Upcoming Events
2 Home & School
Association Meeting
6-10 Spring Break
13 Mr. GCIT & Prom
Fashion Show 7pm
17-20 Drama Sophomore
Class Performance
24-25 Dance Concert 7pm
27 Powderpuff Football
Game 6pm
4 Junior Prom 7-11pm
7 Home & School
Association Meeting
8-9 Dance Concert 7pm
10 CTSO Ceremony 6pm
15-18 Drama Freshman
Class Performance
17-19 Junior Class Trip
22-24 Senior Portraits
Class of 2013
23-24 Dance Concert
Senior Pieces 7pm
29 Sports Banquet 6pm
30 Drama Film Premiere
31 Senior Final Exams (12:15pm
dismissal for seniors)
1 Senior Final Exams
(12:15pm dismissal)
1 Senior Prom 7-11pm
3-7 Senior Trip
4 Home & School
Association Meeting
8 Drama "Academy"
Awards 6:30pm
8-11 Final Exams (Gr. 9-11)
12 Last Day for Students
Senior Awards
Ceremony 5pm
Graduation 6:30pm
Early Dismissals
& School Closings
5 12:15 Student
6-10 School Closed
Spring Break
4 12:15 Student
25 12:15 Student
31 Seniors Only
12:15 Student
1 12:15 Student
8-12 12:15 Student
Printable School Calendar |
Target Fundraiser

SAT Test Dates
May 5, 2012
June 2, 2012
For registration information visit www.collegeboard.com
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Visit their web site by clicking the logo above.
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Click the logo above.
If you are an alumnus of GCIT, click the logo above to register. You can search the alumni directory, post a memoir, and read alumni news. |
For up-to-date Guidance Department news and scholarship information, visit our Guidance News section on the
GCIT web site.
Click on the logo above.
No Child Left Behind
To read "Benefits of NCLB for You and Your Children",
Go Green

Help Support
our Career Technical Student Organizations (CTSO's) with our new
Go Green fundraiser.
You can save money on your electric bill and make a difference in the environment while
helping GCIT to raise funds for our CTSO's.
GCIT will receive $2 for every customer that signs up and $2 per month as long as they are a customer.
For more information, click here. |
Support for Families from NJDOE
As parents or guardians, you want nothing more than an excellent education for your children. At the NJ Department of Education, we want nothing more than to help you
achieve this!
We have created a family-focused web site at www.NJFamilies.com with resources to help you support your child's education, and navigate your school system. We have also opened a "Help Desk" which can be reached through the parent menu option of our toll-free number:
Let's work together for the good of our children.
Click here, to sign up for our mailing list.
We look forward to helping your children.
- Christopher D. Cerf,
Acting Commissioner
of Education
Alumni News |
Colleen Marker - Academy of Performing Arts
Class of 2009

Colleen Marker stopped by to share her experience after graduation with the sophomore class. She is currently a junior theater performance major at Rider University which she loves. She has been very successful in her endeavors and most recently was Assistant Director of the Laramie Project, which was nominated for the Kennedy Center American College Theatre Festival. Most recently she was cast in Delaware Shakespeare Festivals Midsummer Nights Dream for their apprentice company this summer. Last summer she was a literary intern for Passage Theatre Company in Trenton NJ. While maintaining the Dean's list each semester, she is also an active member of the theatre program and secretary for Alpha Psi Omega National Honors theatre co-ed fraternity. Her advice to GCIT students, "work hard, don't get discouraged and always be on the lookout to make your own opportunities. Life doesn't just hand you things, you have to take responsibility, go out and make your life happen." We are very proud of her and look forward to more exciting updates. |
Announcements |
Mr. GCIT and Fashion Show
April 13, 2012 - 7:00pm to 9:00pm
GCIT's Student Council will be hosting the Mr. GCIT competition and Fashion Show. The proceeds from this competition will go to Good Grief, an organization created to help normalize grief in our communities through education, advocacy, and year-round support group programs for grieving children, teens and adult.
Good Grief is honored to be chosen by the students of the New Jersey Association of Student Councils as its 2011/2012 benefitting charity. Tickets are $7 and will be sold only in advance. Thank you for your continuing support.
For more information, click here...
FCCLA to Host Community Yard Sale
May 5, 2012 (Rain Date: May 12, 2012)
All profits that FCCLA receives will benefit Share our Strength- an organization that seeks to end childhood hunger in America by 2015. The proceeds made from renting the parking spots and concessions will benefit a worthy organization that will help save and improve the lives of children across the country.
Reserve your space by April 27th, 2012. Space is limited.
You can also donate items to be sold at the FCCLA Share Our Strength Table. Please call to make arrangement for donations.
For more information, please contact James Angarola at 856-468-1445 ext. 2137.
Attention Seniors Who are on Non-Credit Status
When a senior has accumulated nine unexcused absences, the pupil will be placed on a non-credit status. A certified letter will be sent to the parent(s) or legal guardian(s) and the Assistant Principal will hold a conference with the parent(s) or legal guardian(s) and the pupil. Pupils will be required to make up a day for each unexcused absence over eight days through credit completion from 6:00pm to 9:00pm. Failure to make up all the required days and assignments will result in loss of credit and possibly render the pupil ineligible to graduate.
