All of us are being impacted by the weak economy so this week I have some new thoughts to share with you about how learning transfer improvement is the right strategy right now. Check out the article below.
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Weak Economy? Why More Learning Transfer Is The Answer
Increase Learning Transfer Initiatives To Help Your Organization Through The Tough Times
Everywhere I look I see people and organizations trying to do more
with less in this weak economy. For example, I am continuing to drive
my car with 90,000 miles on it rather than buy a new one. We eat out at
restaurants less than we used to and generally try to squeeze more out
of our income each month. Every organization I talk to is trying to do
the same thing. They are cutting budgets, reducing staff and generally
trying to squeeze all they can out of every dollar. I suspect you are
doing it too. Trainers and human resource developers, I have the perfect answer
for you---improve your learning transfer! I know, the typical answer
is to reduce costs. But, suppose you could DOUBLE the performance
improvement that results from your training programs. That's real money
you can make (or save) for your organizations. Cutting costs by not
working on improving learning transfer is NOT the right response. Let me relate it to my personal car situation. I just spent some
money on maintenance to extend the life of my car with 90,000 miles on
it. If I hadn't spent the maintenance money, the car would have major problems and I would have to buy a new car. By investing a modest
amount now, I can get a much greater return out of the car. In this
case, SPENDING money was my best way to SAVE money. Makes sense right? Well then spending some money to increase learning transfer also
makes sense. Think about this--how much more money would your
organization make--or save--if you doubled your learning transfer rate?
And how much would it cost you to increase transfer that much? Of
course, with our TransferLogix system the answer is not very much. In the end, increasing transfer is your best investment right now. Don't let tight budgets cause you to overlook your best way to help your organization through the weak economy. It's simple math---get more "bang for the buck!" |
About Us
We are the only company in the world to offer a complete online learning transfer management system. Founded by international experts in learning transfer (Dr. Ed Holton, Dr. Reid Bates, Dr. J. P. Hatala), our products are based on the latest research but made practitioner friendly.
 Ed Holton, CEO Learning Transfer Solutions Global |
Meet Our Team John-Paul Hatala, Ph.D. Chief Technology Officer
Reid A. Bates, Ph.D., Chief Research Officer
Salvatore V. Falletta, Ph.D. VP, Business Development & Consulting
Alexandra Stoian, Business Development Manager-Europe
Victoria Alvarez, Business Development Manager
Mahaveer Prasaad, Technical Director
Niketa Srivastava, Senior Programmer |
Meet TransferLogix Introducing the world's first fully automated online training transfer management system--combining the power of Web 2.0 with the latest research for the most practical, effective and affordable solution ever. 
TransferLogix Tip Our Action Planning module provides 96 transfer improvement strategies to help you get started fixing the problems found with the LTSI.
FREE Transfer Audit Checklist
Some of you may have overlooked our FREE Transfer Audit Checklist on our web site. Based on our world-reknowed Learning Transfer System Inventory, this checklist provides a quick and easy way to get started improving your learning transfer.
Company Store Want to show how serious you are about learning transfer? Click on the image below to access our company store and order merchandise with this theme.
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