This week I am back on my "soapbox" to write about how critical the transfer of learning problem is. Read it closely and you will see why we are so passionate about solving this problem.
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We Have A TRILLION DOLLAR Training Problem In The U.S.
The Cost of Wasted Training Is Staggering
In the last few years we in the U.S. have all have heard a lot about "trillion dollar" problems--health care reform, bank bailouts, automaker rescues, etc. What if I told you that we have a TRILLION DOLLAR TRAINING PROBLEM. That's right, trillion with a "T."
The problem is transfer of learning--that is, that only 15-30% of learning transfers into actual use on the job to improve performance. Here's how I see it. Last year organizations spent $134 BILLION dollars on training in the U.S (according to ASTD). That means that somewhere around $100 billion of it was wasted!!! And that is only the direct cost of training--not the salaries of the people who sat in the classroom. That alone is a huge number that ought to get us alarmed.
But wait--it gets worse. Research also tells us that an 8:1 return on investment is quite achievable for the right learning given to the right employees. That means that the $100 billion we wasted would have returned about $800 billion in performance improvement--if we had done the right things to make learning transfer happen.
Throw in some money for all the wasted wages and salaries of the participants and we have a
That's right.....each YEAR we waste as much money as the U.S. government spent to bail out the banks, AIG and the automakers.....and equal to the cost of the Obama health care reform over ten years. But I said we do this EVERY YEAR!
Imagine what the cost is must be simply staggering.
I am fed up with accepting this in our profession. It is way past time that we get better. No other profession could get away with telling their CEO they are wasting 70-85% of the money they spend...why should we?
I know we can do better. I believe we are responsible for one of the most powerful investments an organization can make--improving the expertise of its employees. I want us to be proud of the great contributions we make to improving our organizations. I want us to make a difference.
The only way we can do it is to solve the transfer of learning problem. Why not start improving your organization's learning transfer today! |
About Us
We are the only company in the world to offer a complete online learning transfer management system. Founded by international experts in learning transfer (Dr. Ed Holton, Dr. Reid Bates, Dr. J. P. Hatala), our products are based on the latest research but made practitioner friendly.
 Ed Holton, CEO Learning Transfer Solutions Global |
Meet Our Team John-Paul Hatala, Ph.D. Chief Technology Officer
Reid A. Bates, Ph.D., Chief Research Officer
Salvatore V. Falletta, Ph.D. VP, Business Development & Consulting
Alexandra Stoian, Business Development Manager-Europe
Victoria Alvarez, Business Development Manager
Mahaveer Prasaad, Technical Director
Niketa Srivastava, Senior Programmer |