Upcoming Events
6 Home & School
Association Meeting
22 "Meet the Teachers" Night 6:30pm
29 School Musical 7pm
1-3 School Musical 7pm
4 School Musical 3pm
5 Home & School
Association Meeting
6-8 HSPA Testing
12-13 Challenge Day
22 Order School Rings 5pm
23 Order School Rings (During Lunch)
30 NJ SkillsUSA Competition
Early Dismissals
& School Closings
17-20 School Closed- Presidents' Weekend
6-8 1:00pm Student Dismissal
9 12:15pm Student
Printable School Calendar |
Target Fundraiser

SAT Test Dates
March 10, 2012
May 5, 2012
June 2, 2012
For registration information visit www.collegeboard.com
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Click the logo above.
If you are an alumnus of GCIT, click the logo above to register. You can search the alumni directory, post a memoir, and read alumni news. |
For up-to-date Guidance Department news and scholarship information, visit our Guidance News section on the
GCIT web site.
Click on the logo above.
No Child Left Behind
To read "Benefits of NCLB for You and Your Children",
Go Green

Help Support
our Career Technical Student Organizations (CTSO's) with our new
Go Green fundraiser.
You can save money on your electric bill and make a difference in the environment while
helping GCIT to raise funds for our CTSO's.
GCIT will receive $2 for every customer that signs up and $2 per month as long as they are a customer.
For more information, click here. |
Support for Families from NJDOE
As parents or guardians, you want nothing more than an excellent education for your children. At the NJ Department of Education, we want nothing more than to help you
achieve this!
We have created a family-focused web site at www.NJFamilies.com with resources to help you support your child's education, and navigate your school system. We have also opened a "Help Desk" which can be reached through the parent menu option of our toll-free number:
Let's work together for the good of our children.
Click here, to sign up for our mailing list.
We look forward to helping your children.
- Christopher D. Cerf,
Acting Commissioner
of Education
New Date for Meet the Teachers Night |
Second Semester - "Meet the Teachers" Night
February 22, 2012
6:30 pm - 8:00 pm
This event will provide you with the opportunity to tour our facility, meet your child's teachers, and learn more about his/her program of study for the second semester.
- Student schedules will be distributed between 6:00 pm and 6:30 pm.
- Classroom visitations will begin promptly at 6:30 pm.
- Parents of students enrolled in the STEP, Emergency Response/Fire Science, and Law Enforcement programs do not need to pick up their child's schedule. Classroom visitations for these programs will begin promptly at 7:30 pm.
Student ambassadors will be in the hallways to guide you. Administrators, along with counselors, will be available from 6:30 pm - 8:00 pm to answer any questions in the 400-wing commons area. |
Announcements |
Challenge Day
GCIT will be hosting Challenge Day on March 12 & 13, 2012. The goal of the program is to enhance connection and empathy among our students, and to fulfill the vision that every child lives in a world where he or she feels safe, loved, and celebrated.
Challenge Day is more than a one-day program. It is the spark that ignited a movement of compassion and positive change, known as the 'Be the Change' movement. Next month, GCIT will introduce our "Be the Change Team" who will oversee the activities leading up to and more important, after the Challenge Day program.
For more information regarding Challenge Day, please visit www.challengeday.org.
Attention Seniors Who are on Non-Credit Status
When a senior has accumulated nine unexcused absences, the pupil will be placed on a non-credit status. A certified letter will be sent to the parent(s) or legal guardian(s) and the Assistant Principal will hold a conference with the parent(s) or legal guardian(s) and the pupil. Pupils will be required to make up a day for each unexcused absence over eight days through credit completion from 6:00pm to 9:00pm. Failure to make up all the required days and assignments will result in loss of credit and possibly render the pupil ineligible to graduate.
Any senior student who is on non-credit status will be given the opportunity to make up all required days and assignments, only during the month of May 2012.
