades have consistently taken on a Fateful, mournful quality as well. They are sometimes referred to as the weeping sisters. This is a seasonal tradition that has been handed down to us in the form of All Hallows Eve, Day of the Dead and All Saints Day in modern times when we too honor our ancestors and deceased loved ones.
Thus, the Pleiades have a connection with loss, weeping, and grieving. Under close analysis, we can see that the Pleiades teach us about the passing over to other dimensions. Mourning can turn to dancing when we realize that we haven't lost anything; the Soul lives on in other dimensions. This eclipse is a chance to explore the boundaries of multi-dimensional awareness, especially as a method for healing deep loss.
Alcyone Goddess in the Hall of Records by Carol Ann Ciocco |
(4) THE HALL OF RECORDS: In some mystical traditions the Pleiades are seen as the home of the Hall of Records for Earth. The Hall of Records (aka the Akashic Records; or The Book of Life in the Bible) is a kind of karmic databank or library of every thought word and deed of every soul who ever lived on earth, in every incarnation they ever lived, throughout all time. (It's a pretty big library:) "According to the Pleiadeans, Earth is Alcyone's laboratory and Alcyone is Earth's library." - Barbara Hand Clow
The May 20, 2012 Annular Eclipse is what's known as a SOUTH NODE ECLIPSE - i.e. the emphasis is on the PAST. This South Node Eclipse in direct connection with visionary, multidimensional Alcyone may catapult us back into the furthest reaches of human experience on this planet, perhaps to help us heal the losses we have experienced, old wounds which hold us back from true divine expression.
If you are able to contact and read the Akashic Records, this would be the ideal time to do so. This is a rare momentary portal, offering a glimpse more deeply into our past than ever before. Under this eclipse the Record Keepers are more available to our conscious mind, providing an opportunity for spontaneous release and healing especially of distorted thinking patterns.
Alcyone has a judgmental tone to it, as mentioned above. Indeed, the Universal Law of Cause and Effect dishes out karma without mercy or compassion. As such, the Akashic Records are IMPERSONAL which makes their 'pronouncements' seem harsh. However, the Record Keepers and those who read the Records are not judging, just REPORTING the facts of what has happened. The Law of Cause and Effect simply matches what has been created by our thought word and deed.
Under this eclipse we can read the Records with Compassion and infuse the facts with Love so that whatever has happened can be transformed.
(5) LOVE and the 5TH DIMENSION: The Pleiades have been described as the ancestral home of many indigenous clans on Earth for at least 40,000 years. Astrologer and Cherokee Record Keeper Barbara Hand Clow - who channels messages from the Pleiades - writes in her book "Alchemy of Nine Dimensions" that the Pleiadeans are the Keepers of the 5th Dimension (5D). She writes:
"The description of this well as its connection with Earth is mind-boggling. (The Pleiadeans) say a great spiral of stellar light from the Pleiades reaches our Sun, and our Sun is the eighth of the large stars of the Pleiades. The generator of the spiral is Alcyone, the central star of the Pleiades from Earth's view. Astronomically, this seems bizarre, yet a few astronomers and early Greeks described this same spiralic geometry of light between the Pleiades and the Sun, My Mayan medicine brother, Hunbatz Men, has written about this system." ('Alchemy of Nine Dimensions,' p. 69)
According to Hand Clow, the 5th Dimension, resonant with the Pleiades, is PURE LOVE; its energy is centered in the HEART and connects us to all living beings and realms on Earth. It is the essence of Samadhi, the realizable human experience of union with the divine. Samadhi is a transcendent level of consciousness which is maintained at the same time as full awareness within the 3rd dimensional world.
If you get a chance before Sunday, you might want to listen to Barbara Hand Clow's CD, 'Journeys Through Nine Dimensions'. This guided meditation uses sound and vibration to take you on a journey from 1D (the 1st Dimension, the Earth's iron-ore Core) to 9D (the 9th Dimension, the Galactic Center). The track for 5D (the 5th Dimension, the Pleiades) really captures the energy of the Pleiades as described by Hand Clow. I highly recommend listening to it during this eclipse portal to further enhance your connection with the Pleiades at this key moment in time. You can purchase the CD here:
Keep in mind that the effects of any eclipse last for at least 30 days beforehand and 30 days after. So your interaction with the Pleiades is not limited to Sunday May 20th. In truth, an eclipse sets off an arrow that culminates 19 years later. This one hearkens back to May 10, 1994, and the seeds planted now will culminate in 2031. Still, this eclipse is backward-gazing. It's time to re-vision the past. What stories are we telling ourselves that are not accurate? The Gemini mastermind can wake us up from the dream with a flash of Awareness.
Under this oracular Pleiadean eclipse, our vision can be sharpened, refined and lifted out of the realm of illusion and emotional glamour, to the crystal clear realm of Pure Mind. All of our visions must be run through the annular Ring of Fire to be purified and distilled to gleaming Truth, free of illusion. Love and its multidimensional Reality is the Ring-Pass-Not for this process.
At the time of this Annular eclipse, visions may occur if we open up to the transmission from Alcyone and the Hall of Records, funneled through our Sun and reflected by our moon. Messages from the ancestors may provide guidance; and the healing of grief may be lovingly accelerated.