December 2010
NC Women United Connects
In This Issue
Nancy Shoemaker to Receive 2010 Anne Mackie Award
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This is a special edition of NC Women United Connects as we prepare for our annual holiday party and celebrate the accomplishments of Nancy Shoemaker, the 2010 recipient of the Anne Mackie Award.

I sincerely hope you will join us on December 6 for our annual holiday party to celebrate all of Nancy's important contributions as well as NC Women United's accomplishments over the past year.

We hope to see you at the Busy Bee Cafe in downtown Raleigh from 4:30-6:30pm. The program and presentation of the 2010 Anne Mackie Award will begin promptly at 5:30pm. NCWU will provide appetizers and non-alcoholic beverages. A cash bar will also be available.

Please spend an evening with NCWU to network, unwind, and celebrate Nancy! Party organizers request that attendees RSVP by December 3.

I hope to see many of you on December 6th and wish you all a wonderful and restful holiday season.


Alison Kiser
President, NC Women United

Nancy Shoemaker to Receive 2010 Anne Mackie Award

 Nancy Shoemaker
NC Women United will present the 2010 Anne Mackie Award to Nancy Shoemaker in a ceremony on Monday, December 6th in Raleigh.


The Anne Mackie Award recognizes a lifetime contribution to advocacy on behalf of women. It was established in 2008 to recognize in a public forum the long-term commitment and work of Anne Mackie who founded the North Carolina Women's Legislative Agenda, the precursor of NC Women United, and was instrumental in the creation and development of its signature project, the Women's Agenda Assemblies. NC Women United was pleased to be able to present the inaugural award to Anne Mackie in recognition of her years of service. The 2009 award honored June Kimmel.


This year's recipient, Nancy Shoemaker, has long been involved with NC Women United. She initially came to NCWU through AAUW (the American Association of University Women) and is past-president of AAUW of North Carolina. She has served AAUW at the national level in a variety of ways, including as a founding member of both the AAUW webmanagers group and the Open Up AAUW network.  She is a supporter of several of the other NCWU member organizations. She has also served on the NCWU Board of Directors in many capacities including Secretary, Treasurer, and currently as a Director-at-Large.


Nancy is an invaluable resource to all those who have worked with her. Since 2002, she has dedicated herself to supporting small nonprofits with web-based and virtual office systems. She is often the glue that holds communications together for diverse and sometimes divergent organizations such as NCWU. She can always be depended on to lend a hand to those who need it or take the lead on a special project. Indeed, there is not a single current project of NCWU that Nancy is not, in some major way, involved in.


Above all, Nancy is a tireless leader, coordinator, and mentor. The leadership of NCWU is delighted to be able to honor her at the Holiday Party taking place on Monday, December 6 from 4:30-6:30pm in Raleigh. Members, supporters and friends of NCWU (and of Nancy!) are invited and encouraged to attend.


Please RSVP by December 3 to assist the organizers in gathering a head count for food and seating. The event begins at 4:30pm and the program will begin promptly at 5:30pm at the Busy Bee Cafe in downtown Raleigh. Additional details can be found on the NCWU website.

Member Spotlight NCWU

This holiday season, NCWU wants to thank all of our member organizations for their commitment to advocacy on behalf of women and their families. In a perfect world, we would be able to spotlight the inspiring and oftentimes difficult work that every single one of our member organizations do on a daily basis.

Given the limitations of space and time, please accept our sincere thanks for the work you do and for your participation, commitment and financial support of NCWU. We recognize that these are difficult financial times for many of our organizations but we know that this coalition is only as strong as the membership that supports it. Please continue to let NCWU know how we can support you and your work throughout the upcoming year and beyond!

Thanks to all 33 of NC Women United's 2010 members:


 Adolescent Pregnancy Prevention Coalition of NC

 Carteret County Women's Resource Center

 Democracy North Carolina

 Equality NC



 League of Women Voters of Asheville-Buncombe County

 League of Women Voters of NC

 Mecklenburg County Women's Commission

 NARAL Pro-Choice North Carolina

 National Association of Women Business Owners-Raleigh

 NC Association of Women Attorneys

 NC Business and Professional Women Foundation

 NC Center for Women in Public Service

 NC Coalition Against Domestic Violence

 NC Coalition Against Sexual Assault

 NC College of Nurse Midwives

 NC Friends of Midwives

 NC Justice Center

 NC Momsrising

 NC National Organization for Women

 NC Stop Human Trafficking

 NC Women's Political Caucus

 Orange County Commission for Women

 Planned Parenthood Health Systems

 Planned Parenthood of Central North Carolina

 Triangle Older Women's League

 WomenNC- NC Committee for CSW/CEDAW

 Women's Graceful Healing Ministry

 Women's Forum of NC

 Women's Resource Center - Hickory

 Women's Resource Center in Alamance County

You can always find the list of our current members and links to learn more about them at the NCWU website.