New Moon @ 3 degrees Capricorn. December 24, 2011 @ 1:06pm EST. A few days after Solstice, we have a
New Moon on Christmas Eve. A New Moon is a time of new beginnings and is similar to the Winter Solstice in its expression. A time of inner goal-setting and contemplation.
Earthrise: a photo taken from the orbit of the moon by astronaut William Anders on Christmas Eve, December 24, 1968 during the Apollo 8 mission. It has been called "the most influential environmental photograph ever taken."
Capricorn is a key energy of our times. The planet(oid) Pluto is dwelling in Capricorn from 2008 - 2024
(we have 4 years down, only 12 to go!). This is why the corruption of financial systems is now exposed for all to see. The economy is pretty much being bulldozed as we are forced to take a hard look at the brass tacks of life and the institutions we have built to support it. Over the next 16 years, the work that Pluto began during the past 4 years will ramp up as we are given no choice but to face the death of the unhealthy systems of our world. The restructuring is focused on Capricorn themes:
government, the economy & corporations are key targets. By the year 2024 our economy will be entirely revolutionized (thanks to some help from the planet Uranus in Aries which is challenging Pluto to get the work done quickly).
During your quiet time on Solstice and Christmas Eve, focus on your own private
Capricorn *issues*. In other words: how is YOUR economy doing? Are you on budget or running a deficit? How about your own personal government: are you governing yourself properly, i.e. sticking to a structure that supports your welfare and that of those around you? Who's in charge here anyway?
And how is your corporation? No, I'm not talking about your LLC - I'm talking about your BODY. The word corporation/corporate stems from the Latin
corpus, or body. Check out the full etymology:
Corporate: (adj.) early 15c., "united in one body," from L. corporatus, pp. of corporare "form into a body," from corpus (gen. corporis) "body" (see corporeal). /// Corporeal: early 15c., with adj. suffix -al (1), from L. corporeus "of the nature of a body," from corpus "body" (living or dead), from PIE *kwrpes, from base *kwrep- "body, form, appearance," probably from a verbal root meaning "to appear" (cf. Skt. krp- "form, body," Avestan kerefsh "form, body," O.E. hrif "belly," O.H.G. href "womb, belly, abdomen").
In short, you incorporated the day you were born. You came in through the womb, the belly, the belly button. That was the day you "appeared" in the world of form and took on a body, the earthly structure you need for your time here on earth. I think it is very interesting that the word corporate can be traced even further back than body, or even than the the word "appear" -- it goes the whole way back to the
womb, the
belly, the abdomen. (And I won't even mention that the word "
united" is included in this definition, as in UNITY consciousness. I simply don't have time or space to comment on that now! :)
The Galactic Center is a feminine/mother influence. Winter Solstice is often compared to a
womb of creation, a place for conception of things that will later take physical form, and be embodied. So, dreaming of conception at the annual Capricorn New Moon is very significant, perhaps more so than at any other New Moon during the year. It falls fairly close to the Solstice this year, and that adds to the potential. Think on the Capricorn themes and explore intentions and goals for the new cycle coming up in 2012.
P.S. What's sparkling sweet about Christmas Eve/Christmas this year is that the Santa Clause planet Jupiter (in the delicious sensual sign of Taurus) is also seemingly standing still in the sky (stationing direct on December 25).
Santa Clause really is coming to town this Christmas! And so it is a wonderful time in your life to exchange gifts of all kinds and to really enjoy the sights, sounds and tastes of the holiday season. You can balance your solstice contemplation with some merry-making, and taste from the sacred garden of earth.