GCIT Cheetah LogoGloucester County
Institute of Technology

newsletter 3

December 2011-January 2012


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In This Issue
Baking & Pastry Arts News
Toys for Tots Drive
Deadliest Crab Fest A Success
NHS & NTHS Ceremony Recap
Information Sessions
School Based Youth Services
Girls Soccer News
Student Highlights
Academy of Allied Health & Medical Science News
Youth One Stop GED
Cosmetology Clinic Open
Upcoming Events




2     Freshman Semi-Formal

       Dance 7pm 


5     Home & School

       Association Meeting



13   Parent-Student
      Information Session




7     Parent-Student
      Information Session

9     Home & School

       Association Meeting



10-13 Drama Senior Class
         Performance 7pm


27,30 1st Semester Final


30     End of the 1st Marking



Early Dismissals
 & School Closings



23        12:15pm Dismissal


24-31   School Closed-

           Winter Break




2         School Closed-
          Winter Break


16       School Closed-
          Martin Luther King Jr.


27, 30  12:15pm Dismissal


 Printable School Calendar
Quick Links 

Target Fundraiser

target Fundraiser

SAT Banner
SAT Test Dates  

December 3, 2011

January 28, 2012

March 10, 2012

May 5, 2012

June 2, 2012


For registration information visit www.collegeboard.com

Photo Album Ad 3
 What's on GCEN?
 Visit their web site by clicking the logo above.
 View the GCEN programming schedule by clicking here...
Athletic Schedules Ad 2 
 Game Alerts:


Receive automatic email notifications for schedule changes or to remind you about the start of an event.


Sign up now!
 Click the logo above.

Alumni Ad 
 If you are an alumnus of GCIT, click the logo above to register. You can search the alumni directory, post a memoir, and read alumni news.
Guidance News Ad
For up-to-date Guidance Department news and scholarship information, visit our Guidance News section on the
GCIT web site.
Click on the logo above.

No Child Left Behind
To read "Benefits of NCLB for You and Your Children",

Go Green



 Go Green Viridian Logo


Help Support

 our Career Technical Student Organizations (CTSO's) with our new

Go Green fundraiser. 


You can save money on your electric bill and make a difference in the environment while

helping GCIT to raise funds for our CTSO's.


 GCIT will receive $2 for every customer that signs up and $2 per month as long as they are a customer.


For more information, 
click here.

Support for Families from NJDOE

As parents or guardians, you want nothing more than an excellent education for your children. At the NJ Department of Education, we want nothing more than to help you

achieve this!


We have created a family-focused web site at www.NJFamilies.com with resources to help you support your child's education, and navigate your school system.  We have also opened a "Help Desk" which can be reached through the parent menu option of our toll-free number:



Let's work together for the good of our children. 

Click here, to sign up for our mailing list.


We look forward to helping your children.


- Christopher D. Cerf,

Acting Commissioner

of Education


Baking & Pastry Arts in the News

1st Place Win for the FCCLA Cupcake Challenge

Those not well-versed in pastry arts may think a bubble

gum-flavored cupcake would be an odd choice to enter in a

Photo courtesy Calista Condo/Gloucester County Times
statewide competition.


But three Gloucester County Institute of Technology pastry arts students, who spent hours perfecting their bubble gum-raspberry confection, won 1st place for their creative creation of a unique cupcake.


"We had to come up with an original cupcake and then make a display to go with it," said Justin Riess, 17, gesturing toward a tower of colorful gumballs surrounded by whippy pink cupcakes. 


To read the rest of the article from the Gloucester County Times, please click here... 


Baking Thanksgiving Day Pies

apple pie
Photo courtesy Tim Hawk/Gloucester County Times

There's nothing like a warm piece of pie to top off a Thanksgiving feast.


From traditional flavors like pumpkin, apple and cherry, to pumpkin cheesecake and an assortment of crumb pies, there are plenty of ways to make the start of the holiday season a little sweeter.


"It's a nice dessert," said Gloucester County Institute of Technology junior Sam Frederick, 16, adding that pies "are just connected with Thanksgiving."


Sam and her classmates are in the midst of baking for the school's annual Thanksgiving Pie sale, a tradition that started 28 years ago at GCIT's Fresh Start Bakery.


To read the rest of the article from the Gloucester County Times and view Mr. McBride's Apple Pie recipe, please click here...


Christmas Cookie and Pastry Sale

Let the GCIT Bakery lend you a hand this holiday by taking some of the burden off.  Holiday orders can be submitted now through December 15, 2011.  Some of the treats that they have to offer are:

  • Cookie trays
  • Pies
  • Cinnamon buns
  • Dinner rolls
  • Pepperoni bread
  • and much more

To download an order form, please click here...

Toys for Tots Drive
The GCIT Chapters of the National Honor Society and the National Technical Honor Society is hosting drop off sites for the Marine's Toys for Tots toy drive.


The collection will take place until Wednesday, December 14, 2011. The drop-off boxes can be found near the 400-wing and 100-wing main offices.