Any senior student who is on non-credit status will be given the opportunity to make up all required days and assignments.
Please contact Mr. Gregory T. Wright, Assistant Principal, to schedule an appointment at 856-468-1445, ext. 2555 or gwright@gcit.org. |
Culinary Creations Catering |
National Prime Rib Day - April 27, 2012
2 Dinners for $22
The Culinary Arts department's Culinary Creations Catering presents their National Prime Rib Day Dinner 2 for $22 special. Get two meals for only $22!
They have created a special menu which includes:
- Caesar salad
- 8 oz Prime Rib, horseradish mashers, green beans
- Triple layer chocolate cake
- Rolls & butter
All orders must be placed by April 20, 2012 and picked up by 3:00pm on April 27, 2012.
Cinco De Mayo Dinner - May 5, 2012
2 Dinners for $22
They have created a special menu which includes:
- Taquitos
- Chicken and wild mushrooms tamales
- Cilantro rice with black beans
- Cornbread
All orders must be placed by April 27, 2012 and picked up by 3:00pm on May 4, 2012.
Athletics |
Girls Soccer Summer League Sign-Up
Any incoming freshman girls interested in playing summer soccer please contact Mrs. Yanni at ayanni@gcit.org by April 20, 2012. |
Robotics Team 3151 News |
GCIT's first Robotics Team 3151: Cyberstorm, recently competed at Springside-Chestnut Hill Academy and placed twenty-fourth out of thirty-seven teams. This was quite a big improvement from the past two year's placings!
The 115 pound robot, nick-named Chuck Taylor, performed very well, and the team was able to work with other teams in order to play this year's game, Rebound Rumble. The robot shot basketballs into hoops to score during the autonomous (un-manned) period, as well as when the drive team was in control. The team was also able to balance on the bridges with other teams during the last 30 seconds of each match, earning big points towards the final score.
On March 24 and 25, 2012, the Robotics Team competed in the second competition at Seneca High School. The team was selected out of thirty-eight participating teams to receive the "Gracious Professionalism" Award for sportsmanship, both on the competition field and in the pit area for assisting other teams. |
Transportation Technology News |
The 12th grade Auto Restoration & Customization students have been working on various projects throughout the first semester.
The first portion of the class focused on evaluating, purchasing and dismantling project vehicles. The second area of concentration was to identify areas of the project car that needed repair or replacement. Students learned how to develop a budget to guide with project completion.
In the last segment, before the end of the first semester, they learned metal fabrication skills. In this area, the students learned how to create, shape and modify metal for different shop/project needs. One of the projects was to design & build a rotisserie to hold a project vehicle. The rotisserie allows the project car to be rotated over to ease with all aspects of repairing and replacing parts of the unibody structure. All welding and painting can be done with ease and at a higher level of quality. The class helped design and fabricate the entire rotisserie jig from scratch. They started with 1/4" all American steel square tubing and worked from there. The students had a chance to use their welding, metalworking and tap threading skills to finish this project. The class really enjoyed building this project and we saved about $400.00 by building it in-house!
The class has been learning about Automotive Systems since the start of the 2nd semester. They will be moving on to custom paint and project assembly in the next few weeks.
The 9th grade Transportation students have been learning about fasteners and working on the aluminum plate project since they arrived in my shop 2nd semester. The class just started learning about oxyacetylene torch fundamentals this past week. They will continue working the plate projects and will be moving to the welding project shortly. In the next few weeks, they will learn about welding fundamentals. |
Allied Health News |
Allied Health CTE Week February 13 - 17, 2012
The Allied Health students participated in CTE National Education Month by setting up a Healthy Heart and Healthy Living display in the 400 commons. The display included posters and projects completed by the students. In addition to the display, the students performed blood pressure checks and pulse oximetry, which measures the oxygen level in your blood, for faculty and students, along with handing out healthy living pamphlets.
Give Kids A Smile
On February 3, 2012, AHMS students interested in the field of dentistry volunteered at New Jersey's Annual Give Kids a SMILE program. This program provides free dental care to children in need under the age of 12. Students actively participated, assisting the dentist as well as interacting with the children.
HOSA Competition
It has been a busy competitive events season for our HOSA members. Congratulations to the following Health Occupations Students of America (HOSA) members who placed in the Southern Regional competition hosted at GCIT on Saturday, February 11, 2012:
1st Place
- Tatheer Moosavi Dental Terminology
- Regine Simon Medical Math
- Tara McManamy Human Growth & Development
- Megan Merbach Pathophysiology
2nd Place
- Catherine Baitinger Dental Terminology
- Ariel Diza Medical Spelling
- Ali Wear Medical Terminology
- Jaci Conroy Pathophysiology
3rd Place
- Gina Stagliano Extemporaneous Writing
4th Place
- Ryan Krause Pathophysiology
- Ryan Gardner Job Seeking Skills
5th Place
- Rachel Tejero Medical Terminology
- Lauren Eastlack & Courtney Mann CPR
7th Place
- Izabella D'Onofrio Extemporaneous Health Poster
Great job all around to all the GCIT HOSA competitors!
