Upcoming Events
8 Mr. GCIT & Prom
Fashion Show 7pm
12-15 Sophomore Drama
Class Performance
19-20 Guest Artist Concert
Dance 7pm
29 Powderpuff Football
Game 6pm
2 Home & School
Association Meeting
7pm 3-6 Freshman Drama Class Performance 7pm 11-12 Freshman/Sophomore Dance Concert 7pm 13 Junior Prom 7-11pm 17 Drama Film Premiere 7pm 19-21 Junior Class Trip 24 VSO Ceremony 6pm 24-26 Senior Portraits "Class of 2012" 26-27 Senior Pieces Dance 7pm Printable event calendar |
Early Dismissals
& School Closings
21 12:15pm
Student Dismissal
22-26 School Closed
13 12:15pm
Student Dismissal
27 12:15pm
Student Dismissal
30 School Closed
Printable School Calendar |
Target Fundraiser

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If you are an alumnus of GCIT, click the logo above to register. You can search the alumni directory, post a memoir, and read alumni news. |
For up-to-date Guidance Department news and scholarship information, visit our Guidance News section on the
GCIT web site.
Click on the logo above.
No Child Left Behind
To read "Benefits of NCLB for You and Your Children",
Go Green

Help Support
our Career Technical Student Organizations (CTSO's) with our new
Go Green fundraiser.
Would you like to
save money on your
monthly electricity bill?
You can save money and make a difference in the environment while
helping GCIT to raise funds for our CTSO's.
GCIT will receive $2 for every customer that signs up and $2 per month as long as they are a customer.
For more information, click here. |
Last Chance to Buy Yearbooks |

There is still time to order your 2011 yearbook!
Books will only be sold until May 15, 2011. The cost is $80.
Click here to order... |
Junior Class News |
Junior Trip
The junior trip to Williamsburg, VA is scheduled for May 19-21, 2011. Students should report to school at their regular time and go directly to the gym. The luggage searches will be conducted prior to departure. Students will return to school Saturday evening around 10:30pm, depending upon the weather and traffic. Students will be notified when the bus is one hour from GCIT so they can contact their parents to come and pick them up.
Junior Prom
The junior prom will be held at Nicolosi's in West Deptford on May 13, 2011. Tickets are $35 each and will be sold during lunch only from April 27, 2011 - May 6, 2011. Permission slips will available on the GCIT website.
*See Pre-Prom Assembly information in the SBYS section below
Senior Portraits
Senior portraits for the Class of 2012 are scheduled to be taken on May 24, 25, and 26, 2011 in the Black Box. Herff Jones Photography will schedule your appointment and mail you a confirmation. The make-up date is scheduled for September 9, 2011. |
Senior Class News |
Senior Trip
The trip to Walt Disney World is scheduled for June 5 - 9, 2011. Students will be notified of the departure time shortly. The balance for the trip is due April 6, 2011.
Senior Prom
The Senior prom will be held on June 3, 2011 at Bellmawr Park Banquet Hall. Tickets are $50 each and will be sold during lunch from May 9 - May 20, 2011. Permission slips will available on the GCIT website.
*See Pre-Prom Assembly information in the SBYS section below
Graduation Fee
Graduation fee of $25.00 is now due. Please make checks payable to GCIT. Mrs. Weber in the guidance office will be collecting the payments. |
School Based Youth Services |
SBYS is a counseling agency set up in GCIT. Counselors are on staff to assist with any issue that someone might want to explore in the confidence of a trained professional.
Services are open to Gloucester County high school students.
Hours Monday - Thursday 8am - 8pm Friday 8am - 3pm
For more information, visit the SBYS web page or call Kim Glazer, Director of SBYS, at 856-468-1445 X 2691.
The Branch The Branch is a teen drop-in group held every Thursday at GCIT when school is in session. It is open to all Gloucester County high school teenagers. The group is for teens, facilitated by trained teen leaders with adult staff present.
