Can you believe summer is almost over? Wow, kids are back in school and the slow (ha-ha) pace of summer is coming to a halt. We here at Learning Transfer Solutions Global had such a good summer and are excited about the upcoming months so that makes up for it.
Thanks to all our customers and fans. We love connecting with you. If you like what we are doing, please do us a favor and forward this e-flash to a friend and suggest they join our mailing list. |
Revolutionizing Learning Transfer
Our Vision Is Our Passion
I believe that company vision statements should be something real and meaningful and keep a company focused and driving forward. I know they sometimes are simply nice words put on a plaque somewhere, but here at Learning Transfer Solutions Global, our vision is our passion.
It's three simple words: REVOLUTIONIZING LEARNING TRANSFER. We firmly believe that we need a revolution in training and learning. We don't believe that our profession can or should continue to deliver poor transfer. Our organizations need us to do better, and we must. Learning transfer improvement is not optional--it is essential o sustain an organizations's competitive advantage.
We believe we are at the forefront of that revolution. We want you to join it. Let us help you change your learning practices so that real meaningful learning transfer is an everyday reality. |
Get Your Supervisors Involved With Our Transfer Contract Module
The Answer to One of the Most Common Problems
One thing we hear from almost every training organization is that they have a hard time getting their supervisors involved in supporting training. We know how hard it is, but I think we sometimes forget that most supervisors have never been trained on what they shoud be doing. It is easy to mistake lack of knowledge and skills for indifference. I know that when I have trained managers in how to create learning transfer, they get it--and quickly.
We offer an alternative to retraining all your supervisors. Our Transfer Contract Module provides a structured process that guides supervisors in how to support learning transfer. Best of all, it all happens through our email push technology so trainers don't have to use valuable time to facilitate the process.
With our process supervisors only need to invest about 15 minutes for each trainee to substantially improve learning transfer. We think its the easiest way yet to communicate with supervisors and engage them in supporting training. Give it a try! |
About Us
We are the only company in the world to offer a complete online learning transfer management system. Founded by international experts in learning transfer (Dr. Ed Holton, Dr. Reid Bates, Dr. J. P. Hatala), our products are based on the latest research but made practitioner friendly.
 Ed Holton, CEO Learning Transfer Solutions Global |
Meet Our Team John-Paul Hatala, Ph.D. Chief Technology Officer
Reid A. Bates, Ph.D., Chief Research Officer
Alexandra Stoian, Business Development Manager-Europe
Victoria Alvarez, Business Development Manager
Mahaveer Prasaad, Technical Project Leader
Niketa Srivastava, Senior Programmer |