GCIT Cheetah LogoGloucester County
Institute of Technology

Cheetah News

April-May 2010
In This Issue
Teacher of the Year
Employees of the Year
Coach of the Year
Learn and Serve Event
Guidance News
Auto Tech Win for GCIT
School Announcements
Performing Arts News
FCCLA Medal Winners
HOSA Club News
Thespian Awards
FBLA Competition Results
Fire Science Program
Transportation News

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Upcoming Events

April 12- Home & School Association Meeting 7pm


April 21- Board of Education Meeting 



April 23- Powderpuff Football Game 6pm

April 25- March of Dimes Walk  

April 28-30- School Musical 7pm
May 1- School Musical
1 & 7pm
May 10- Home & School Association Meeting 7pm
May 11-14- Freshman/Sophomore Dance Concert 7pm 
May 12- Board of Education Meeting 6:30pm
May 18-21- One Act Festival 7pm
May 20-22- Junior Class Trip
May 24- VSO Ceremony 6pm
May 25-27- Senior Portraits 
May 25-28- Senior Dance Pieces 7pm 
June 1- Freshman/Sophomore Class Trip
June 3- Drama Film Premiere 7pm
June 4- Junior 7pm
June 5- Senior Prom 8pm
June 6-10- Senior Trip
June 7- Home & School
Association Meeting 7pm
June 11- Drama "Academy" Awards
June 14- Sports Banquet 6pm
June 18- Senior Awards & Graduation
Join Our Mailing List 
Early Dismissals
 & School Closings
April 1, 2, 5-School Closed  
May 28- 12:15 Dismissal
May 31- School Closed
June 2- 12:15 Dismissal
Seniors Only
June 3- 12:15 Dismissal
Seniors Only
June 4- 12:15 Dismissal
June 16-17- 12:15 Dismissal
June 18- 12:15 Dismissal/Graduation
Last Day for Students
Target Fundraiser
 target Fundraiser
SAT Banner
SAT Test Dates
 May 1
 June 5
For registration information visit www.collegeboard.com
The Branch
The Branch is a teen drop-in group held every Thursday at GCIT. It is open to all Gloucester County high school teenagers. The group is for teens, facilitated by trained teen leaders with adult staff present.
Topics of discussion include communication skills, enhancing
self-esteem, drug and alcohol education, stress reduction and more. The group meets in the Media Center, 2nd floor of the 100 wing. It will begin promptly at 3:30 p.m. and end at 5:00 p.m.
For more information, please contact a SBYS counselor
Read Seth Jaworski's outlook on the Branch, click here...

SBYS is a counseling agency set up in the GCIT. Counselors are on staff to assist with any issue that someone might want to explore in the confidence of a trained professional.

Services are free and available to any Gloucester County resident between the age of 13-19 and their family members.

Monday - Thursday  
8am - 8pm
8am - 3pm

For more information
please call
Kim Glazer,
Director of SBYS
856-468-1445 X 2691
Teacher of the Year - Charles McBride
Mr. McBride started his teaching career in 1983. We are proud to say that he has been GCIT's Baking & Pastry Arts instructor for the last 25 years.
Charles McBride
Throughout his career and with the help of his students through the years, he has constructed some of the largest and most historic projects that GCIT has ever produced. Some of his creations included a replica of the Berlin Wall, a 40 X 30 ft. sheet cake map of Europe covered with markings of the battles fought during WWII, a cake of the Battleship New Jersey, and he even attempted to construct the biggest cookie for the Guinness Book of World Records. Mr. McBride has had students actively involved in the FCCLA and SkillsUSA competitions which has resulted in over 120 medals for GCIT.
While working at GCIT, Mr. McBride was fortunate to meet his wife Sandi who worked in the horticulture program in 1987.  They have a beautiful 14 year old daughter named Molly.
Mr. McBride was quoted saying, "I'm a very lucky guy who goes to work everyday and can walk around the building seeing and greeting the many friends that I care deeply for."
Congratulations to Mr. McBride for his continued dedication to GCIT and to all of his students.
Employees of the Year
Dot SchroederDot Schroeder - Support Staff 
Ms. Schroeder has been a member of the GCIT family since 1989. She started as the Secretary of the Child Study Team and is currently the Secretary of Guidance.  She was involved in the schools transformation from a shared-time to a full-time comprehensive high school.  She was instrumental in making the conversion successful by implementing the new ways of scheduling and technologies that were necessary. 
One of her main attributes is her attention to detail.  She is thorough, self-motivated, and proactive.  She exhibits all of these qualities with friendliness and grace. 
When Ms. Schroeder was asked to describe her time at GCIT, she described it as "an interesting journey."  She attributes this to her many physical moves within the building and the variety of people with whom she has worked.  But she states, "It is the students and colleagues who bring me back to work each day."
Ms. Schroeder has a son, Robert. She is an avid bicycler and has completed several MS 150 fundraiser races.  She is an exceptional woman who works very hard and contributes so much to the GCIT family.  We congratulate her and are grateful to have her as part of our family.
Jerry Johnson - Paraprofessional
Jerry JohnsonMr. Johnson started his career at GCIT seventeen year ago. His work experience is unparalleled and irreplaceable to the school. He not only has a connection with the staff but most importantly, he is an instructor and a mentor to all of his students.
He is supportive of GCIT and what it represents to the students that pass through here.  He travels from classroom to classroom providing endless support to everyone he encounters. 
His presence is undeniable when the students see him as they enter school each day, as he stays to teach night school, and he attends various school events.
Over Mr. Johnson's career he has worn many hats and can tell many stories. He has had a career in the following areas:  sailor, truck driver, bus driver, mechanic, landscaper, tree cutter, handy man, HVAC expert, and we are now fortunate to have all of that experience here at GCIT. 
Mr. Johnson is a dedicated employee and is supportive of GCIT's mission.
We are fortunate to have Mr. Johnson as part of our family and we congratulate him on being named Paraprofessional of the Year.
Christopher Miller Earns GC Times "Swim Coach of the Year"

