Newsletter September 2010
Deercreek Owners Association
Volume XIV     Issue 9

In This Issue
Road Micro-Surfacing
Golden Acorn Award Honoree
Consider Running for the Board
Tree Sale
The View Spetember 2010
Road Safety
Upcoming Home & Garden Club Events
Women's Alliance
Finance Committee Report

All financial numbers represent year to date as of 7/31/2010


Reserve Fund Balance 
Past Due Receivables
Receivables over
90 days  
* Includes year-end adjustment of
( $17,274) 



September 8, Wednesday
6 PM - Access Control
7 PM - Common Property

September 9, Thursday
7 PM -Architectural Review Board

September 15, Wednesday
6:30 PM - Communication Committee

September 16, Thursday
6:15 PM - Covenant Enforcement
7PM - Financial Meeting

September 23, Thursday
7 PM - Board of Directors


September 16, Thursday
7 PM-HOA Board


September 9, Thursday
6:15 PM, Womens Alliance, presentation on Women's Center of Jacksonville

September 20, Monday
10 AM, Literary Circle, "Crazy for the Storm," Norman Ollestad

September 23, Thursday
1 PM. "Florida Friendly Landscaping Principles," presented by John Miklos, Master Gardener

Why Every Day Should
Start With "D"

Recipe of the month :
Mediterranean Lentil Salad

read more on the website...
Flu shots
Flu shots will be available to all residents and members of the club on Saturday, October 9th, 9am-1pm.

Details will be sent to all via e-mail closer to the date, and will be posted on the web site.
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Year Three of Five; Road Re-Surfacing Project to Continue in September

Our third year of a planned 5 year re-surfacing project for all roads within our Deercreek community will begin this fall. Phase One is set for milling and asphalt repaving of eight cul-de-sacs to take place in late September or early October.

The second phase, late October will be road preparation in activities to include: crack filling (black tar like compound use to fill alligator cracks in the asphalt) and chip sealing (laying of a rock foundation for selected road areas that have been determined to be in poor condition). The chip seal application was utilized last year on the area of Deercreek Club Road from McLaurin Road North to the Gate House. This application was a tremendous success and while the road is in this condition, we urge all residents to SLOW DOWN and use EXTREME CAUTION as for a period of time, there will be loose grave on the road that may be thrown by excessive speeds. The chip seal gravel road conditions may exist up to a week prior to micro-surfacing as it cures.

The third phase, early November will be the micro-resurfacing application which will include the roads starting at the intersection of Vineyard Lake Road North / Deercreek Club Road and continuing the entire length of Vineyard Lake Road East to the Southern Natural area (east of Cypress Lakes Drive). Also included will be Vineyard Lake Lane, Orchard Hills Road, and Hampton Lake Lane.

When more precise dates are known, they will be posted on the website, www.deercreekcc.com. .

The road resurfacing project will begin late September / early October with the paving of these cul-de-sacs:
  • Condover Court
  • Hampton Lake Lane
  • Orchard Hills Road
  • Vineyard Lake Lane
  • Suffield Court
  • Wallingford Hills Lane
  • Chelsea Lake Lane
  • Margate Hills Road
  • Chelsea Lake Road

Tommy Walter 2010
Golden Acorn Award Honoree

To say that Tommy Walter wears many hats would be an understatement. Tommy is  able to juggle his time between family, jobs, his church and the Deercreek Community and has been recognized for his great work and volunteerism wher ever he has lived.

Tommy is a native of San Angelo, Texas. His undergraduate and masters degrees are from Angelo State University , and he earned his doctorate at Nova Southeastern University, headquartered in Fort Lauderdale-Davie, Fla. In addition, he has completed additional graduate work at Texas A&M University and The University of Washington.
Dr. Tommy Walter, adjunct professor, was named the 2008 Accelerated Degree Program (ADP) Professor of the Year at Jacksonville University.   Walter had been a part of the adjunct faculty since 2000 and teaches undergraduate history courses, such as Western Civilization, American History, Native American History and recent World History. He is also an adjunct assistant professor at Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University in Daytona Beach, Fla.
Before joining JU, Walter spent more than 30 years in the human resources field as an entry and executive-level employee of General Telephone & Electronics Corporation, now part of Verizon, and CSX. In his spare time, Walter helps coach the varsity football team at Episcopal High School.

He has been married to the former LaJan Kiker for more than 40 years and his son, Kerry, daughter-in-law, Brandy, and grandson, JT, also live here in Jacksonville.  Tommy and Jan are very involved with their church, Deermeadows Baptist. They are both in the choir and Tommy teaches Sunday school, is on the Mission and Pre-School Committees and is a Deacon in charge of the Vice Deacons.

In 1994, while living in Indiana, Tommy received the Sagamore of the Wabash award, which at the time, was the highest accolade the state of Indiana gave to citizens,  from the then Governor of Indiana, Evan Bayh. He is an honorary Kentucky Colonel, and was recently inducted into his high school's sports Hall of Fame as a member of the 1962 football team.

