Welcome ...

     to the May edition of our Truro eNewsletter.  Presently, almost 700 subscribers receive the eNewsletter monthly.

     Our goal is to make it easier for everyone to stay connected to what's happening here in Truro and to shine a light on the town and its many facets.

     Thanks again for reading.

The View From Town Hall Hill
The Selectmen Chair reflects on the April 26th Annual Town Meeting . 

Town Election May 10th
The Annual Town Election will be held May 10th from 7am to 8pm at the Community Center.

The sample ballot is posted on the town website
ThisMonthThis month in Truro ...

     May in Truro brings average temperatures 10 degrees above April's. Days will get an hour longer, with average highs of 62 and lows of 46 -- warm enough for plants to germinate.    

     Below are some of the activities and events happening about town this spring month.

Council on Aging
Among the many COA activities this month, the COA gallery features the work of painter Barbara Sass.   More...
Recreation Department  
Check out all the programs and activities offered by the Truro Recreation Department.   More...
Highland Links Golf Course

Not only is the Golf Course coming to life, but a litter of six baby foxes are now in residence.  A round of golf and a nature walk all for the same one low fee.  More...

Castle Hill
The Truro Center for the Arts at Castle Hill extends its thanks to the citizens of Truro.  More...
The Truro Public Library sponsors a wide variety of interesting events each month.  More...
Animal Control

Can you adopt or foster a pet?

Spring clean-up tips for pet safety.

Bite wound information, and   


Truro Fire and Rescue
Electrical fire prevention tips provided by the Fire Marshal for National Electrical Safety Month - May 2011. 

Truro Police
New student officer, Kevin LaRocco, joins the force.
May is a busy month, with signups for the Firearms Safety Class,
Truro Historical Society
New Director Appointed - BJ Dyche.
Opening delayed by renovations.
But volunteer orientation still on schedule.    
TNRTA Announces Launch of Biz Directory
TNRTA plans to produce an annual business directory. We plan to launch the first free online version around Memorial Day -- print versions thereafter.  Free registration for businesses.  More...
The Truro Group
Police PatchThe Truro Group is launching its 2011 season with a show at the Truro Library Opening on Sunday June 5th from 2-4pm.   More...
Payomet Performing Arts Center
Payomet Performing Arts Center's Sunday Music Series. Sunday, May 29th.  More...
Last month...

   ...Below are some highlights.

TA Search Committee
Police PatchThe Selectmen appointed a search committee to help find a Town Administrator successor. 45 applications are being reviewed ...  More...

Last chance to speak up on the qualifications of the new Town Administrator ...  Survey...

Truro's Energy Reduction Plan
The Town voted overwhelmingly to pursue Green Communties funding to build a "Solar Farm" at the landfill, and passed the "Stretch Code".  Next step: the Energy Reduction Plan must be completed. More...
Notices & Surveys...


What is someone from Truro? - The results are in !!
If you lived in Wellfleet, you'd be called a "Wellfleetian".  But what do we call someone from Truro?  In the last two months, 84 citizens have cast their ballots.  The results are....
The Truro eNewsletter is created by a volunteer group of townspeople and sponsored by the Board of Selectmen.  As always, please let us know your news, comments and suggestions.

Brian Boyle, Editor, and the
Truro eNewsletter Team
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Quick Links
Truro's Town Administrator
shares the latest challenges Truro faces along with recent progress.  More...
Committee Vacancies
Truro's many volunteer committees serve an invaluable role in town governance. Please participate! See Vacancies...
Help Wanted!
Truro's eNewsletter is looking for volunteers to help in creating and producing this newsletter.  If you're interested in helping, please let us know.
Public WiFi
Free WiFi service is available 24/7 on the Library front porch or from your auto in the Library parking lot, and within the building during normal Library hours. No password is required.
Call 9-1-1