Kindly, contact Mr. Gregory T. Wright, Assistant Principal, to schedule an appointment at 856-468-1445, ext. 2555 or gwright@gcit.org |
Culinary Creations Catering |
Takeout Dinner 2 for $22
Culinary Creations Catering presents a special menu for Valentine's Day. Get 2 dinners for $22.
Dinners are available for Tuesday, February 14th. All orders must be placed by February 10, 2012. The meal includes:
- Salad
- Chicken stuffed with shrimp
- Two sides
- Rolls and butter
- and a heart shaped cheesecake.
Keep an eye out for other upcoming meals...St. Patrick's Day in March, National Prime Rib Day in April, and Cinco De Mayo in May. Check the GCIT web site and Facebook for the menus! |
"The Drowsy Chaperone" School Musical |
February 29- March 4, 2012 
The Gloucester County Institute of Technology will present the uproarious musical comedy The Drowsy Chaperone, February 29th through March 3rd at 7pm and March 4th at 3pm in the GCIT Theater.
The Drowsy Chaperone pays tribute to the Jazz-age shows of the 1920's and the power those shows held to transport us into a dazzling fantasy and to lift our spirits in times of sadness. The audience is greeted by the narrator, Man In Chair, sitting on a darkened stage. He is a fan of vintage musicals who seems to be suffering from free-floating depression, and he quickly decides to cheer things up by playing a record of the original cast recording of a (fictional) Broadway musical "The Drowsy Chaperone." No sooner has the needle touched the record than we, together with the narrator, are magically transported to a 1928 Broadway theater and "The Drowsy Chaperone."
As the musical bursts to life in his apartment, we learn the tale of a Broadway starlet giving up show business to get married, her debonair bridegroom, a harried producer who sets out to sabotage the nuptials, two jovial gangsters posing as pastry chefs, a flaky chorine, a Latin lover and, of course, the drowsy chaperone. This play-within-a play is crammed full of every cliche, gag and gimmick from the golden age of musicals.
The show's colorful roster of comedic lead characters has allowed Producer/Director Kimberly Palomo to assemble an all-star cast from the highly talented GCIT student body. This promises to be an evening of rousing musical comedy fun for the entire family.
Dinner & Show- $20/Ticket March 3, 2012 5:00 pm dinner and 7:00 pm show
March 4, 2012 3:00 pm show and 5:00 pm dinner
Dinner will be prepared and catered by the GCIT Culinary Arts department, under the direction of Chef Angarola.
Senior Drama Show A Success |
 The combined efforts of the GCIT Drama, Digital Graphics, Cosmetology, and Construction classes resulted in a most successful production of "Twelve Angry Women."
Thanks to the excellent posters designed by Mr. Casper's Digital Graphics class, the show ran January 10-13, 2012, to nearly full houses. Mr. Ferrari's Construction students custom built the twelve-foot long jury table. Ms. Kerney, Ms. Arnold, and their Cosmetology students created 1950's hairstyles to fit each character's personality and background.
Audience members remarked on the riveting performances the cast turned in under the direction of Drama teacher, Ms. Priest. This was all topped off by a cameo appearance by faculty member Ms. Dagrosa. |
IT Freshmen Pass Computer Certification
The 9th grade Academy of Information Technology & Digital Communications students have been working very hard in their first year at GCIT. They have been learning about computer hardware basics, identifying Windows operating system functions, and understanding the basics of system/utilities software and application software.
In late December, the students took their first of three tests to earn the Internet and Computing Core Certification (IC3). The first test was Computing Fundamentals and all of the students in class passed!
In late January, the students took their second IC3 test, Living Online. This tested the students on their knowledge of the Internet, networks, Internet and computing safety, and how to professionally use email programs. Once again, all of the students passed the exam!
Next up, the IT & DC students will be taking their final IC3 test, Key Applications, in June. This will test their knowledge of Word, Excel, PowerPoint, and Access. Those students who pass all 3 tests will become IC3 certified and have the opportunity to use that certification for college credit.
