NAIFA-Texas eNewsletter - Mar. 2009

Collectively creating value for Texas' Insurance  Agents and Financial Advisors 

In This Issue
Membership News
News and Information
Local Associations with 100%
Board/Officer PAC Contributors

NAIFA-Great Southwest
NAIFA-Gulf Coast
NAIFA-Wichita Falls
IFAPAC Silent Auction Fundraiser
***July 18, 2009***
       NAIFA-TX Annual Meeting
       at the Austin Airport Hilton
      Sponsorship Levels:
 Platinum    $500
 Gold          $300
 Silver         $200
  Bronze       $100
NAIFA-TX Members or
Local Associations
If you or your company would like to sponsor the PAC Silent Auction, contact Julie Moore (512) 716-8800 for
a sponsorship form.
NAIFA-TX Recognition  
Platinum: eNewsletter, website,
during state convention,
plaque given - annual business meeting
Gold: eNewsletter, website, and state convention
Silver: eNewsletter and website
Bronze: eNewsletter
 Mail your check today to:
 PAC Silent Auction
 515 Congress Avenue, Ste. 1650
 Austin, TX  78701
Contributions to IFAPAC are voluntary, divided between Texas IFAPAC and IFAPAC-National, and contributed to candidates for state elective office (by your state IFAPAC) or for federal elective office (by IFAPAC-National). Your state IFAPAC is associated with IFAPAC-National through a federation of local, state and national trade associations. Corporate contributions to IFAPAC-National's political fund are prohibited. Under state and federal law, you have the right to refuse to contribute without reprisal. Contributions are not deductible as charitable contributions for federal income tax purposes.


Membership News 

During National Membership Month, make it a priority to call each and every one of your members and ask them:
Are there any new agents in your office?
Do you have any carrier representatives that are not a member?
Do they know a competitor who is not a member and should be?
The more people we have "making the ask," the better we'll be.  It's just like in our very own insurance practices.  We ask our current customers for referrals.  We share leads with agents who don't specialize in our market and vice versa.  We need to treat membership like our business.  We need help in recruiting more business, we ask for help.  In addition, when we find out an agent has lapsed their membership because they are no longer in the business; make it a point to call that agent's Agency Manager to find out if they have replaced this individual.  In most cases they have and guess what, we lost a member but we gained a prospect.

NAIFA-TX New Member
NAIFA-TX Officers vs. Directors

NAIFA-TX Officers:
Earl Thompson, President
Randy Robertson, President-Elect   4/0
Cylinda Clark, Secretary
Alan Carl, Immediate Past President 4/4
Ron Mullen, National Committeeman 
Des Taylor, CEO/CLO
Total to Date.............14
NAIFA-TX Directors:
Kirk Haworth, Director, Reg. 1
Lane Boozer, Director Reg. 2
Douglas Massey, Director Reg. 3
Lesley Pinckard, Director Reg. 4 
Paul Eisen, Director Reg. 6
Bobby Simpson, Director Reg. 7 
Jason Talley, Director Reg. 8 
Steve Ehlers, Director Reg. 9
Total to Date...............5
Grand Total

Local Leaders to Attend Local Success  

Planning Meeting/Team Texas Forum May 1-2

Incoming local leaders are encouraged to gather with their leadership teams for the Local Success Planning/Team Texas Forum meeting, to be held at the Austin Airport Hilton Hotel on May 1-2.


The meeting, held in conjunction with the Local Presidents'-Elect meeting on May 1, provides an ideal opportunity for local leadership teams to develop a strategy for success in the upcoming year while networking with other leaders from across the state.  The 2009 Local Success Planning meeting will be facilitated by Joey Ussery, CLU, ChFC, LUTCF, a past-president of NAIFA-Houston and current member of the National Membership Committee.


In addition to team planning, the meeting provides an opportunity for "on the job" training for local Membership, Programs/Professional Development and Government Relations Chairs.


Local leaders can click here to register online for the event or download a registration form here.


NAIFA-Texas Monitoring Legislation of Interest 

As the March 13 deadline for filing of bills in the 81st Texas Legislature approaches, almost three thousand bills have been filed in the House of Representatives and two thousand have been filed in the Senate.  Among the bills already filed are many that carry potential impact for agents and financial advisors doing business in Texas, including:


H.B. 969/S.B. 1493 - Filed by Representative Wayne Christian (R-Center) and Senator Tommy Williams (R-The Woodlands), these bills would increase the current $100,000 protection for the life insurance cash value to $250,000 and increase coverage limits for annuities from $100,000 to $250,000;


H.B. 2650/S.B. 961 - Filed by Representative John Smithee (R-Amarillo) and Senator Rodney Ellis (D-Houston), these bills would enable the Insurance Commissioner to enact rules that would limit the commission or other compensation that may be paid to an agent for the sale of an annuity;


H.B. 2651/S.B. 965 - Filed by Representative John Smithee (R-Amarillo) and Senator Rodney Ellis (D-Houston), these bills would require an agent to acquire eight hours of continuing education credit before soliciting individual consumers for the purpose of selling annuities and to complete four hours of CE directly related to annuities on an annual basis;


H.B. 2456 - Filed by Representative Craig Eiland (D-Galveston), this bill would grant the Insurance Commissioner rule-making authority to require agents to obtain certification before selling certain "complex insurance products;" and 


H.B. 129/H.B. 173/H.B. 984 - Filed by Representatives Mark Homer (D-Paris), Allen Vaught (D-Dallas), Dwayne Bohac (R-Houston), Roland Gutierrez (D-San Antonio) and Marc Veasey (D-Fort Worth), these bills call for an elected Commissioner of Insurance, a position currently filled by gubernatorial appointment.