Congratulations to Coach Christopher Miller for being named the 2010 Gloucester County Times Boys/Girls Swimming Coach of the Year. Coach Miller is to be Chris Millercommended on a tremendous season and for taking the team to the playoffs for the first time in school history. Both the boys and girls teams earned the New Jersey Technical Athletic Council State Title for 2010.


Congratulations to Coach Miller and all of the members of the 2009-2010 Swimming and Diving Team for your hard work and dedication to your sport.

Click here to read the newspaper article from the Gloucester County Times.
Learn and Serve "Give Kids A Smile!" Event
Cumberland County Technical Education Center (CCTEC) in Rosenhayn, along with GCIT and Atlantic County Institute of Technology (ACIT), have created a South Jersey Learn and Serve Regional Learning Center. It's funded by the Learn and Serve, a grant program dedicated to funding service-learning schools. Together, the schools received a total of $85,000 in grants to help fund the day's event.
Learn and ServeOn February 5, 2010, the "Give Kids A Smile!" program welcomed 100 children from Cumberland County scheduled for free dental care at the CCTEC. Local children younger than age 12 were offered services ranging from simple checkups and cleanings to full restorative and emergency dental care. 
GCIT Allied Health and Medical Science students participated in the event. Also, five of our Law Enforcement students took part in a school safety survey at the event.
"It gives our students a good exposure to cultural diversity," said Al Jordan, GCIT law enforcement instructor.  "It gives them a chance to give back as they learn things that they don't usually have exposure to." 
Guidance News
Cyle Hanker Wins Comcast Scholarship
Cyle HankerSenior in the School of Construction Technology, Cyle Hanker, was selected as the 2010-2011 Comcast Leader and Achievers Scholarship recipient. This award, funded through The Comcast Foundation, recognizes a high school senior from Comcast communities for commitment to community service, academic achievement, and demonstrated leadership. To acknowledge all of these accomplishments, Cyle received a one-time grant of $1,000.
GCIT Wins Big in Auto Competition 

On March 5, 2010, George Baals and Kyle Mortillite represented GCIT in the Greater Auto CompetitionPhiladelphia Automotive Technology Competition.   The students had to take a written test in November 2009 in order to compete. From the field of 250 students, 24 students were selected. Kyle scored the highest overall in the written test. George and Kyle placed second in the hands-on competition. 