Show Us Your GradesSkiing
GCIT is once again participating in the Jack Frost/Big Boulder Show Us Your Grades Program. Any full time student who earns all A's and B's for the first marking period will receive a JFBB skiing/snowboarding lift ticket free of charge. The lift ticket is valid for the 2011-2012 season.

For more information, click here.

Secret Santa

The SBYS Secret Santa boutique will officially open for business on Monday. If you know of a student who would benefit from participating in this endeavor, please forward their name to any SBYS counselor and we will schedule them for the boutique. In particular, we are looking for students who could not afford to purchase a gift on their own due to economic hardships. We have gift items for the participants to choose from including items for men, women and children. They may choose a gift at no cost to them to give to a family member or loved one.


Donations will continue to be accepted for this program throughout the holiday season. Popular items continue to be bath and body sets, candles, coffee/tea sets, tool sets, fleece blankets, scarves/gloves/hats and more. They also accept donations of gift bags and tissue paper.

Deadliest Crab Fest a Success

On Friday, November 4, 2011, GCIT hosted the 3rd annual Deadliest Crab Fest Fundraising Dinner to benefit GCIT Career-Technical Student Organizations and School Based Youth Services programming endeavors.


The evening was a success with approximately 275 people in attendance for the full sit down Alaskan King Crab dinner, cooked and served by the GCIT Culinary Arts students. Desserts were supplied by the GCIT Fresh Start Bakery and GCIT student leaders served as ambassadors for the evening.


The GCIT community came together to support the endeavor donating baskets to raise funds through the basket auction. Russell Newbury, deckhand on the hit show The Deadliest Catch was in attendance taking pictures and signing autographs for fans. The evening was a rousing success. Many thanks to all who supported the endeavor.

NHS & NTHS Induction Ceremony Recap
The GCIT chapters of The National Honor Society and The National Technical Honor Society inducted twenty new members on Thursday, November 3, 2011.

We would like to welcome Heather Bottiglieri, Anastasia Culin, Dominique Duca, Samuel Emmett, Asia Galloway, Michael Griffith, Morgan Hacker, Chloe Helms, Karly Jeffers, Kelly Lukens, Aaron Marrero, Marina Mollica, Danielle Osbourne, Maria Romano, Regine Simon, Catherine Spence, Josephine Tanopo, Rachel Tejero, Taylor Thomas, and Aggie Wroblewska.

Induction into the society is a prestigious honor open only to Juniors and Seniors who have proven, through a strict evaluation, that they possess the four main qualities of the societies: Scholarship, Leadership, Service and Character. These four purposes have guided the societies and are designed to create enthusiasm for scholarships, to stimulate a desire to render service, to promote leadership and to develop character in high school students.
Parent/Student Information Sessions
The Admissions Department will hold two more Parent/Student Information Sessions. We will open our doors for you to learn about our programs, meet our staff, and explore our state-of-the-art facilities.


Explore your options at our Information Sessions:
Tuesday, December 13, 2011
Saturday, January 7, 2012
Sessions begin at 6:00pm on weeknights
and 10:00am on Saturday.
School Based Youth Services

SBYS is a counseling agency set up in GCIT. Counselors are on staff to assist with any issue that someone might want to explore in the confidence of a trained professional.

Services are open to Gloucester County high school students.


Monday - Thursday  
8am - 8pm
8am - 3pm

For more information, visit the SBYS web page or call Kim Glazer, Director of SBYS, at 856-468-1445 X 2691.


The Branch
The Branch is a teen drop-in group held every Thursday at GCIT when school is in session. It is open to all Gloucester County high school teenagers. The group is for teens, facilitated by trained teen leaders with adult staff present.

Topics of discussion include communication skills, enhancing self-esteem, drug and alcohol education, stress reduction, and more. The group meets in the Media Center, 2nd floor, 200 wing. Sessions will begin promptly at 3:30pm and end at 5:00pm. For more information, please contact a SBYS counselor.

Girls Soccer Honors
Congratulations to the following members of the 2011 Senior Soccer
2011 girls soccer team for receiving honors from the Tri-County Diamond Division:
  • Brandee Bartolomeo - 2nd Team All Conference
  • Taylor Favinger - 2nd Team All Conference
  • Antonia Calabree - 2nd Team All Conference
  • Haley Evans - Honorable Mention
  • Lauren Fredericks - Honorable Mention
The girls soccer team would also like to thank the seniors for their hard work and dedication to the team. They will all surely be missed. The seniors this year were Brandee Bartolomeo, Lauren Fredericks, Elizabeth Roantree, Halle Pinizzotto, Alexis Oncay, and Kasandra Sigmund.
Student Highlights

Steven Velazquez - School of Performing Arts - DramaStephen Velazquez 

Steven Velazquez, an 11th grade Drama student, has been playing the piano for the past three years and his hard work finally paid off! In May, 2011, Steven participated in a piano competition at the state level, held at Rowan University. Steven's music teacher, Ms. Albano, a member of the National Guild of Piano Teachers, nominated him to compete at this level. He was required to play several classical piano compositions and was judged according to his depth of emotion, detail to style, tempo, and accuracy of the musical piece. Steven achieved a perfect score! He is now a state member of the National Piano Playing Auditions Guild. Steven plans to continue playing the piano and to keep on competing.


