We have important news to share this week so please take a close look at the two announcements in this e-flash.
Thanks to all our customers and fans. We love connecting with you. If you like what we are doing, please do us a favor and forward this e-flash to a friend and suggest they join our mailing list. |
TransferLogix Update: New Feature to Be Released Soon
TransferMeter Will Automate Followup With Trainees
Most training programs these days include some type of action planning at the end of the program. But what happens afterwards? Are you following up with trainees to see if they implemented their action plans? Are you collecting feedback from them to see what they are struggling with? For many trainers the answer is no--not because they don't want to, but rather they just don't have time.
The TransferMeter, our upcoming new modlule in TransferLogix, will automate the process for you. Features incluide:
- Action plans can be loaded into the system
- Supervisors will be automatically notified of the specific action plans
- Trainees will receive reminders at set intervals to keep them focused on their plans
- Trainees will be able to provide feedback to you about issues and challenges they are having executing their action plans.
This powerful new module, to be released in a few weeks, will enable you to do what you have always wanted to do--stay in touch with your trainees to help them after training.
Watch for our official release of this powerful new module!
Dr. Holton to Speak at International Human Resource Conference
September 22, 2010 in Warsaw Poland
Dr. Holton will be one of the featured speakers at the International Human Resource Convention, sponsored by the Polish Human Resources Management Association. The theme of the conference is "Global HR Perspective" and will be held at the Mariott Hotel in Warsaw, Poland on September 22. Senior human resource leaders from around Europe are expected to attend.
Our strategic partner in Poland, Trend Consult, tell us that learning transfer is a huge issue for companies there. Dr. Holton's talk, "Learning Transfer: Global Challenges and Opportunities," will educate the many senior HR leaders at this conference about solutions to this global issue.
Learning Transfer Solutions Global will also share an exhibit booth with Trend Consult to show attendees how TransferLogix can help them solve the learning transfer problem.
Our thanks to Trend Consult for helping to arrange this wonderful opportunity. |
About Us
We are the only company in the world to offer a complete online learning transfer management system. Founded by international experts in learning transfer (Dr. Ed Holton, Dr. Reid Bates, Dr. J. P. Hatala), our products are based on the latest research but made practitioner friendly.
 Ed Holton, CEO Learning Transfer Solutions Global |