GCIT Cheetah LogoGloucester County
Institute of Technology

Cheetah News

June-July 2011
In This Issue
YOS Summer Jobs
KYW Newstudies Program
US Figure Skater
Flask Earns Eagle Scout
Baseball Wins Big
Love Our Vets
Student Council News
Cosmetology News
Culinary News
Drama News
Dance News
Alumni News
Mathematics Department News
Program Changes
Upcoming Events


10-13  Final Exams
          Grades 9-11
10       Drama "Academy"
          Awards 6:30pm
14       Students Last Day
             of School
Printable event calendar
Early Dismissals
 & School Closings



10-13  12:15pm Dismissal


14       12:15pm  Dismissal

 Printable School Calendar
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Target Fundraiser

target Fundraiser

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SAT Test Dates

For registration information visit www.collegeboard.com

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For up-to-date Guidance Department news and scholarship information, visit our Guidance News section on the
GCIT web site.
Click on the logo above.

No Child Left Behind
To read "Benefits of NCLB for You and Your Children",

Go Green



 Go Green Viridian Logo


Help Support

 our Career Technical Student Organizations (CTSO's) with our new

Go Green fundraiser. 


 Would you like to

save money on your

monthly electricity bill? 


You can save money and make a difference in the environment while

helping GCIT to raise funds for our CTSO's.


 GCIT will receive $2 for every customer that signs up and $2 per month as long as they are a customer.


For more information, 
click here.

Support for Families from NJDOE

As parents or guardians, you want nothing more than an excellent education for your children. At the NJ Department of Education, we want nothing more than to help you

achieve this!


We have created a family-focused web site at www.NJFamilies.com with resources to help you support your child's education, and navigate your school system.  We have also opened a "Help Desk" which can be reached through the parent menu option of our toll-free number:



Let's work together for the good of our children. 

Click here, to sign up for our mailing list.


We look forward to helping your children.


- Christopher D. Cerf,

Acting Commissioner

of Education



School Based

Youth Services


SBYS is a counseling agency set up in GCIT. Counselors are on staff to assist with any issue that someone might want to explore in the confidence of a trained professional.


Services are free and available to any Gloucester County resident between the age of 13-19 and their family members.



Monday - Friday  

8am - 3pm

For more information

please call

Kim Glazer,

Director of SBYS

856-468-1445 X 2691


Awards Ceremony and Graduation

The Senior Awards Ceremony is scheduled for June 14, 2011, at 5pm on the front lawn near the gymnasium of GCIT.  The Graduation Ceremony will follow at 6:30pm. In the event of inclement weather, both ceremonies will be held in the GCIT gymnasium.


Graduating students will be issued four tickets prior to graduation.  If graduation is held indoors due to inclement weather, each student will be issued two tickets.  Any guests requiring special needs seating should contact the school at 856-468-1445 X 2101.

Freshman "Meet and Greet"

The Freshman "Meet and Greet," facilitated by SBYS, will be held on Wednesday, August 24, 2010, from 9am - 2:30pm.  Details will follow this summer.


Summer Reading is required!

In an effort to encourage all of our students to become lifelong readers, the books on this year's list vary in subject matter and level of difficulty.  This variety offers students and their parents a wide range of authors and styles of writing in both fiction and non-fiction. Students are encouraged to discuss their selections with their parents and/or guardians prior to beginning the summer reading project. All students are required to read two books.  For more information, click here...


If you have any questions or need more details, please contact Ann Kohn at akohn@gcit.org.

Youth One Stop Summer Jobs

GCIT's Youth One Stop will be running a summer school job program from July 11, 2011, to August 11, 2011, pending the issuance of the 2011-2012 One Stop grant. The program will operate from 8:30am to 2:00pm, Monday through Thursday.


Student job responsibilities will consist of general maintenance work such as painting and landscaping. Students will need to apply and be interviewed.  This opportunity will only be available for students who will be seniors for the 2011-2012 school year and who meet the necessary requirements. The students are responsible for transportation to and from GCIT each day; bus passes will be provided.


Applications for the program are available in the 100 wing main office. Due to the fast approaching deadline, applications should be returned promptly to be considered for the program. 