Carly DeAntoneo - Academy of AHMSCarly DeAntoneo

Carly DeAntoneo, a sophomore in the Academy of Allied Health and Medical Science, attended the National Youth Leadership Forum on National Security (NYLF/NS): Exploring American Diplomacy, Intelligence and Defense.


The forum was an intense and stimulating six-day program designed to introduce students to challenging careers in defense, intelligence, the diplomatic corps and more. Carly won a $650 scholarship to attend the forum for an essay she had written.


She also received college credit from George Mason University and a certificate of completion for the program. To read more about the NYLF/NS, please click here.


Christina Webster - Academy of AHMSChristine Webster

Christina Webster, a sophomore in the Academy of Allied Health and Medical Science, attended the National Youth Leadership Forum on Medicine from June 26, 2011 to July 5, 2011 at Villanova University.


The forum is designed to challenge and motivate students as they focus on a broad range of topics, including educational requirements, career options, clinical practice and complex ethical and legal issues facing the medical profession today.


Christina received college credit from George Mason University and a certificate of completion for the program. To read more about the NYLF/MED, please click here.

Academy of Allied Health & Medical Science News
Our HOSA members had the opportunity to hear guest speaker Stephen Mateka discuss the life of a pre-med student.  Students had the chance to explore this particular academic journey through our guest speakers' own academic experiences.  They were briefed on the academic rigor of the pre-med undergraduate program and the importance of academic success prior to entering college.  Mr. Mateka also discussed the importance of giving back to the community as a health care provider and provided several ways this goal may be achieved.


Recently, twenty AHMS students spent their Sunday afternoon volunteering at the Teddy Bear Clinic at Summit Surgical Center.  Students assisted staff as they showed the young children and their parents around the center. The children were able to bring their own worn teddy bears to have them repaired. Our students had an opportunity to practice their communication skills and learn from the staff at the surgical center.


On October 25, 2011 and November 1, 2011, the freshman Allied Health students were granted a visit to the NovaCare Rehabilitation Facility in Woodbury, NJ.  Office manager Linda Trimbach and her staff spoke to the students about the educational requirements for physical and occupational therapists, and the outpatient services offered at the facility.  Some of the services provided include: physical therapy, hand and occupational therapy, low back program, and aquatic therapy.  The students were able to shadow the staff, and with supervision, handle some of the equipment. The students came away with a better understanding of what rehabilitation facilities are responsible for and what a patient would actually endure during therapy. 
Youth One Stop GED Program

The Youth One Stop GED Program provides free GED test preparation services to out-of-school Gloucester County individuals ages 16-21.

The program has a new location: 

College Services Building
6 Barnsboro - Blackwood Road
Sewell, NJ 08080

In addition to academic services, the program also offers the following: 

  • Employability skills training
  • Vocational training
  • Job search assistance
  • Transition assistance to post secondary education options
  • Opportunities for trips, service learning, and career exploration
  • Weekly rewards and other incentives
  • Counseling services
  • Access to the Fitness Center four days a week
  • Transportation assistance

The Youth One Stop GED Program is operated by the Gloucester County Institute of Technology through funding from the Gloucester County Workforce Investment Board and the NJ Department of Labor and Workforce Development. It operates year round and is open from 8:00am to 3:00pm.

Interested individuals should call (856) 468-5000 ext. 4305 or click here to visit the website, to receive additional information and to determine eligibility.

Cosmetology Clinic Open to the Public

Cosmo Pic

Please stop in and support the Cosmetology program and see our students in action.


The clinical experience is a required part of each students education and since we are a public non-profit regional county/state supported school district, the costs for the services are minimal and less than at salons and barber shops. 


Clinic hours are Monday-Thursday from 11:30-1:30 pm.  It is closed on Fridays. To see the services available, please click here.


To schedule an appointment, call 856-468-1445, x2875 (CURL).

Alumni News

Steven (Louis) Kelly - Class of 2011

Academy of Finance and Business Management 

Lou Kelly


He is still making headlines and has been annouced as Adelphi University's November 'Player of the Month'.  


Also, as part of a Freshman Trio at Adelphi University, Kelly was ranked with his teammates as the third most impactful freshman class in all of Division II as posted by GolfStat.com.


To read the article from Adelphia University, click here... 


The Gloucester County Times also did an interview and a story about Kelly, please click here...

GCIT operates under the direction of The Gloucester County Board of Chosen Freeholders and The Board of Education of the Special Services School District and The Vocational School District of the County of Gloucester
Gloucester County Institute of Technology
1360 Tanyard Road
Sewell, NJ 08080