Newsletter December 2009
Deercreek Owners Association
Volume XIII     Issue 12

In This Issue
Notes and Reminders
December View Award
Home and Garden Club
Luminary night
Deercreek Women's Alliance
October Board Meeting Highlights
Join Our Mailing List



**  DECEMBER 8 **

7 PM-
Annual Meeting of the Deercreek Country Club Owners' Association

6:15 PM-Covenants Enforcement


7 PM-HOA Board


10 AM-Holiday Brunch at the Club (RSVP to the Club)
Home and Garden Club


10 AM-Literary Circle meets for a cookie exchange and to discuss Harry Bernstein's "The Invisible Wall"

Notes and Reminders

  • Plan to attend the DCCOA Annual Meeting on December 8 at 7:00 PM.  If you are unable to attend, please return your proxy and ballot before the meeting so that a quorum can be established.
  • In December, May Management will mail coupon books to residents for 2010 quarterly assessments.  Payments are due on January 1, April 1, July 1 and October 1.  A late fee will be charged on the 30th day of each quarter if payment is not made.   In addition, interest on unpaid balances will be charged monthly on the 30th.  Residents may pay electronically, by check with the coupon or may make online payments at www.mayresort.com. 
  • The official Deercreek residents' directory will be mailed in January.
  • Thank you for your patience and cooperation during the paving. Phase Three will be done in 2010 at about the same.

December View Award
Dr. Amit and Aparna Chakravarty
9914 Chelsea Lake Road

The landscaping for this beautiful home is centered around an enchanting goddess fountain surrounded by pentas, lantana, vincas and zinnias. The background is accented by swaying queen palms, magestic Washingtonian palms and potted chrysanthemums.

Home and Garden Club

The Home and Garden Club visited Linda Cunningham's herb garden in Arlington in October where members enjoyed coffee and goodies made from herbs before touring "the land of herbs."  Linda's herb garden covers several acres and backs up on Pottsburg Creek.  After a walk through the garden, members had the opportunity to purchase herb-related items from the gift cottage.

November's meeting featured a two-part program.  Chuck Florida, arborist and friend of Deercreek, discussed keeping trees healthy and listed signs that indicated tree problems.  Then Neelima Gole, active Garden Club member and Deercreek resident, shared pictures of a recent trip to the Flower Fields of Carlsbad, California.  Her breath-taking photos included ranunculuses, orchids, sweet peas, roses, poinsettias and orchids, plus several other unique displays.

There are two important Garden Club events to put on your calendar for December.   
  • The annual Holiday Brunch will be on Thursday, December 10, at 10:30 AM.  Please call the club at 363-1604 to make a reservation.
  • Luminary night will be on Sunday, December 20.  Let's try to get 100 percent participation for this celebration and fundraiser.  When the luminary captains stop by to sell candles, please be generous.  Kits are only $5 and include ten candles, cups and paper bags. All monies raised go toward improving our surroundings right here in Deercreek.
The Deercreek Home and Garden Club continues to grow.  This year our membership has reached an all-time high of 115.  We still look forward to having new residents join us.  If you would like an application or more information about the Home and Garden Club, please contact Mary Lou Roberts at 519-6690 or email her at marylouroberts2@aol.com.

A Happy Holiday to all!  We hope to see you at the brunch on December 10.
It's that time of year again!
Holliday Candle Luminary night is scheduled for December 20 starting at 6:00 PM. 

Volunteer block captains will be contacting you to purchase luminary kits at the low price of $5.00.  Each kit contains 10 candles and 10 bags. 

If you need extra luminaries, contact Pat Register at 363-0230.  This year students will be available to help set up luminaries.  This activity allows them to earn service hours.  To schedule a student call Sharon McManis at 519-6656.

Let's light up all of Deercreek and Edgewater!

The Deercreek Women's Alliance
Instead of our usual Fashion Show in November, we decided to have a casual Pot Luck Supper for our meeting on November 5.  Elizabeth Curtin hosted the group at her house for a low-key time of fun before the flurry of holiday activities began.  We had a wonderful array of food and a whole table of desserts.  No-one went home hungry!   At that meeting we also collected toys and gifts for another of our new charities - The Hubbard House Holiday Gift Cupboard.  We've been asked to help stock the gift cupboard so that Moms and children from the shelter over the holidays will be able to choose gifts for each other.  Debbie Grosnick is the chair for this (519-2927) and can send you their 'wish list'.  We will be collecting these at either Debbie's  9949 Orchard Hills Rd or at Donna Bernard's (464-0910)  9907 Vineyard Lake Lane.  If you don't have time for shopping, we have several 'designated shoppers' in the group who know how to stretccchhh your dollars! We need new toys, school supplies, clothing, games, music, and beauty supplies - whatever you would buy for your own kids or grandkids!   www.hubbardhouse.org

In November, we gathered furnishings for an apartment in the brand new TouchstoneVillage at the YouthCrisis Center facility.  They are constructing a 3 building complex to house and educate kids who have no family support system or are aging out of the foster care system, yet don't have the life skills to go out on their own.   On November 10 we delivered two vans full of wonderful donations and took a tour of the nearly finished facility.  We also cheerfully handed over a $500 check to be used for odds and ends to finish up the spaces. Bonnie Solloway (519-8823) is the contact.  Anything donated will be gratefully accepted! There will be an ongoing need for furnishings as the students move out into their own apartments eventually.  So please keep them in mind.  www.touchstonevillage.org  We are also collecting Christmas decorations for the 3 new buildings to deck their halls, so if you have extras that you aren't using please help brighten up the new buildings.