Students Participate in Webinar, One wins iPod
On December 6, 2011, fifteen female students from the
Sabrina Boyle shows off her new iPod Shuffle. |
freshman and sophomore Academy of Information Technology & Digital Communications classes participated in a webinar with Verizon's WAVE (Women Association of Verizon Employees) and the National Academy Foundation. WAVE encourages an environment for learning new skill, addressing real "women in the workplace" issues, networking and mentoring.
The workshop focused on "Achieving a Successful Career in S.T.E.M.", Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics. In addition to the webinar with schools from Massachusetts, Connecticut, and Atlantic County, there was time allotted before and after the presentation for the students to engage in conversation with the Verizon representatives.
Afterwards, each student researched possible careers that she might be interested in and submitted them to Verizon. Verizon then selected one student from each school to win a prize. Congratulations to freshman Sabrina Boyle, who was selected as a winner of an iPod shuffle. |
Student Highlights |
Carl Archut, Jr. - School of Culinary Arts
On January 7, 2012, the Comcast
Foundation named Carl Archut, Jr. as a
2012-2013 Comcast Leaders and Achievers Scholarship recipient, which recognizes high school seniors from Comcast communities for their commitment to community services, academics, and demonstrating leadership. Carl was awarded with a scholarship of $1,000 to be used in the 2012-2013 academic school year for any educational expenses.
Not only does Carl hold a 92.81 cumulative GPA and ranks in the top 25% of his class at GCIT, but he also is very dedicated in his field of Culinary Arts. He has won and participated in many FCCLA (Family, Career and Community Leaders of America) events in which he has earned several first place awards. FCCLA is the Ultimate Leadership Experience! It is a dynamic and effective national student organization that helps young men and women become leaders and address important personal, family, work, and societal issues through Family and Consumer Sciences Education.
Carl is an active member of the National Honor Society and the National Technical Honor Society. He also participates in several volunteer activities such as the Out of Darkness Walks, assists with the Miracle League Fields, and works as a student ambassador for various events at GCIT.
Sharnice Jones - Academy of AHMS
Senior Sharnice Jones has been recognized as a 2011-2012 Discus Award winner for her achievements in the areas of Community Service, Other Achievements, and Academics.
The Discus Awards is a national program that provides recognition and scholarship opportunities to all-around high school students who excel in three of ten key attributes.
Sharnice is now eligible for 2011-2012 Discus Awards scholarships. She has created a multimedia profile highlighting her achievements, which may be viewed in the Discus Awards Winners Gallery by clicking here....
To view the GC Times article about Sharnice, click here...
Zachery Bates - School of Performing Arts - Drama
In October 2011, Widener University asked GCIT to nominate one 11th grader for their High School Leadership Award. This award was based on leadership skills, academic excellence and overall personal character. Due to his exceptional volunteerism in his community and GCIT, it was evident that Zach Bates was our nominee.
Widener University chose Zach Bates as one of the recipients of the Widener University High School Leadership Award. On February 28, 2012, Zach will attend a breakfast in his honor at the Constitution Center in Philadelphia, followed by a leadership experience in the fall of 2012 on Widener University Campus.
Additionally, if Zach chooses Widener University upon graduation, he will receive a $20,000 scholarship over four years. |
Camden Riversharks Reading Program |
The GCIT Media Center is participating in the
Camden Riversharks Reading Program.
Students visit the Media Center and can pickup a free Riversharks bookmark with every checked out book. After reading five books, the bookmarks can be exchanged for one free 200 level ticket to the Riversharks game on Saturday, May 12, 2012.
Design a Riversharks Bookmark Contest
You can design the 2012 Reading with the Riversharks Bookmark. The student with the winning drawing will have his/her design on the bookmark and have an assembly at school along with being awarded a Riversharks prize pack and throwing the first pitch at a Riversharks game. Please see Mrs. Kohn or Mrs. Grant for details and entry form, or click here. |
School of Cosmetology |

New Image Salon
Please stop in and support the Cosmetology program and see our students in action.
