I know everyone is busy with summer activities so we have some lighter topics in our e-flash this week. Hope you have a little fun with the contents. Most of all, thanks to all our customers and fans. We love connecting with you. If you like what we are doing, please do us a favor and forward this e-flash to a friend and suggest they join our mailing list. |
Trainers: What You'll Get By Focusing on Learning Transfer
Why Trainers Should Care About Learning Transfer
Let's face it, creating learning transfer can cause you extra work. Not a lot, but it does require you to do more than just deliver good content. I think that's part of the reason that many trainers find it hard to think about adding learning transfer to their already busy work days.
So let me tell you why I think it is worth it for you to go the extra mile to make learning transfer a priority in your professional work. I like to call it the "4 R's":
- Respect- I've never met a trainer who didn't wish for more respect from their organization. If you create real performance change after your training, you'll find that your organization will treat you as a more critical part of the team.
- Reputation - Creating real performance change after learning events will lead to a reputation as a "go to" person for leading change in your organization. And what organization doesn't need more change leaders today!
- Results - When we talk about learning transfer we always emphasize what it does for the organization. Lost in the conversation is this simple fact--it feels REALLY good when you see your learning lead to results. It's a real high when you know you made a difference and the kudos feel great! Try it, you'll like it.
- Resources - Most trainers I know are frustrated that their organization won't invest more in training. Many executives are frustrated because they don't see the payoff from investing in training. See the connection? Produce more performance results and then you can make a real case for more resources--and get them!
So the next time you are debating whether to spend more effort on learning transfer, remember the 4 R's: Respect, Reputation, Results, and Resources. |
Let's Make Learning Transfer Fun Again
Serious Business Can Be Fun Too
Had a thought the other day (one of many). Everytime we talk about learning transfer, we talk about things like ROI, business results, etc., etc. What we don't do is make it FUN!
Maybe it's time to put the fun back into learning transfer. Yes, transfer is serious business, but serious business can be made fun too.
So we've been putting our creative minds to work and have come up with some fun themes. Click to go to our Facebook page to vote on which ones you like.
Let's have fun while we're improving our learning transfer!
About Us
We are the only company in the world to offer a complete online learning transfer management system. Founded by international experts in learning transfer (Dr. Ed Holton, Dr. Reid Bates, Dr. J. P. Hatala), our products are based on the latest research but made practitioner friendly.
 Ed Holton, CEO Learning Transfer Solutions Global |