Topics of discussion include communication skills, enhancing self-esteem, drug and alcohol education, stress reduction, and more. The group meets in the Media Center, 2nd floor, 200 wing. Sessions will begin promptly at 3:30 pm and end at 5:00 pm. For more information, please contact a SBYS counselor.
Upcoming Trips
Grounds for Sculpture- May 18, 2011
SBYS will be hosting an after-school trip to the Grounds for Sculpture in Hamilton, New Jersey. The Grounds For Sculpture exhibits work by well-known and emerging sculptors in both the museum buildings and landscaped park. The trip will include dinner and is limited to the first 25 students who register. More details to follow as the date approaches.
Camden Riversharks- June 1, 2011
SBYS will be hosting a trip to the Camden Riversharks Baseball game, complete with a tailgate picnic. The bus will leave GCIT at 4:30pm and return approximately 9:30pm. This trip is also limited to the first 25 students who register with more details to follow as the date approaches.
Belle of the Ball
SBYS is currently hosting our annual Belle of the Ball Prom Dress Boutique. They have many special occasion dresses that are both new and gently used, which have been generously donated by community members, school staff, and GCIT students. If you know of a young lady who is attending a special dance but may not have a dress to wear due to economic reasons, please have her request a confidential appointment for the boutique through a SBYS counselor.
Pre-Prom Assemblies
SBYS will be hosting the annual pre-prom assemblies for all junior and senior students. All students are to attend the assembly regardless of whether or not they are attending the prom.
Junior assembly - Friday, May 13, 2011 at 8:30am
Senior assembly - Wednesday, June 1, 2011 at 8:30am |
Miracle League at GCIT |
GCIT Softball Team Puts on Clinic
On March 26, 2011, at the Miracle League field, the GCIT Softball Team conducted a fundamental skills clinic for all Miracle League players. This is the third year that the softball team volunteered their time and effort to this worthy cause. The girls enjoy giving back to the community and look forward to every year. Many of the players also donate their time as Miracle League "buddies" during the season.
Be A "Buddy"!
The Miracle League is looking for dedicated volunteers, "buddies," to assist Miracle League players. As a result, the parents, children, and volunteers are all brought together in a program which serves them all.
The season opener is April 9, 2011, and runs through mid-June. They are looking for staff, students, family members, siblings, etc. to come out and support the league by volunteering their time.
Students may use this opportunity to earn community service hours while helping a great cause. If you would like to volunteer, please contact Jennifer Wilson at jwilson@gcit.org or Elly Rocco at erocco@gcsssd.org.
To see what the Miracle League is all about, click here... |
Academy of Allied Health & Medical Science News |

HOSA Competition
On Saturday, February 5, 2011, at Salem County Vocational Technical School, some of
GCIT's Allied Health students took part in the Health Occupations Students of America (HOSA) Southern Regional Leadership Competition. Congratulations to the following GCIT students who placed:
1st Place in Medical Math- Megan Merbach
2nd Place in Extemporaneous Speaking- Bethany Stockton
3rd Place in CPR/First Aid- Courtney Mann & Lauren Eastlack
5th Place in Medical Spelling- Regine Simon
5th Place in Medical Math- Ariel Diza
6th Place in Medical Spelling- Allison De Phillipo
6th Place in Medical Math- Ryan Gardner
7th Place in Medical Terminology- Alexandra Wear
HOSA State Competition
On March 19 and 20, 2011, the HOSA State Leadership Competition was held at GCIT. Approximately sixteen HOSA members competed in individual and team events and congratulations goes to the following GCIT HOSA students:
1st Place in Veterinary Assisting- Gina Stagliano
2nd Place in Veterinary Assisting- Alyssa Lehman
Red Cross Blood Drive
On January 4 and 6, 2011, GCIT hosted the Annual Red Cross Blood Drive. AHMS students created posters and distributed flyers promoting the blood drive. They educated fellow students about the importance of blood donation and explained the critical need for blood in our community.