Tommy was the secretary of  the Deercreek Home Owners Board for 5 � of the 6 years he served.  He was the liaison to the Access Control Committee for that whole period and continues to be the Access Control Committee Chairman. One of the things that committee does is work closely with the guards to make sure we are safe here in Deercreek.

Captain Hubert Jean-Pierre had this to say about Tommy.

"Mr. Tommy Walter, with his intense dedication to the Access Control Committee, his personal sacrifices, and his uncompromising professional standards has served DCC/HOA well. His sustained superior performance combined with his extensive education and human resources background has added a perfect balance to DCC/ACC.
Mr. Walter's superlative performance, dedication, and broad professional expertise mark him as one of the very best Access Control Committee board members. He is a personable and impressive individual who possesses creativity, initiative and solid leadership abilities. A great team player! His tactful, engaging, and dynamic manner has enabled the accomplishment of difficult and challenging tasks, while making them look routine. He provides a positive inspiration to everyone."

The members of the Deercreek Home and Garden Club are very proud and honored to announce that Tommy Walter is this year's Golden Acorn Award recipient. 

Highlights from the July Board Meeting of the DCCOA

The Property Manager's Report was presented by Bernard Vargas Vila.  He reported that Florida Pump submitted an estimate for $990 to replace the control box and capacitors at the irrigation pump by the guardhouse. A motion was made and passed unanimously to replace the pump, and additionally to give the Chair authority to pay Florida Pump Service for additional repairs  as required.

Integrated Access replaced the look detector on the exit gate at a total cost $270.00.  Waddington Electric repaired the entrance lights from Southside to Guardhouse at a total cost of $768.00.  The Association also purchased a high-pressure sodium ballast and 150w lamp from Lamp Sales Unlimited at a total cost $88.00.

The Finance Committee report was presented by Jim Kagiliery, Treasurer.  He reported that the association received a refund from the IRS for approximately $2,700.00 as a result of an overstatement of income due to the omission of some data.  

George Partin commented the need to look closely at the growing bad debt, and discussed the importance creating new ways to reduce the bad debt by means of new forms of revenues.

The Common Property Committee report was presented by Aaron West, Liaison.  The Committee recommended and submitted the following motions:
  • Approve a bid by Connors Landscaping for $1,240 to landscape a large area of Common Property on Vineyard Lake Road south of Persimmon Hill Drive and adjacent to the 13th hole tee box between the street and cart path.  The motion passed with one "no" vote.
  • Approve a bid by Connors Landscaping for $650 to repair the ground cover with dirt and sod around an unsightly drainage pipe at 7845 Groveton Hills Place.  The motion passed unanimously.
  • Approve the $300 purchase of "Reward" herbicide by Connors Landscaping to kill Florida Grape vines on Common Property near 10025 Chester lake Drive. Removal of the vines will be done at no charge by Connors so the trees are not killed. The motion passed unanimously.
  • Common Property Committee recommended and submitted a motion to approve the bid from All About Trees for $1,750 for removal of 6 dead trees and disposal of debris. At least one tree is a hazard requiring rapid attention. (Sweet Gum near 3rd tee). These trees are in 5 different locations. Motion passed unanimously.
  • Approve the bid  from Southern Recreation for $1,067.40 to replace an 8 foot double-slide and repair the south gate of the fence in the recreational area near the tennis courts. This cost includes freight and installation. Motion passed unanimously.
Doug Klippel, Liaison, gave the Access Control Committee report.  He stated there were approximately 18,730 vehicles that came through the gates.  The citations have been down this month especially throughout the natural area where the speed bumps were removed.  Concerns were expressed about the number of pedestrians walking on the street and the need to use the sidewalks instead.

The Architectural Review Board report was presented by Joe Cernigliaro, Liaison.  He reported that activity is low on new applications, and the committee is looking into screened enclosures.

Ron Peace, Liason for the Covenant Enforcement Committee reported that May Management will be sending out letters to a number of owners that have failed to address violations.

The Communications Committee report was presented by George Partin, Liaison. He reported that the condition of the entrance sign has deteriorated and the magnetic lettering on the sign is becoming more difficult to use. The Committee is checking around for a possible electronic sign as a replacement.

A motion was submitted and approved unanimously to approve Roger Kuder as a new member of the Communications Committee.

Carol D'Onofrio, Liaison, presented the Legal Committee report.  All liens have been filed and are up to date.  The committee recommended sending out 30 day letter and proceeding with the cancellation of three owners' barcodes.  A motion to disable the barcodes of three residents was submitted, seconded and passed unanimously.

There was no Club report, nor report on work being done at the playground drainage. 

Danny Becton, Liaison, presented the CPAC report in which he stated the FDOT is planning roadwork along US-1 to Baymeadows and holding a public workshop to inform residents of changes.

Old Business:

A motion was submitted and seconded to approve a new Policy and Procedure for "Abuse of Association Personnel."  The motion passed with one "no" vote. (The enforcement will begin October 1st, 2010)

New Business:

There was a discussion about allowing residents to display political signs for a temporary time period.  The Board took a straw poll among the Board members, and it was not favored.

It is time for the community to begin budget preparation for 2011.  A proposed budget will need to be submitted and a final budget approved on November 18, 2010.