Our January dinner meeting will be at the Club on Thursday, January 7, so get your 2010 calendar out and put us on it.  We gather at 6:15 for a social time before the meeting starts at 7pm.  After dinner, TouchstoneVillage is coming to tell us about how the program is working and will bring one of the girls to talk with us.  We'll also collect any donations that didn't get delivered in November.  Please RSVP at the Club (363-1604) so that we know how many will have dinner with us.

In February we will be putting together our budget for the following year and setting up the new officers and committee chairs.  If you are willing to help in any capacity in this terrific organization, please call any of the Board for information.  Patty Tomka Pres. 363-6086, Elizabeth Curtin VP 519-7937, Vicki Khan Sect. 519-7722, Jo Berman Treas. 363-2243, Mary Tenuta Membership 519-8191 or Donna Bernard Community Connections 464-0910

Patty Tomka shows a handmade blanket along with all the donations at Touchstone Village.

Pam Morgan, Patty Tomka, Tom Patania & Bonnie Solloway at the check presentation.

They had a whole truck of mattresses and appliances for the apartments.

October Board Meeting Highlights

October 22, 2009 Board Highlights
All board members were present including Bernard Vargas Vila, Property Manager.
Property Manager's Report - Bernard Vargas Vila:
It was recommended and approved to send three (3) properties to the Covenants Enforcement Committee for hearings.
Finance Committee - Judd Schwartz, Liaison:
  • August 30 Financials include, to date:
o        Revenue:  $600,011
o        Expenses: $581,768
o        Balance:   $  18,243
o        Current "projected" year-end balance with prior year carryover: ($11,800)
  • Reserve "projected" year-end balance $141,304.
  • Finance Committee is recommending a $5 increase in the monthly assessments for FY2010.
Access Control Committee - Doug Klippel, Liaison:
  • Committee reported that approximately 18,000 non-resident cars entered the community --8,183 were visitors, 5,428 were commercial and 4,246 entered as club guests.
  • Committee recommended and Board approved unanimously new member(s): Ken Landrum, Steve Malick and Neil McCormick to the Access Control Committee.
Architectural Review Committee - Joe Cernigliaro, Liaison:
Committee is in need of new members with architectural, building design or landscaping experience or expertise. Please consider joining this very important committee which meets once a month on the first Thursday of each month at 7pm at the Deercreek Country Club. Interested individuals should contact: Skip Yauger @ 363-2809 or ryauger@bellsouth.net.
  • Committee recommended and board approved unanimously new member: Tim Turner
Covenants Enforcement - Ron Peace, Liaison:
  • Committee recommended and board approved unanimously new member: Dudley Mendheim.
Common Property - George Partin, Liaison:
  • Committee presented its budget and "pre-approval" recommended projects for 2010. Projects included: 1) pushing back the tree line on both the major and natural areas along the roadways, 2) raising the canopies and removing specific trees at the playground, 3) installing crepe myrtle on the center island of Deercreek Club Road, 4) cleaning up center islands on Heather Lake Court, and 5) installing viburnum to block the view of the guards' personal vehicles near the gatehouse.
  • Committee seeking new members. Please consider joining this very important committee which meets once a month on the second Wednesday of each month at 7pm at the Deercreek Country Club. Interested individuals should contact: George Partin @ 519-8729 or CreekSideInv@HotMail.com.
Communications - Rosemary Tutt, Liaison:
  • Committee recommended and board approved unanimously new members: Dottie Patterson, Carson Phillips and Charlotte Johnson.
  • The Association received a proposal from Interproject Services, LLC in the amount of $3,145 for 2010 to maintain the updating of the website and the formatting of the e-newsletter.
  • Newsletter from now forward  will be by electronic communication only (email and web site).
  • Committee is actively seeking new members. Please consider joining this very important committee which meets bi-monthly on the third Wednesday at 7pm at the Deercreek Country Club. Interested individuals should contact: Rosemary Tutt @ 363-6316 or rosemarytutt@aol.com.
Legal - Carol D'Onofrio, Liaison:
  • Board continues to pursue delinquent residential properties that are accruing unpaid assessments and fines in excess of $64,455.
  • Fines for 10 properties exceed $1,000 and represent $60,000 of these unpaid assessments.
CPAC - Danny Becton, Liaison:
  • Speaker, Cyndi Stevenson, District 1 Commissioner, St. JohnsCounty, provided an update on the growth and development in the northern portion of St. Johns County.
  • Speaker, Joe Whitaker, Business Development, Jacksonville Economic Development Commission, introduced Ordinance 2009-711 which introduces designated areas of Jacksonville to take advantage of the federal government's American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA).
  • City will be approving a rezoning request for an AutoZone next to the Walgreens on Baymeadows Road and Southside Boulevard. CPAC had no objections to this project.
  • No meeting is scheduled for December, 2009.
OLD Business:
  • Ad-hoc Committee for Gate Access for Non-ARC Projects reported on their continued progress in developing a fine structure for these infractions. Will be working with the ARC committee and reporting back to the board in the near future.
  • The chair updated the Road Paving Project 2009 - (i) Duval Asphalt completed the milling and re-asphalting of the specified cul-de-sacs during first week of October, (ii) North Florida Emulsion will crack seal on about the third week of October, (iii) North Florida Emulsion will chip seal specified road the last week of October and (iv) North Florida Emulsion will be micro-surfacing second week of November.
  • The replacement of the speed bumps in the southern natural area was discussed and approval given to replace with a "pre-fabricated" speed bump and speed hump.
NEW Business:
  • Upcoming Board election 2010 - Community is in need of volunteers to run for the 3 board positions. Currently there are only 2 candidates. Residents are encouraged to consider this very import community service for our community.