Overall scholarships, tools, and prizes won totaled $167,986. Congratulations to George, Kyle, and Mr. Hubert.
School Based Youth Services News
Steven Kelly Attends Youth Peer Leadership Conference
Steve KellyThe NJ Elks held their 16th Annual Youth Peer Leadership Conference called "Elks and Youth: Makin' Waves." An estimated 500 students from all over the state converge for a weekend of dynamic speakers and workshops. The goal of the weekend is to empower students to be leaders within their communities and live a drug-free life. 
GCIT was fortunate enough to send twelve students to the conference. Steven Kelly was asked to describe the experience on behalf of those students. "It was an honor to be
chosen to attend the Elks Leadership Conference," Steve Kelly explained. Click here to read his about the rest of his experience at the conference...  
Student Profile - Shannon Livewell
Shannon LivewellShannon Livewell is a wonderful person to know- if you can catch her on the move. In addition to her commitment to the school Drama program, she works two jobs, is recording an album, has straight A's, participates in many school activities, and is a trusted friend by many.
She also had the experience of a lifetime this summer as she made her way to Hollywood and was one of the top 70 contestants on American Idol this year. Shannon is someone who makes everything seem so easy, but it wasn't always this way. A little over a year ago Shannon's only focus was to overcome anorexia before it took total control of her life. Please click here to read the rest of Shannon's story...
Belle of the Ball Prom Dresses
SBYS is once again hosting its annual 'Belle of the Ball' prom dress boutique. New and gently used dresses are available for any female student who might not be able to purchase one due to financial constraints. An appointment is necessary to take advantage of this confidential boutique.
For more information, please contact a SBYS counselor.
Premiere Jewelry Fundraiser
The fundraiser will be held April 28, 2010 at 6pm in the 400 Wing staff lounge, which is the opening night of the School Musical. There will be appetizers and prizes awarded. The funds raised will benefit International Thespian Society. We appreciate your support.
Bowling Fundraiser gets a Perfect Score
On February 21, 2010, over 85 supporters went to Westbrook Lanes in Brooklawn to help raise money for the GCIT Athletic Fund. The proceeds from the event and the basket auction raised more than $1,000. The athletic department thanks everyone for their support. 
To see photos of the event, click here... 

4th Annual Style-A-Thon

This year 75 student volunteers helped in the 4th Annual Style-A-Thon. They serviced over 200 clients and raised not only awareness for cancer research but over $2,000. All proceeds will go to the City of Hope Cancer Research Center.  Thank you to all who helped in making this a successful event.
Hoops for Hope 
Hoops for Hope Champions (L to R): Marc Feaster, Otis Peterson IV, & Kevin Krowicki
Hoops for Hope Winners
FCCLA had an amazing turn out on February 27, 2010, compiled of administrators, teachers, staff, and volunteers. Twenty teams participated to raise approximately $1,000 that will go to the Children's Miracle Network. It was a fun filled day that included the 3 V 3 tournament, half court shots, a knock-out competition, and more. The final team standing was Marc Feaster, Kevin Krowicki, and Otis Peterson IV

Senior Portraits

Scheduled for May 25, 26, and 27, 2010, in Room 405.  Herff Jones Photography will schedule your appointment and mail you a card to confirm. The make-up date is scheduled for September 10, 2010.


Girls Basketball Sets Team Record
The GCIT Lady Cheetah basketball team ended the season with their best record ever, 10-13. They ranked #11 in the playoffs but unfortunately lost their first game against Camden.  Congratulations on a great season.
Girls Basketball Senior Day
(L to R):  Mrs. Yanni, Briana, Lyndsay,
 & Mr. Hahn
Girls Basketball
Seniors, Lyndsay Valentine and Briana Aversa, were members of the Lady Cheetahs basketball team for the past four years. Lyndsay was a four-year varsity starter and offensively was the best player that the team has ever seen. In her four years, she scored 551 points and was named Second Team Tri-County All Conference during the 2010-2011 season. Briana was a three-year starter and received Honorable Mention in the Conference because of her excellent defensive presence.

Bowling Team Clinches Olympic Conference

Boys BowlingThe Varsity boys' bowling team captured the Olympic Conference Freedom Division Championship. They are the first boys' bowling team to accomplish this feat and only the second boys' team at GCIT to win a conference championship.
Also this season, the bowling team won the NJ Technical Athletic Council State Bowling Tournament.  Ryan Drews had a high game of 279 which tied our school record.
Congratulation to the following bowlers who were named All-Stars in the Olympic Conference Freedom Division:
Boys 1st Team - Clinton Bullock, Ryan Drews,
                       & Zachary Tippie
Boys 2nd Team - Michael Bangs
Girls 1st Team -   Brittany Bundens Rachel Tejero
Girls 2nd Team -  Samantha MosesAshley Stassi
School of Performing Arts News
School Musical 

The Drama Department invites you to attend the school-wide musical production of Once On This Island. Performances will be held in the theatre on April 28-30, 2010, at 7pm and May 1, 2010, at 1 and 7pm.  Tickets are $10 each. 

One Act Festival

The freshman and sophomore drama students invite you to attend the One Act Festival, May 18-21, 2010, in Room 405 Theatre at 7pm. 

