Official Newsletter of the KRW Tri-County Tobacco Free Coalition

Mission Statement
Aggressively pursue the elimination of tobacco use by partnering with communities to prevent tobacco use, promote cessation and eliminate second hand smoke by utilizing best practices.

Smoke-Free Air?
Multi-Unit Housing Occupants Still Being Exposed
An HSPH study in the December 2009 issue of the journal Tobacco Control documents how cigarette fumes can infiltrate the homes of nonsmokers in low-income housing. When nonsmoking residents reported the frequent odor of tobacco smoke from other apartments or hallways, tests in their homes subsequently turned up elevated nicotine concentrations.

Secondhand smoke can enter a smoke-free residence through shared air spaces, ventilation systems, windows, elevator shafts, hallways, holes in walls, and pipes and electrical outlets. Indeed, in older multi-unit buildings, about half to two-thirds of the air in a residence can infiltrate from neighboring apartments.

Click here to read the full article. 


In Wisconsin, our work is not done.   Due to the growing number of foreclosures in our state, many people are relocating to mulit-unit housing.  As a coalition, we will be looking at mulit-jurisdictional housing in our communities, talking with landlords, tenants and local law makers in order to stand up for the rights of those people who are being exposed to second and third hand smoke.


Meeting Schedule for 2012
In order to make scheduling more convenient for coalition members, we have devised a schedule of meetings for all of 2012.  Please take note of the dates and add them to your calendars.  Thanks!

Kenosha Group: 

Wednesday, April 25 11:30-1:30 
Kenosha County Job Center - 8600 Sheridan Rd. 
Room South 11 (enter at South East door) 
Wednesday, September 26 11:30-1:30 
Kenosha County Job Center - 8600 Sheridan Rd.
Room South 11 (enter at South East door)

Racine Group:

Tuesday, April 17 8:30-10:30 
WIC Office, Racine 
2316 Rapids Drive (across from Horlick HS) 
Tuesday, October 16 8:30-10:30 
WIC Office, Racine 
2316 Rapids Drive (across from Horlick HS) 
Walworth Group: 
Wednesday, May 16 11:30-1:30 
Location TBD  
Phone Conference Meetings: (Kenosha, Racine and Walworth Groups are all encouraged to participate)   
Wednesday, February 22 10:00-11:00 
Wednesday, August 22 10:00-11:00 
Login information for conference calls will be sent closer to the dates. 
*All important dates can be found on the


OTP Presentations

Big Tobacco's newest scheme are their Other Tobacco Products that are packaged to look and taste like candy.  Because KRW Coalition's main goal is to protect Wisconsin's youth, it is very important to educate adults and youth about these products.

KRW Coalition is looking for opportunities to present to your company, organization or group about what Big Tobacco is doing to market these products, and how to recognize them.  We have a great new display that will catch your attention and enlighten you and your fellow community members about the dangers of these products.
WI WINS Now Educating Retailers


With the creation of a new website, WI WINS is now trying to educate retailers on compliance. is designed to help retailers train their employees on the vital information to look for on a state drivers license or ID. A trained employee is able to identify the information in the hopes of avoiding an illegal sale of tobacco to an underage youth.



WI WINS is looking for youth ages 15-17 who would like to participate in tobacco compliance checks in Kenosha, Racine or Walworth Counties. Any interested participants should contact Janine Rohde, or call 262-945-9222 for more information about the program.




FACT is now at the Boys and Girls Club of Kenosha one Tuesday a month.  Stop in to the teen center the week of February 7 and check out our 'Reveal the FACT's Banner.'

February 28, FACT members at Case HS are hosting a t-shirt party.  Any teens in the Racine area are welcome to come.  Check out the FACT website for more information.

As always, keep a look out for articles on FACT in the Kenosha News, the Racine Journal Times, or on  The FACT youth in our communities are doing great things everyday! 
Like Us!
facebook2Don't forget to visit KRW Coalition on facebook!  We encourage all supporters of our cause to 'like us'!  We'd be happy to 'like' your organization, too!
In This Issue
Smoke-Free Air?
Meeting Schedule for 2012
OTP Presentations
WI WINS Now Educating Retailers
Like Us!

Contracted Through:
Kenosha County Division of Health
8600 Sheridan Road
Kenosha, WI 53143

Joyce Erickson

Assistant Coordinator 
WI Wins 
Janine Rohde

FACT Coordinator 
Erin Morey 

Chaz Bartucz

Coalition Partners

American Cancer Society

AM Community Credit Unio

American Heart Association

Aurora Health Care

Boys and Girls Club

Bradford High School SADD

Central Racine County Health Dept.

Chamber of Commerce/Kenosha

Chamber of Commerce/West Lake Geneva

City of Racine Police Dept.

City of Racine Health Dept.

City of Kenosha Police Dept.

County Board of Supervisors/Kenosha

Darien Police Dept.

Dental Associates, Ltd.

Dental Society of Kenosha

Developmental Disability Services

Elkhorn police Dept.


Family and Aging Services

Focus on Community-Racine

Fontana Police Dept.

Gateway Technical College


Girl Scout Council

Hope Council

Kenosha Business Alliance

Kenosha City Council

Kenosha/Racine Community Action Agency

Kenosha Concerned Citizens Coalition

Kenosha County

-Board of Health

-Division of Health

-Sheriff's Department

Kenosha County Health Initiative

Kenosha Education Association

Kenosha Hospice Alliance

Kenosha/Racine/Walworth Spanish Center

Kenosha Unified

-School Board

-School District

Kenosha Visiting Nurses Association

Kenosha Women's Network

Lake House Health & Learning Center-Racine

Lakeshore Health & Wellness-Racine


Medical Society of Kenosha

Mount Pleasant Police Department

Racine County Sheriff's Department

Racine-Kenosha WI Chapter Black Nurses

Racine Unified School District-

Support Services

Racine County Youth Coalition

SAFE Haven of Racine, Inc

Town of Delavan Police Dept.

Town of East Troy Police Deot.

Town of Geneva Police Dept.

University of Wisconsin-Whitewater

Village of Caledonia Police Dept

Village of Sturtevant Police Dept

Village of Walworth Police Dept.

Village of Sharon Police Dept.

Village of East Troy Police Dept.

Volunteer Center of Racine County

Western Racine County Health Dept.

Wheaton Franciscan Healthcare

Williams Bay Police Dept.

Walworth County Sheriff's Dept.

Quick Links

Do you have any information for our newsletter?  Contact Erin @