HOSA State Competition
On March 17 and 18, 2012, the HOSA State Leadership Competition was held at Cumberland County College in Vineland, New Jersey. Approximately twenty HOSA members competed in individual and team events and a congratulations goes out to the following HOSA students:
- 5th Place: Megan Merback for Pathophysiology
- 4th Place: Michael Griffith and Danielle Osborne for Career Health Display
- 3rd Place: Sanda Gahli, Amanda Hughes, Taylor Thomas, and Adrian Medinia for Creative Problem Solving
- 2nd Place: Sarah Mae Medella for Medical Photography
- 1st Place: Alyssa Lehman for Home Health Aide
A job well done by all the competitors! |
Camden Riversharks Reading Program |
The GCIT Media Center is participating in the
Camden Riversharks Reading Program.
Students should visit the Media Center and pickup a free Riversharks bookmark with every checked out book. After reading five books, the bookmarks can be exchanged for one free 200 level ticket to the Riversharks game on Saturday, May 12, 2012. |
School of Cosmetology |

New Image Salon
Please stop in and support the Cosmetology program and see our students in action.
The clinical experience is a required part of each student's education and since we are a public, non-profit, regional county/state supported school district, the costs for the services are minimal and less than at salons and barber shops.
New clinic hours are Monday & Wednesday from 8:00-10:00 am, Tuesday & Thursday 8:00-11:30 am, and closed Friday. To see the services available, please click here.
To schedule an appointment, call 856-468-1445, x2875 (CURL). |
Miracle League at GCIT | Be A "Buddy"!
The Miracle League is looking for dedicated volunteers, "buddies," to assist Miracle League players. As a result, the parents, children, and volunteers are all brought together in a program which serves them all.
The season opener is April 14, 2012, and runs through mid-June. They are looking for staff, students, family members, siblings, etc. to come out and support the league by volunteering their time.
Students may use this opportunity to earn community service hours while helping a great cause. If you would like to volunteer, please contact Jennifer Wilson at jwilson@gcit.org or Elly Rocco at erocco@gcsssd.org.
To see what the Miracle League is all about, click here... |
Thespians Win Big |
Congratulations to Thespian Troupe 5480 for their participation in the NJ State Thespian Festival the weekend of March 24, 2012.
Click here to see the the list of winners... |
School Based Youth Services |
SBYS is a counseling agency set up in GCIT. Counselors are on staff to assist with any issue that someone might want to explore in the confidence of a trained professional.
Services are open to Gloucester County high school students.
Hours Monday - Thursday 8am - 8pm Friday 8am - 3pm
For more information, visit the SBYS web page or call Kim Glazer, Director of SBYS, at 856-468-1445 X 2691.
The Branch The Branch is a teen drop-in group held every Thursday at GCIT when school is in session. It is open to all Gloucester County high school teenagers. The group is for teens, facilitated by trained teen leaders with adult staff present.
Topics of discussion include communication skills, enhancing self-esteem, drug and alcohol education, stress reduction, and more. The group meets in the Media Center, 2nd floor, 200 wing. Sessions will begin promptly at 3:30pm and end at 5:00pm. For more information, please contact a SBYS counselor.
Youth One Stop GED Program |
Senior Employement Options
GCIT's Youth One Stop will be running a student employment program from April 16, 2012 , to May 17, 2012. The program will operate from 3:00pm to 5:00pm, Monday through Thursday. Student job responsibilities will consist of general maintenance work such as painting and landscaping. Students will need to apply and be interviewed. This opportunity will be available only for students who are seniors for the 2011-2012 school year and who meet the eligibility requirements. The students are responsible for transportation to and from GCIT each day; bus passes will be provided.
Applications for the program are available in the 400 wing Child Study Team office. Due to the fast approaching deadline, applications should be returned promptly to be considered for the program. Please note: there is a "Release of Test Information" form that needs to be completed by the school.
Applications can be submitted to the 400 wing child study team office to Karen Knowlan.
If you have any questions, please feel free to call 856-468-1445, Karen Knowlan, extension 2720 or Jennifer Novzen at 856-468-5000, extension 4305.
For more information, click here...
The Youth One Stop GED Program
The program provides free GED test preparation services to out-of-school Gloucester County individuals ages 16-21.
The program has a new location:
College Services Building 6 Barnsboro - Blackwood Road Sewell, NJ 08080
In addition to academic services, the program also offers the following:
- Employability skills training
- Vocational training
- Job search assistance
- Transition assistance to post secondary education options
- Opportunities for trips, service learning, and career exploration
- Weekly rewards and other incentives
- Counseling services
- Access to the Fitness Center four days a week
- Transportation assistance
The Youth One Stop GED Program is operated by the Gloucester County Institute of Technology through funding from the Gloucester County Workforce Investment Board and the NJ Department of Labor and Workforce Development. It operates year round and is open from 8:00am to 3:00pm.
Interested individuals should call 856-468-5000 ext. 4305 or click here to visit the website, to receive additional information and to determine eligibility. |