The freshman drama class will be performing a one-act play entitled Mother Hicks which centers around a young orphan girl in search of her identity. The sophomore drama class will be performing selected scenes and monologues from Class Action which is acclaimed for its relevant and realistic portrayal of life in high school. Tickets are $5.00 and go on sale May 4, 2010.
For ticket information, email Producer Kim Palomo at kpalomo@gcit.org
FCCLA Competition Winners
The School of Culinary Arts students participated in the Family Community Career Leaders of American (FCCLA) State Leadership Conference on March 18 and 19, 2010. Our students won in both State and STAR events. GCIT brought home 34 gold medals, 18 silver medals, and 1 bronze medal. 
The first place team of Ryan Clayton, Victoria Moccia, and Hanna Moses had a perfect score in the Chapter Services Display. There were 16 medal winners in the Star Events that will be competing in the National Conference in Chicago this July.  
The competition allows students not only to compete in different cooking and cake decorating events, they also compete in different competitions that require a lot of work and dedication. Since it is a student lead organization, the students do the work themselves with the guidance and support of their career theme teachers and academy instructors. We congratulate all of the students and faculty that made this group reach such high goals. 
To see a complete list of names and medal winners, click here...
HOSA Club News
HOSA CompetitionHOSA members scripted and directed a Public Service Announcement (PSA) promoting Allied Health Medical Careers.  To view the PSA, click here...  
Twenty GCIT HOSA Club members participated in the HOSA State Leadership Competition that was held on March 20 and 21, 2010, at Camden County Vocational-Technical School. Izabella D'Onofrio placed second in the Health Poster competition. Gina Stagliano took first place in the Pharmacology competition and will be going to the National Leadership Competition in Florida this June. 
NJ State Thespian Awards

Thespian FestivalThe School of Performing Arts Drama Department Thespian Society attended the NJ State Thespian Festival on March 13 and 14, 2010, at Rutgers University in New Brunswick. Students competed in various categories demonstrating superior skills in acting, singing, and technical theatre. The team brought home five trophies and ten gold medals.  A special recognition goes to students Joshua Kurtz, Grace Conigliero, Deanna SmarraSamantha Clark, and Joseph Ewald who each won first place in the category of Technical Olympics for the sixth year in a row. 

For a complete list of all student award winners, click here...
FBLA Competition Results
Congratulations to Allyssa Batten, Allyssia Smickley, Benjamin Redrow, and Matthew Reichardt who placed first in the Regional FBLA Competition. These students went on to the State FBLA Competition which was held on March 11 and 12, 2010, at the Raritan Exhibit Hall in Edison, NJ.  Allyssia Smickley took second place in the Help Desk category of the State Competition.
Fire Science Program in Final Phase
The Emergency Response/Fire Science Program has completed two of the three phases of the program. The Emergency Medical Technician (EMT) portion was completed in December and the Emergency Communications Officer and Emergency Medical Dispatch portion was completed in early February. The students are currently in the early stages of the Firefighter I phase of the program.


Fire ScienceThose students who completed the EMT portion are currently taking or have completed their state test for certification in the State of New Jersey. To date, all students taking the state test have passed - Congratulations! Also, those students who have completed the phases of 9-1-1 dispatcher have passed the first portion of the state testing and are awaiting the results for the second state test.


The students now have entered into the State of New Jersey Firefighter I course. They will be completing 35 chapters in

fire-related material as well as practical skills at the Fire Academy in Clarksboro. This part of the program will run from now until June when they complete the 120-hour program with their state test on June 9th.


These students will also be competing in the NJ SkillsUSA competition for EMS and Firefighter.

School of Transportation Technology News
The 9th grade Transportation students have been learning about different types of fasteners since the start of the marking period. They have also been working on their aluminum plate projects. Most of the class has moved on to the second phase of the project which involves identifying a fasteners thread characteristics and drilling/threading the proper size hole that they will have to use. The class will be moving onto welding fundamentals in the next week or so. They will continue with welding tasks through the end of the third marking period.

The 12th grade auto restoration students have been doing a lot of hands-on live work. They have also been learning about some of the automobiles mechanical systems which include brakes and suspension systems. The class will be moving on to steering systems, engine performance, and electrical in the next few weeks.

GCIT operates under the direction of The Gloucester County Board of Chosen Freeholders and The Board of Education of the Special Services School District and The Vocational School District of the County of Gloucester
Gloucester County Institute of Technology
1360 Tanyard Road
Sewell, NJ 08080