NAIFA-Texas Website Now Offers Daily Updates

With the Texas Legislature meeting for only 140 days in odd-numbered years, events often transpire quickly.  NAIFA-Texas is constantly monitoring filed bills and their movement through the legislative process while considering their potential impact on agents and financial advisors doing business in Texas.


In an effort to keep members abreast of the happenings at the Texas Capitol, NAIFA-Texas has begun posting Daily Capitol Updates at  From now until the end of the 81st Regular Session, updates will be posted Monday through Friday. 


As they are necessary, action alerts will be posted on the website and sent to NAIFA-Texas members by email.

Health Mandates Fill the Legislative Landscape
Since pre-filing of bills for the 81st Texas Legislature began in November, many bills have been filed that would mandate additional coverage under group health insurance plans. 
Currently, Texas has the highest rate of uninsured citizens in the United States and the fifth highest health insurance premiums. 
NAIFA-Texas opposes additional mandates of health coverage that drive up the cost of health insurance plans and can, ultimately, price-out a larger portion of the Texas population.


Nomination Committee Calls for Officer

and Trustee Candidates

On February 16, 2009, Nomination Committee Chair Alan Carl, RHU, REBC, LUTCF sent a letter to local association presidents and executives calling for nominations of NAIFA-Texas officer and trustee candidates.


At the NAIFA-Texas Annual Business Session on July 26, 2008 it was voted on by the Delegate Council to amend the NAIFA-Texas bylaws to adopt a Trustee model of governance, consisting of five officers and seven trustees, elected at large by the NAIFA-Texas Delegate Council.  The first election of trustees is scheduled to occur at the 2009 Business Session on July 18 at the Austin Airport Hilton Hotel. 


In the first election of trustees, the four candidates who receive the highest number of votes shall be declared elected for two year terms.  The next three candidates with the highest number of votes shall be declared elected to one year terms. 


In his letter, Chairman Carl invited local associations to submit qualified candidate applications to the NAIFA-Texas office no later than April 6, 2009.




by Martha Hall, RHU

Texas Membership Co-Chair


We all have events that promote membership, and that's a good thing!  However, membership in any association is an on-going, every day thing.  When you see someone in our industry at church or the post office, or even the grocery store, why not take a moment to say something about how much that person is needed in NAIFA?  Invite that person to your next meeting or make an appointment to sit down and discuss all of the advantages any professional will have at his or her fingertips as a result of NAIFA membership.


One of our long-time members of NAIFA-Wichita Falls, Dennis George, joined NALU long before I could spell insurance!  He carries a membership application with him at all times and never hesitates to ask a potential member to join.  If he gets a "no," he will go back to the person time and again to let them know that he or she is needed by this organization, but more importantly, the person needs NAIFA to become more successful in this great profession that person has chosen.   


Insurance is not easy - just look at all of those who failed after selling to their family and friends!  Insurance takes knowledge and knowledge comes from education.  What better place than NAIFA!



TLRT Applications Due by March 31, 2009!
Texas Leaders Round Table (TLRT) is now accepting applications for membership in 2009.  TLRT is Texas' own honor organization, recognizing top producers in the state and offering a great opportunity to network with other leaders.
As a member of TLRT, you'll receive a plaque recognizing your production achievement in 2008 and $100 off the registration to the Texas Leaders Round Table Roundup, an annual event held each July featuring sales ideas and MDRT-level educational and motivational speakers from across the country.
Become a member of TLRT today and join the ranks of Texas Leaders!

House Bill Seeks to Add Financial Literacy to Texas High School Curriculum

H.B. 1153, filed by Representative Burt Solomons (R-Carrolton), would require instruction in personal financial literacy to be offered to ninth or tenth grade students in Texas high schools.


Under the proposed plan, students would learn basic skills such as balancing a check book and tips for avoiding and eliminating credit card debt.  Further, it would implement curriculum to help students to understand the stock market and other investment options. 


The bill, filed in early February, is currently in the House Public Education Committee but has yet to be scheduled for a hearing.



LILI Profile: Doug Jackson of NAIFA-East Texas

Each month, we highlight current students of the Leadership in Life Institute (LILI).  LILI students commit to six monthly sessions of intense leadership training and personal development in an effort to excel personally and professionally.  This month, we feature Doug Jackson of NAIFA-East Texas:

Q. What interested you in the LILI Program?

A. After listening to the excitement and enthusiasm coming from graduates of LILI, it made me want to become a better leader.
Q. What are your expectations of the program?

A. My expectations of the program is to listen and learn how to become a positive member of my local.
Q. How are you currently involved in your local?
A. I am currently involved in bringing in a CE instructor at least twice a year to benefit our members.                          

Q. What is the greatest asset that you bring to the LILI program?

A.  The greatest asset that I bring to the LILI program is being willing to go the extra mile.



NAIFA-Texas Remembers: Henry T. Martin of NAIFA-San Antonio

Henry T. Martin of NAIFA-San Antonio passed away on February 6, 2009, following a two-year battle with pancreatic cancer. 


In 1973, Henry moved his family to New Braunsfels and began selling life insurance, becoming a consistent sales leader as a career agent with Southwestern Life Insurance.  In 1990, Henry moved his office to San Antonio and became an independent insurance agent.


He was a Life & Qualifying member of the Million Dollar Round Table for over 25 years, and was instrumental in organizing an MDRT Alcoholics Anonymous group.