Uncommon Clarity, Inc.
Newsletter, May - June 2008


Welcome to Clear Thoughts from Uncommon Clarity

In This Issue
  • Reflective Thoughts - Willingness to Take Advice
  • Employee Thoughts - Fair Process
  • Economy Thoughts - Benefits of a Downturn
  • Parting Thoughts - Miracles

  • Employee Thoughts - Fair Process

    What do your organization, our democracy and sports have in common?

    They all depend on fair process for success.

    No one likes to lose. But we can't always win. Our team is eliminated from the playoffs. Our candidate loses the election. We don't get the promotion we had hoped for.

    We adjust. Life goes on. We try harder next time.

    And yet, sometimes the inevitable losses leave people bitter, suspicious and whispering in the corridors.

    Why aren't they adjusting? Moving on? Trying harder?

    It's simple. They believe they have witnessed an injustice and the process is unfair. The referees are biased. The rules unclear. Too many decisions made behind closed doors.

    A fair process is the critical difference between gaining acceptance and unleashing revolt.

    A fair process requires that people:
    • Understand how decisions are made - how goals are scored, penalties called, promotions received, strategies formulated, votes counted
    • Know where decisions stand - on 2nd base, in the penalty box, awaiting trial, flashing red in the rear view mirror, in committee, improvements underway
    • Trust decision makers to be informed and fair - unbiased refs, lawful judges, open and competent managers, informed resources, reasonable representation
    • Have the opportunity to influence the process - elect new lawmakers, suggest policy and procedure changes, submit feedback on a superior
    We may not like a decision, but if we trust the process, we can accept the situation and work within the system to make things better.

    Without a fair process, we see things happening without cause, without due process, without fair warning, counter to the rules, and through manipulation.

    Without fair process, no one feels they can win.

    Without fair process, people lose trust and hope.

    Without fair process, morale and productivity plummet.

    Unsure whether your organization is seen as fair? See symptoms of concern? Need assistance in assessing or establishing fair process? Give us a call at 413-527-3737.

    Economy Thoughts - Benefits of a Downturn

    Feeling gloomy about the state of our economy? Take some time out to consider the benefits of a downturn:

    • It's an opportunity to be confident and aggressive while your competition is cautious and regrouping.
    • It's an excuse to quit doing business as usual. If you have felt boxed in by precedence or tradition, here is your chance to make a change.
    • It provides the urgency often needed to examine age-old practices and the sacred cows of your business.
    • It guarantees change and with change comes opportunity.

    Push your concerns aside for a bit and focus on the opportunities. Where is the shift in priorities occurring? What will emerge with new importance? What needs will remain unchanged? What conditions must you weather and how can you make the most of them? What should you simply stop doing?

    If you don't consciously seek the opportunities, you are likely to see only the obstacles you can't control. Some businesses will thrive and come out ahead. One of them might as well be yours.

    Need help looking on the bright side? Give us a call at 413-527-3737.

    Parting Thoughts - Miracles

    Expect a miracle!
    Then make it happen.
    One small, concrete step at a time!

    Best regards,

    Ann's Signature

    Ann Latham

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    � 2008 Ann Latham. All rights reserved.

    Reflective Thoughts - Willingness to Take Advice
    Ann Latham

    A willingness to learn and change is critical to success. The ability to forget your ego and see things from a new perspective is often the first and hardest step. Take fair process (see left). The organizations most in need of greater fairness and transparency will likely be the last to recognize and admit they have a problem.

    Where your organization is in good shape, I sincerely hope you keep learning and make things even better. Where your organization is hurting, I hope you can entertain the possibility long enough to discover the truth.

    Uncommon Clarity can help you dramatically improve both individual and organizational performance.

    Call us today for help in achieving your business objectives.

    - Ann Latham


    Breaking News ...

    Now appearing on the MasterCard Small Business website, expert advice on improving employee productivity in a podcast interview featuring Ann Latham.

    Just Published: Better, Lucky or Someone's Habit? - Business to Business Magazine

    Measuring Success for Consultants - SHRM Forum (membership required)

    Just Posted: Minimize Effort, Maximize Results

    Ann Latham appointed to Board of Directors of the Regional Technology Corporation

    Ann Latham graduates from prestigious Million Dollar Consulting College

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