Student interviews will be scheduled during the weeks of June 20-24, 2011 and July 5-8, 2011. Please note:  there is a "Release of Test Information" form that needs to be completed by the school.


Applications can be submitted to the 100 wing main office to Jennifer Novzen or Cate Booth.  If you have any questions, please feel free to call 856-468-1445, Cate Booth X 2143 or Jennifer Novzen X 2504.

KYW Newstudies Program 

Renae Gannon

Since 1968, KYW Newsradio has given high school juniors and seniors the opportunity to learn about the inner workings of a major market radio station with the Newstudies student reporter program.


This year's GCIT participants included senior drama student Dana Capanna and junior IT student Renae Gannon. Students come to KYW Newsradio on six Saturdays to learn news writing, reporting, ethics, and interviewing skills from station managers, editors, reporters, anchors, and guest speakers. Then they research, write and record news stories about their school and community. Their news stories then were aired on KYW 1060.


To listen to Dana's news story, click here...


To listen to Renae's news story, click here...


A Newstudies "graduation" was held in May at the Franklin Institute. Of the 150 participants, Renae finished in the Top 10 overall and was awarded a $100 scholarship.

Deissroth Earns Figure Skating Achievement

Grace Deissroth, a senior in the School of Performing Arts - Dance program, was awarded a certificate in recognition of Platinum Level Achievement in the Graduating Seniors Program from U.S. Figure Skating. 


Grace has been a successful participant in the sport of figure skating and a member in good standing of U.S. Figure Skating for many years.  She has devoted numerous hours to this very demanding sport throughout the years and has succeeded not only as an athlete but academically as well.  Congratulations to this outstanding student athlete.

Flask Earns Eagle Scout Honor 

Derek J. Flask of Boy Scouts of America Troop 24, Paulsboro, has attained the rank of Eagle Scout. He was inducted on April 3, 2011.


The Eagle Scout is the highest rank awarded in scouting by the Boy Scouts of America and is earned by fewer than 3% of all Scouts.


Derek has earned over 22 merit badges and has served in various leadership positions in his troop. His Eagle Service project was the planning, supervising, and construction of a Prayer Garden on a vacant lot next to his church, Clonmell United Methodist Church at 516 Broad St., Gibbstown. He completed the project with the help of his fellow scouts, the adult leaders in his troop, his family, and friends.

Baseball Wins Tech Tournament

The GCIT varsity baseball team won the New Jersey Technical Athletic Conference (NJTAC) championship on May 25, 2011, beating Bergen Tech 10-6. Zach Funk hit a triple for GCIT and Kevin Smith also hit a triple and earned the win in the victory.


Also the Cheetahs, seeded 10th in the bracket, earned their first ever playoff win, beating 7th seeded Cherry Hill West 7-4 in the first round of the Group 3 NJSIAA tournament. Chris Giunta pitched six strong innings and Zach Funk went 2-for-2. Click here to read the article from the Gloucester County Times...

 Love Our Vets 2011

On April 13, 2011, 43 students Love Our Vets 2011from GCIT took part in the Love Our Vets campaign by spending the day at the New Jersey Veterans Home in Vineland. It was an opportunity for a younger generation to reach out and thank the Veterans for their service to our country, and to learn some interesting history from firsthand accounts. The Cosmetology students provided hair, nail, and barber services to the residents while the Culinary Arts, Auto Body, S.T.E.P., and Welding students socialized with the Vets and amused them with a game of Bingo and an art class. The residents were entertained during lunch with music and song and enjoyed cookies and pastries supplied by the Culinary and Baking students. The welding students contributed beautiful plant stands to decorate the entrance to the Veterans home. Career students donated plants to complement the plant stands. Prior to the visit, students collected donations for the Veterans home which was greatly appreciated by all of the residents.


Taking part in this type of community service project is just one way that students at GCIT are continually giving back to their community. Sophomore cosmetology student Taylor Heaney said, "While taking part in Love Our Vets, I provided hair and nail services to several residents. I truly enjoyed the experience because while giving the services, I heard many stories from the residents' accounts of what they went through. You learn many facts about wars in History class, but you just don't learn what these veterans really had to face as they defended our country. I cannot wait to take part in Love Our Vets again next year."