Approximately sixty students were involved in the blood drive. Students created a bulletin board encouraging staff and students to give blood. They worked in a volunteer capacity to process blood donors from sign-in through donation and recovery at the canteen. Altogether there were 104 pints of blood collected. |
Automotive Students Win Big |
Congratulations to Eric Horner and Zachary Moore who won third place at the 18th Annual Greater Philadelphia Automotive Technology Competition on Friday, March 11, 2011, at the Automotive Training Center's Warminster campus.
At the event, twenty-four area high school seniors from twelve local schools competed for nearly $750,000 in scholarships and prizes.
Created in 1994, the purpose of the competition is to build awareness for the important role of auto technicians in the current labor force and to spotlight their specialized skills and professionalism. The first part of the competition involved a 160 question written exam. Of the estimated 200 students who took the exam, the twenty-four individuals who received the highest marks advanced to the hands-on portion of the event. |
Cosmetology News |
The New Image Salon
The Salon is located on the GCIT campus in the 100 wing and offers a full range of services at affordable prices. All services are performed by junior and senior cosmetology students, under the supervision of an instructor.
To view a price list of services, click here. To schedule an appointment, please call 856-468-1445 X 2875.
Salon Hours
Through May 2011
Monday & Friday 8:15 am - 10:00 am
Tuesday & Thursday 8:15 am - 11:30 am |
Emergency Response/Fire Science Programs |

The Emergency Response/Fire Science program has entered its last phase for the school year involving Firefighter I. The students have completed their Emergency Medical Technician (EMT) portion of the program that ran from September to December, 2010. They took their state test for EMT in January and did very well and will be qualified as NJ EMTs. They started their Emergency Communications Officer and Emergency Medical Dispatch training in January to February to qualify them to be 9-1-1 dispatchers. The students took their state test in March and most of the students did well. The class has also completed Hazardous Materials Awareness and Incident Management Level-I. The students are looking forward to starting their live fire training in mid May. |
Alumni News |
Rider's Maronski MAAC Pitcher of the Week
Photo Credit: Peter G. Borg
(Rider University) |
Written by: Rider Sports Information
Release: 03/08/2011
Freshman Krysti Maronski of the Rider University softball team was named the Metro Atlantic Athletic Conference Pitcher of the Week for all games February 28-March 6.
Click here to read the full article... |
Mr. GCIT Benefits Spread the Magic Foundation |
GCIT's Student Council will be hosting the Mr. GCIT competition Friday, April 8, 2011 at 7pm. The proceeds from this year's competition will benefit the Spread the Magic Foundation, which spreads hope and inspiration to children battling cancer through the power of magic. The Spread the Magic Foundation has been chosen by the students of the New Jersey Association of Student Councils as its 2010-2011 benefitting charity. |
News from the Mathematics Department |
The District is adopting the new common core edition of the Prentice Hall Algebra I, Geometry, and Algebra II series. The implementation of this new program will begin next year and will be phased in completely during the 2011-2012 school year.
The Prentice Hall series is equipped with a textbook and an interactive digital path for each student. This digital path is an online component that includes math videos, animated problems with step by step solutions, explorations, vocabulary, self-check quizzes, and the online edition of the textbook for reference. Students will also have access to interact math, which provides them with unlimited homework help and step-by-step tutorials.
The Common Core Initiative is raising the bar to help ensure that all students acquire the critical knowledge and skills necessary to succeed in college and in their careers. By delivering instruction through a blended medium of digital and print components, the Prentice Hall series is helping reach today's digital natives.
For more information about the series, please click here... |
Robotics Team Ready to Compete |
GCIT's Robotics Team has been working on the design, production, and programming of a robot to compete in the FIRST Robotics Philadelphia Regional Competition April 7 - 9, 2011. The competition will take place at Temple University's Liacouris Center, and is open to the public.