The clinical experience is a required part of each student's education and since we are a public, non-profit, regional county/state supported school district, the costs for the services are minimal and less than at salons and barber shops.
New clinic hours are Monday & Wednesday from 8:00-10:00 am, Tuesday & Thursday 8:00-11:30 am, and closed Friday. To see the services available, please click here.
To schedule an appointment, call 856-468-1445, x2875 (CURL).
6th Annual Style-A-Thon
The School of Cosmetology students will host the Style-A-Thon on March 24, 2012, in The New Image Salon. They will provide salon services to the public and all proceeds will benefit the City of Hope Cancer Research Center. As more details become available they will be placed on the GCIT website.
Holiday Cheer from Cosmetology
GCIT's freshman Cosmetology students brought holiday cheer to the students in the Bankbridge Development Center's Mutiple Disabilities program. The Cosmetology students made stockings, brought cookies and juice, and made crafts to share with the students. Staff and students enjoyed the holiday party hosted by the Cosmetology department. |
Miracle League at GCIT | GCIT Softball Team Puts on Clinic
On March 24, 2012, at the Miracle League field, the GCIT softball team will conduct a fundamental skills clinic for all Miracle League players. This is the third year that the softball team volunteered their time and effort to this worthy cause. The girls enjoy giving back to the community and look forward to this event every year. Many of the players also donate their time as Miracle League "buddies" during the season.
Be A "Buddy"!
The Miracle League is looking for dedicated volunteers, "buddies," to assist Miracle League players. As a result, the parents, children, and volunteers are all brought together in a program which serves them all.
The season opener is April 14, 2012, and runs through mid-June. They are looking for staff, students, family members, siblings, etc. to come out and support the league by volunteering their time.
Students may use this opportunity to earn community service hours while helping a great cause. If you would like to volunteer, please contact Jennifer Wilson at jwilson@gcit.org or Elly Rocco at erocco@gcsssd.org.
To see what the Miracle League is all about, click here... |
School Based Youth Services |
SBYS is a counseling agency set up in GCIT. Counselors are on staff to assist with any issue that someone might want to explore in the confidence of a trained professional.
Services are open to Gloucester County high school students.
Hours Monday - Thursday 8am - 8pm Friday 8am - 3pm
For more information, visit the SBYS web page or call Kim Glazer, Director of SBYS, at 856-468-1445 X 2691.
The Branch The Branch is a teen drop-in group held every Thursday at GCIT when school is in session. It is open to all Gloucester County high school teenagers. The group is for teens, facilitated by trained teen leaders with adult staff present.
Topics of discussion include communication skills, enhancing self-esteem, drug and alcohol education, stress reduction, and more. The group meets in the Media Center, 2nd floor, 200 wing. Sessions will begin promptly at 3:30pm and end at 5:00pm. For more information, please contact a SBYS counselor.
Youth One Stop GED Program |
The Youth One Stop GED Program provides free GED test preparation services to out-of-school Gloucester County individuals ages 16-21.
The program has a new location:
College Services Building 6 Barnsboro - Blackwood Road Sewell, NJ 08080
In addition to academic services, the program also offers the following:
- Employability skills training
- Vocational training
- Job search assistance
- Transition assistance to post secondary education options
- Opportunities for trips, service learning, and career exploration
- Weekly rewards and other incentives
- Counseling services
- Access to the Fitness Center four days a week
- Transportation assistance
The Youth One Stop GED Program is operated by the Gloucester County Institute of Technology through funding from the Gloucester County Workforce Investment Board and the NJ Department of Labor and Workforce Development. It operates year round and is open from 8:00am to 3:00pm.
Interested individuals should call 856-468-5000 ext. 4305 or click here to visit the website, to receive additional information and to determine eligibility. |