We at Learning Transfer Solutions Global want you to know how grateful we are for the many different ways you support us. This past year has been one of tremendous growth for our company thanks to the many fine partners, customers, advocates and other supporters we have. We are so grateful to each and every one of you.
The Secret to Reaching Your Full Potential You Won't Reach Yours As A Learning Specialist Without Learning Transfer Through all my writings and speaking engagements I have made the case for learning transfer in a variety of ways. There is the economic argument, the organizational argument, the obligation to our learners argument....and more. What I haven't said enough about lately is that WE OWE IT TO OURSELVES! I just love helping people achieve their full potential. I love seeing my students grow and realize they are capable of more than they thought they were. I love seeing the excitement when people reach new levels of satisfaction in their lives and careers. I sincerely believe that most learning specialists and trainers are giving up too much of their potential by not working on learning transfer. Sure it feels good when people learn, but it feels even better when people take what you help them learn and use it to make an impact. So many people in our profession are missing out on the wonderful satisfaction from seeing their learning make a difference. A large part of my passion for improving learning transfer comes from wanting trainers to want more for themselves. I believe we should reach higher and want our learning to make a bigger impact in our organizations. I am still searching for just the right way to open everyone's eyes to the enormous power we hold in our hands. Learning is so powerful when it is put to use and makes such a huge difference in organizations so it pains me when I see human resource departments that aren't using learning to make a difference. My message is this: Don't sell yourself short by ignoring learning transfer. It is through transfer into action that your teaching makes an impact. Don't settle for less. Push yourself and your organizations to expect more so you are living up to your full potential as a learning specialist or trainer. You owe it to yourself.
We're Not All Business! We've just spent 3 days with TetraLD in London training and planning for TransferLogix's future in Europe. Alexandra Stoian, Business Development Manager for LTS Global in Europe traveled there in person while Ed Holton joined via Skype. Maria Saridaki also traveled from Greece while Trend Consult in Poland, Romania and Austria joined by videoconference. However, as you can see from these pictures it was not all work. Thanks to everyone who worked so hard to learn TransferLogix--and to Graham Boyd of TetraLD for hosting the meeting.
About Us
We are the only company in the world to offer a complete online learning transfer management system. Founded by international experts in learning transfer (Dr. Ed Holton, Dr. Reid Bates, Dr. J. P. Hatala), our products are based on the latest research but made practitioner friendly.
Best regards,
 Ed Holton, CEO Learning Transfer Solutions Global
Meet Our Team John-Paul Hatala, Ph.D. Chief Technology Officer
Reid A. Bates, Ph.D., Chief Research Officer
Salvatore V. Falletta, Ph.D. VP, Business Development & Consulting
Alexandra Stoian, Business Development Manager-Europe
Victoria Alvarez, Business Development Manager
Mahaveer Prasaad, Technical Director
Niketa Srivastava, Senior Programmer |
Meet TransferLogix Introducing the world's first fully automated online training transfer management system--combining the power of Web 2.0 with the latest research for the most practical, effective and affordable solution ever. 
TransferLogix Tip Add some sparkle to your training with automated follow-up using the TransferMeter.
FREE TransferLogix Pilot
Some of you may have overlooked our FREE TransferLogix Pilot program. That's right, we offer you a free learning transfer diagnosis using our world renowned Learning Transfer System Inventory (LTSI) administered electronically with our TransferLogix system. And it really is completely free. You don't even have to learn the software, we run it for you.
Click on the button below to
sign up for a free pilot
Company Store
Want to show how serious you are about learning transfer? Click on the image below to access our company store and order merchandise with this theme.
 Show the world you're on the cutting edge with Learning Transfer Solutions! |