The team competition begins each January with a kick-off describing the year's competition. Teams then have about 6 � weeks to design and build their robots, which then must be shipped off on a specific day to be held in storage until the competition. This year's competition is "Logomotion," and involves robots picking up inflatable inner-tube type shapes and placing them on pegs to score points. The highest scoring pegs are 8 feet off the ground. Extra points are scored if the shapes form the FIRST logo: a triangle-circle-square sequence. The GCIT team's robot includes an aluminum welded frame, omni-directional wheels, and a scissor lift with an attached arm.
The team continues to work on upgrading some parts and on improving their programming. The team includes students from all career themes at GCIT, and all are welcome to join. Interested students should contact Mrs. Belding. |
Thespians Earn Accolades |
GCIT Takes Home 12 Trophies & 11 Medals!
Congratulations to the following students who placed at the NJ State Thespian Competition. Our talented students brought home twelve trophies and eleven medals.
2011 NJ Thespian Competition
1st Place Makeup Design- Anthony Canonica 1st Place Solo Pantomime- Anthony Canonica 1st Place Trashy Costume- Nicholas Gardiner & Caitlin Geisser 1st Place Junior Audition- Caitlin Geisser 1st Place Contrasting Monologues- Dana Lee Capanna 1st Place Improv Pairs- Carter Ford & Ryan Quindlen To see a list of the rest of the winners, click here... |
Nurse's Corner |
Medical Alert - "Concussions in Youth Sports"
More than 400,000 children and teenagers are sent to the emergency department for serious brain injuries each year. The most common ways that children and teenagers get concussions are from sports, automobile accidents, and playground injuries.
Severe concussions can happen after a bad blow to the head often from an athlete to athlete collision in sports, a bicycle accident or a car crash. A severe concussion is a medical emergency and the injured person will need to go to the hospital right away.
A person with a concussion should never go right back to playing sports or other activity after the injury.
Outlined in the link are some helpful guidelines for concussions in youth sports from the CDC (Center for Disease Control).
Click here to read more about this topic. |
Students Highlighted |
Deptford teen a Johns Hopkins recruit as an 8th-grader
By Jessica Driscoll - GC Times
Future heart surgeon James Payton III got an early start on his medical school aspirations when he was recruited by Johns Hopkins University as an eighth-grader.
To read more of this exceptional story,
GCIT student spends summer serving in China
 By Jessica Driscoll - GC Times
Emily Malfitano didn't spend last summer hanging out at the beach or working a local part-time job instead the Gloucester County Institute of Technology junior volunteered at an orphanage in China, caring for and teaching young children with special needs.
To read the rest of this article, click here... |
SkillsUSA Brings Home 40 Gold Medals |
On Saturday, April 2nd, 2011, students and advisors attended New Jersey SkillsUSA Championships at the Graden State Exhibit Center in Sommerset, NJ. GCIT carried the highest medal total in the State of New Jersey. 40 gold, 19 silver, and 9 bronze medals were awarded in Occupational and Leadership Competitions.
Congratulations to the student competitors and the outstanding staff for their awesome accomplishments. |
FCCLA Students Earn Medals |
GCIT students were very successful at the 2011 FCCLA State Leadership Conference, bringing home 49 gold medals and 11 silver medals. The students competing in these events practiced for months on their projects, which included skills from public speaking to marketing and budgeting different businesses to knife skills; their hard work was definitely shown.
There were both team events as well as individual projects taken on. The competitive events ranged over a wide spectrum of events from Culinary Arts Hot Food Competition, to Job Interview, to Entreperneurship to National Program in Actions. The student leaders attended workshops which included public speakers and demonstrations featuring chefs from renowned culinary colleges.
Twenty-five students will be heading to Anaheim, California in July 2011 for Nationals. They will compete head to head against students from all over the country. Congratulations FCCLA and good luck! |