Student Council News 

The 2010-2011 Student Council activities are winding down.  Before the mantle is passed to the incoming Student Council Executive Board, some recognition of the outgoing board and general assembly should take place.  This school year was an extremely successful one.  It was because of the motivation and will of the representatives of GCIT's student body that Mr. GCIT, Powderpuff Football, and fundraising were well received and productive. 

Student Council could not have functioned this year without the leadership and organizational skills of GCIT's student body President Marquis Cooper.  His supporting cast was also essential to the implementation of day-to-day activities, exemplifying the leadership one looks for in such an organization. The sum of the individual parts of Student Council's general assembly was also impressive.  Each member volunteered to do his/her part in carrying out council business and lend a helping hand in all of our activities.  For those hopeful of resuming their duties next year, you are once again invited to run for the House of Representatives in the fall.  For those leaving the school, the school and the council wish you the best of luck in all of life's endeavors.   

Following the Executive Board elections for Student Council, a new group of highly capable successors have been elected to offices for next year.

Congratulations to the newly elected Student Council Officers for the 2011-2012 school year:


Tyler Postorivo

 Vice President

Jessica Hagstoz
 James Payton


Sara Duffy


Public Relations

Ricardo Gomes


Cosmetology News

Style-A-Thon Raises Big MoneyCity of Hope 2011

GCIT Cosmetology students raised $4,010 on March 19, 2011, during their 5th annual Style-A-Thon.  The students and staff presented the check to Harry Giordano, Senior Director of Development for the City of Hope, on May 3, 2011.
This amount nearly doubled what the students raised last year and was the highest amount that they have ever raised.  The donation will go to the City of Hope Cancer Research Center.
Culinary Arts News  

Ashley Barber won a total scholarship of $7,000 for The Restaurant School of Philadelphia.  She won this on March 25, 2011, by competing in the Tri State Chocolate Competition.


Emily Holland was selected as a 2011 recipient of the Family, Career and Community Leaders of America National Technical Honor Society Scholarship.  She was one of two students awarded the $1,000 scholarship picked nationally.


In addition, Emily also was awarded the Attila Matusek Scholarship from the Gloucester County Education Association (GCEA).

Drama News 

The Good Doctor 

The Good Doctor 2011The sophomore drama class production of The Good Doctor by Neil Simon was a big success. The audience enjoyed many laughs due to the comedic timing and physical humor displayed by this talented cast. Two members of the class, Angel Principato and Steve Velazquez, wrote a memorable and funny orginal song for this production.


Pictured are five members of the cast Anastasia Culin, Steve Velazquez, Dominic Canonica, Kaitlyn Iles, and Carter O'Brien Ford.


Weber Awarded Scholarship to University of New Haven
Senior Nakoa Weber, School of Performing Arts - Drama, was awarded a $10,000 annual scholarship to the University of New Haven's five-year master's of education program and the fifth year is tuition free.  She plans to teach math and direct high school drama production.
Dance News
Savanna Kennelly

Savanna will be dancing this summer in New York City with the legendary american ballerina Gelsey Kirkland. There were twenty two auditions all over the country and internationally by DVD submittal. Over 1,000 applicants auditioned for 100 selected positions in a pre-professional ballet program.


She will live in NYC and attend ballet classes six days a week from 9 am to 6 pm daily. There will be a show at the Ailey Theater in New York City on August 20, 2011 showcasing the students work.


Savanna has been dancing since she was three and has given up many things to dance everyday with the South Jersy ballet theater at night.  She also assists teaching at Rosina's Studio in Swedesboro.

Alumni News

Dom FeraDom Fera 2011 - Class of 2010

School of Performing Arts - Drama


Dom Fera, 19, a freshman in Undergraduate Film & TV in the Kanbar Institute of Film and Television at the Tisch School of the Arts, recently won the Audience Favorite Award at the 2011 National Film Festival for Talented Youth (NFFTY) for his short film, Deck'd 2, a Christmas musical comedy he wrote and directed.  NFFTY is the largest film festival in the world - nearly 10,000 film fans attended this year - for filmmakers age 22 and under.  


