Strategic Human Resource Development is the future of our profession and I have some thoughts on how we get there. Check out the article below.
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Is Your Training/HR Strategic--Or Tactial?
Learning Transfer Is Fundamental To Strategic Human Resource Development Training/HR
engages in two types of activity--tactical and strategic. Tactical
training/HR is the stuff we are all very familiar and comfortable with.
For training departments, it is the daily task of designing and
delivering training. For HR, it is the nuts and bolts of hiring
employees, benefits management, avoiding legal issues, etc. Strategic
training/HR is a higher level of practice. It is about being a
strategic partner by providing your organization with people who have
the expertise and competence to enable the organization to achieve its
strategic goals. It requires understanding the organization's
"business" and then making sure people can perform at the level
required. What many training organizations miss is that learning transfer is fundamental to delivering on the strategic promise to the organization.
For most organizations, the lack of learning transfer is the weak link
in the chain from learning to achieving strategic goals. Think about
it. If your organization must have employees at a certain level of
performance to achieve its goals, and learning is required to get them
to that level of performance, then by definition learning must transfer
to job performance! Tactical training/HR organizations
can treat learning transfer as optional because their performance
metrics tend to be activity-based (# of classes conducted, people
trained, etc.). Strategic training/HR organizations KNOW that learning
transfer is not optional because their performance metrics are
results-based--that is, the extent to which employees can perform at the
desired levels. Here's your homework--ask yourself
(honestly) is your training/HR organization tactical, or strategic? And
if you want to be strategic, isn't it time you started working on
learning transfer? |
Ed Holton Speaks In Vienna, Austria On Learning Transfer On Friday, September 24 Dr. Ed Holton, our CEO, spoke via videoconference to a group of executives and graduate students at the prestigous Institut fur Personal und Wissensmanagement at the University of Vienna, Austria. It was a great audience and a lively discussion ensued about the opportunities for learning transfer improvement. Our thanks do Trend Consult, our strategic partner in Austria, Romania and Poland, and the University of Vienna for hosting us. Check out the pictures below.

If you speak German check out this great newspaper article in one of Austria's leading newspapers: |
About Us
We are the only company in the world to offer a complete online learning transfer management system. Founded by international experts in learning transfer (Dr. Ed Holton, Dr. Reid Bates, Dr. J. P. Hatala), our products are based on the latest research but made practitioner friendly.
 Ed Holton, CEO Learning Transfer Solutions Global |
Meet Our Team John-Paul Hatala, Ph.D. Chief Technology Officer
Reid A. Bates, Ph.D., Chief Research Officer
Salvatore V. Falletta, Ph.D. VP, Business Development & Consulting
Alexandra Stoian, Business Development Manager-Europe
Victoria Alvarez, Business Development Manager
Mahaveer Prasaad, Technical Director
Niketa Srivastava, Senior Programmer |
Meet TransferLogix Introducing the world's first fully automated online training transfer management system--combining the power of Web 2.0 with the latest research for the most practical, effective and affordable solution ever. 
TransferLogix Tip The LTSI is the only validated diagnostic tool in the world to identify barriers and catalysts to learning transfer in organizations.
FREE Transfer Audit Checklist
Some of you may have overlooked our FREE Transfer Audit Checklist on our web site. Based on our world-reknowed Learning Transfer System Inventory, this checklist provides a quick and easy way to get started improving your learning transfer.
Company Store Want to show how serious you are about learning transfer? Click on the image below to access our company store and order merchandise with this theme.
 Show the world you're on the cutting edge with Learning Transfer Solutions! |