It is also time to look for candidates for the 2011 Board.

Why YOU Should Run for the
DCCOA Board of Directors

Deercreek is an exceptional place to live  and members of the DCCOA Board help to ensure that we remain a quality, well-run community. Isn't it time that you consider making a significant commitment by running for a position on the Board?  If you're not sure whether you have the time or talent, the answers to these frequently asked questions may help.

How much of a time commitment is required?

The nine members of the Board each serve a three-year term. Duties include attendance at monthly meetings held the fourth Thursday of each month, serving as liaisons to standing committees (most meet once a month), and an occasional commitment to special projects.

What qualifications are necessary to be a member of the Board?

Members of the DCCOA Board possess a variety of personal and professional backgrounds. All talents and areas of expertise can be used to maintain Deercreek's high standards of operation. Of course, the best qualifications of all are enthusiasm and commitment.

Is there any compensation?

There is no monetary compensation. But community pride, camaraderie, and long-term increased property values are great rewards!

How does the application and election process work?

Get the ball rolling by submitting your resume to Dave Stelbrink (933-2388; DESMmtg@aol.com) by October 1 so that ballots and proxies can be mailed out in early November. You will also need to prepare a brief personal statement detailing your background, qualifications and reasons for running.

Profiles of DCCOA Board candidates will appear in the November newsletter so that residents can make an informed choice when they vote. New Board members will be announced at the Annual Meeting in December.

For more information, contact DCCOA Board president Danny Becton (danny@thebectons.us; 519-1276) or any Board member.

Deercreek Home and Garden Club
Tree Sale

Sizes:the trees have a trunk diameter of at least 2 inches; all heights are about 10 feet. 

Prices: includes planting and a one-year guarantee. (The prices are the same as in 2008).

Listed below are the trees that we recommend as most appropriate for Deercreek, considering beauty, ease of care, and resistance to pests. Other types and sizes of trees are also available.

  • Live Oak: A native that gets wide and magnificent. $220.00
  • Laurel Oak: Similar to the Live Oak, but with a more upright habit. $210.00
  • Crape Myrtle: Natchez white is native but other colors available $179.00
  • Magnolia: It has large white flowers and waxy leaves. $225.00

Placement: according to our agreement with the Architectural Review Board, we must make sure your tree is properly placed to enhance your home and avoid interference with sight lines, paving, or utilities. As soon as you place your order, we will call you to arrange a time to meet and decide on the exact location for planting. We suggest either live oaks or crape myrtles in the area between the sidewalk and the street - we refer to these as street trees.

The View September 2010

These Knockout Rose Trees are a wonderful addition to the landscape of the home of Christopher and Tina Chester at 8263 Ashworth Court. The newly painted house is accented with Vincas, Lorapetalum, Azaleas and Agapanthus.

Road Safety for Bicyclists, Walkers,
and Those in Golf Carts

With school back in session - and with a recent accident in our community involving an automobile and a bicyclist -it is appropriate to remind everyone about the need to remain vigilant regarding the safety rules in our community.


Below are some simple tips that can help ensure Deercreek remains a safe community for those on a bicycle, in a golf cart, or on foot.  Please remember to implement these safety tips!  To help ensure our community remains as safe as possible, our Security Officers will also be providing feedback to residents who are not following these guidelines.



         Use the sidewalks, not the road, when walking in Deercreek.

         If you walk early in the morning or in the evening, wear light colored clothing and/or reflective items to be more visible.

         If, for some reason, you cannot use a sidewalk and do have to walk in the road, walk on the left hand side of the road, facing oncoming traffic.In addition, avoid walking 2 abreast or more.

         When walking, pay attention to the vehicular traffic around you, particularly at intersections and when faced with vehicles entering or exiting driveways.


         Remember that bicyclists are subject to the same regulations as motor vehicles in Deercreek, including obeying speed limit signs and stop signs.

         Bicycles should be ridden on the right hand side of the road, moving in the same direction as motor vehicle traffic.

         Use hand signals to indicate your direction to motorists, and always look for cars and other traffic before turning.

         If riding early in the morning or in the evenings, bicycles should be equipped with lights and reflectors for increased visibility.In addition, wear light colored and/or reflective clothing when riding at these times.

         Remember to wear your bike helmet!


         Golf carts are to be driven only by individuals possessing a valid driver's license.

         Golf carts are also subject to the same street signs that govern vehicular traffic, including speed limit signs and stop signs.

         Use extra care when approaching areas of the cart path where you need to cross the street, and check for vehicular traffic in both directions before crossing.

         Any golf cart driven during evening hours must be equipped with lights, both front and rear.

Upcoming Home & Garden Club Events:

The next Home and Garden Club meeting will be held on September 23 at 1 PM. "Florida Friendly Landscaping Principles" will be presented by John Miklos, Master Gardener. 

Hope to see you!

See the 2010-11 Programs listed on our website.

Women's Alliance

As you start adding things to your calendars and get busy with the Fall activities, don't forget to put the Women's Alliance Dinner Meeting on your list. 
Read more about whats coming up for the Alliance...