The Harvester
Issue #8September 2011
In This Issue
TechFarmer News
10 Years
32-bit vr 64-bit
Old Technology
Smile! :-)

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TechFarmer News 


TechFarmer Office 

September Giveaway


Because it is our Birthday, TechFarmer will be giving away a grab-bag of technology this month! Check out the Giveaways section of this newsletter for more information. 


Pumpkin Harvest Festival


Yay, autumn is here! There is no better way to celebrate autumn than going to the Four Mile Historic Park's Pumpkin Harvest Festival on October 1st & 2nd. Bring your family or bring your friends and enjoy a homemade caramel apple as you participate in all the fun things this event has to offer. This event is fun for the whole family and best of all, the admission to the park is free! For more information about this event click here.



TechFarmer Listens! 

Is there something that you have been curious about regarding technology? Let us know and we will write about it!    

TechFarmer Recycles

Be a responsible technology user, recycle all of your devices. TechFarmer can help you with all of your recycling needs!


Did You Know?!

Did you know that IBM is celebrating its 100 year anniversary this year?! International Business Machines was founded in 1911.

Did you know that the first computer virus was legitimately created and tested in a lab environment?! Named "The Creeper", it hopped from one machine to another. To be deleted, an antivirus program by the name of "The Reaper" was invented.




Did you know that the abacus was the first hand held calculator?! Invented around 2700 - 2300 BC, an abacus was a wood frame which contained rods or wires and had beads sliding from one side to the other.

TF Birthday BaloonsTechFarmer is 10 Years Old!

The day is finally here. As of September 12th, TechFarmer is officially ten years old. It has been an amazing journey and we couldn't do it without you. Everyone at TechFarmer would like to thank you, our valued clients, for your continued support and the opportunity to be your IT provider. Here is to many more amazing years!   


32bit vr 64bit32-bit Versus 64-bit

So, you decided to upgrade your operating system or even better, get a new computer. Congratulations! Just like its predecessors, Windows 7 comes in different flavors, such as Home Premium, Professional, Enterprise, or Ultimate. Also, each flavor comes in two versions, either 32-bit or 64-bit. The main difference between 32-bit and 64-bit is that the 64-bit machine can utilize way more memory aka RAM. 64-bit has even more advantages over 32-bit which include an increased per-process limit, hardware enabled Data Execution Prevention and better Kernel protection.


32-bit systems can only address a maximum 4 Gigabyte RAM (aka memory). What this means is that if you decide to upgrade your memory to 8 Gigabytes on a 32-bit system, thinking that your machine will run faster, it will still only utilize 4 Gigabytes of RAM. If you need lots of processing power and lots of memory, 64-bit is the way to go but if you need a computer just to browse the web and check email, a 32-bit machine will do just fine.


If you are upgrading an existing machine, check how much hard drive space is still available on your drive. This is not an issue if you are buying a new computer but if you are upgrading, keep in mind that the a 32-bit installation needs 16 Gigabytes of free space and a 64-bit installation will need 20 Gigabytes of free space. Whether you are upgrading or getting a new machine, be aware that 16-bit applications will no longer work with a 64-bit Windows 7 system. In addition, some hardware or applications may no longer work with Windows 7 64-bit because certificates need to be digitally signed.


The biggest issue that people have after they upgrade to a 64-bit machine is installing older devices, drivers and software that were designed for a 32-bit machine. For example, a printer that you have had for a while may not work with a 64-bit system because the manufacturer does not make drivers or software that allows the device and Windows 7 to communicate. If you are upgrading or buying a new computer, do a Windows 7 compatibility test to check if the devices that you have plugged into your computer and the software that you are using is compatible with Windows 7.


Even though some devices and software do not work on a 64-bit system, it is the future. New 32-bit machines are getting harder and harder to purchase so keep in mind that soon the industry will be using 64-bit systems almost exclusively.

Old Technology


Old Technology

Why is it that some technologies will not go away? Well, it is because they are good and they get the job done. Take a look at something as simple as eating utensils. Whether they are chopsticks, forks, spoons, or knives, they are still widely used today. Sewing machines were invented in 1790 and are still used to this day to make the clothes we wear. Of course some advancements have been made, but in theory the sewing machine still requires a needle, thread and a rotating hook to loop the thread.

In regards to advanced technology, take a look at radios. You probably still listen to it at work or in the car. Radio is now in some cases delivered via satellite but there are many people who are satisfied with the free delivery of radio music or talk shows to their devices. Trains are also a great example. All over the world, people rely on trains to deliver them and their goods from one place to another. The first train took its journey in 1804 and has been used ever since! Once again, trains are not quite what they were at the time of their invention but besides more power, efficiency, and sometimes comfort, trains still operate under the same premise.

In 1923 the first mobile walkie-talkie (aka two way radio) was invented in Australia and is still widely used today. This amazing technology is used in all fields of work as well as recreation. Imagine construction work on a massive building without a walkie-talkie, it would be difficult. One could use a cell phone but by the time you dial, precious seconds might be lost.

It is said that about 50% of users out there still use Windows XP operating system. It was the year 2001 when this OS debuted but good things don't disappear fast. Even though its disappearance is inevitable, it will be a few years until that happens. The point is some inventions are just great. They may need a little bit of improving here and there but in the long run, they are solid. Being in the IT field, we are always looking for solid technology that is here to stay but we don't have to look far because it is all around us!

Romeo and Juliet


Smile! :-) 



"Logic will take you from A to B. Imagination will take you everywhere!"


- Albert Einstein


Newsletter Archive 


If you are interested in reading any of our past newsletters, please visit the archives page by clicking here!



During the month of September TechFarmer will be giving away an awesome goody-bag filled with technology and fun. There will be an ipod shuffle, gift cards and much much more! The random drawing will be done at the end of the month and everyone who is receiving our newsletter is automatically entered. Spread the word and tell your colleagues to go to our website and sign up for our newsletter in the bottom right of our home page. You might be the lucky winner!!!


Thank you so much for your continuous support. We are proud to be your local IT provider! If you have any thoughts or suggestions please email or call us, we would love to hear from you!

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12354 E. Caley Ave. Ste 204 / Centennial, CO  80111