To read the rest of Dom's story, click here...


Crystal Cowling - Class of 2009

School of Performing Arts - Drama


Crystal Cowling has been striving for excellence in the area of technical theatre at Mason Gross for only two years. In that short amount of time, her hard work and dedication have paid off. This summer she was chosen for a paid internship at the New Victory Theater, New York City's first and only full-time performing arts theater for kids and their families. And as if that wasn't exciting enough, she also will shadow at the 42nd Street Studios where many Lincoln Center, Off-Broadway, and Broadway shows rehearse.


This isn't her first job in professional theatre however; Crystal previously worked as a production assistant at the UN World Aids Day, Washington Square Park with stars such as Liza Minnelli, Kenneth Cole, Stockard Channing, Tyson Beckford, Carson Kressley for the Part of Light for Rights Campaign. Also she was assistant stage manager for a beautiful piece called "Passio Caeciliae." where she worked with many talented people from Italy along with the composer, Marco Frisina, who is the Vatican composer for the Pope.


Crystal would like to urge future GCIT grads to never give up on their dreams and go for it! She feels that people will recognize the passion and devotion that a young artist has and appreciate it. Amazing opportunities can happen when combined with initiative, dedication, and hard work.

School Based Youth Services

SBYS is a counseling agency set up in GCIT. Counselors are on staff to assist with any issue that someone might want to explore in the confidence of a trained professional.

Services are open to Gloucester County high school students.


Monday - Thursday  
8am - 8pm
8am - 3pm

For more information, visit the SBYS web page or call Kim Glazer, Director of SBYS, at 856-468-1445 X 2691.


The Branch
The Branch is a teen drop-in group held every Thursday at GCIT when school is in session. It is open to all Gloucester County high school teenagers. The group is for teens, facilitated by trained teen leaders with adult staff present.

Topics of discussion include communication skills, enhancing self-esteem, drug and alcohol education, stress reduction, and more. The group meets in the Media Center, 2nd floor, 200 wing. Sessions will begin promptly at 3:30 pm and end at 5:00 pm. For more information, please contact a SBYS counselor.

News from the Mathematics Department

The District is adopting the new common core edition of the Prentice Hall Algebra I, Geometry, and Algebra II series. The implementation of this new program will begin next year and will be phased in completely during the 2011-2012 school year.

The Prentice Hall series is equipped with a textbook and an interactive digital path for each student. This digital path is an online component that includes math videos, animated problems with step by step solutions, explorations, vocabulary, self-check quizzes, and the online edition of the textbook for reference. Students will also have access to interact math, which provides them with unlimited homework help and step-by-step tutorials.

The Common Core Initiative is raising the bar to help ensure that all students acquire the critical knowledge and skills necessary to succeed in college and in their careers. By delivering instruction through a blended medium of digital and print components, the Prentice Hall series is helping reach today's digital natives.

For more information about the series, please click here...

Important Program Changes

School of Health Science Careers 

In the fall of 2011, the students from the class of 2014 School of Health Science Careers will now become part of the Academy of Allied Health and Medical Science.  This allows the former Health Science Careers students the opportunity to join their Academy cohorts in obtaining thirty concurrent college credits while earning their high school diploma.


School of Construction Technology

Beginning September 2011, GCIT will be phasing out the Building Maintenance program and will begin offering a new specialization in the Construction Technology field; Plumbing/Pipe Fitting.  This course is designed to give each student the opportunity to achieve the skills needed to perform the tasks of a Plumber/Pipe Fitter. The student will gain the skills necessary to perform these tasks through the study of the various systems related to plumbing and pipefitting installed in residential and commercial buildings. Through daily "hands-on" experience the student will practice the installation, repair and service of the components of these systems. Safe operation and handling of the tools, materials and equipment used in these trades is an essential requirement of this course.

GCIT operates under the direction of The Gloucester County Board of Chosen Freeholders and The Board of Education of the Special Services School District and The Vocational School District of the County of Gloucester
Gloucester County Institute of Technology
1360 Tanyard Road
Sewell, NJ 08080