Texas Tech University Press logoNews from T E X A S   T E C H  U N I V E R S I T Y  P R E S S

April 2009
Literary Lubbock Lineup 2009
Literary Lubbock 09 logo
Dinner and a few good authors
Each spring since 2003, Literary Lubbock has offered West Texans a grand evening with Southwestern authors. If you're in the Lubbock area, we hope you can join us Friday, May 1, at Texas Tech's elegant Merket Alumni Center for a festive evening of fine dining, wine, and words.
This signature occasion brings together seven authors to speak about their new books on Texas, the Southwest, and beyond, and to visit with Literary Lubbock guests. The evening's proceeds benefit the Grover E. Murray Studies in the Southwest, honoring Tech's former president. Check out this year's schedule, sponsors, and roster of stars, and reserve your place now!
John O. Baxter

Nasario Garc�a

Rosanna Taylor Herndon

Shirley Gordon Jackson

A. Michael Powell and Shirley A. Powell

Dorothy Allred Solomon
Our thanks to the following sponsors
Jim and Pam Brink
Kent Hance
Sally Murray
McPherson Cellars Winery
Presidential Lecture & Performance Series at TTU
The Price Group
Southwest Geological
TTU Alumni Association
TTU College of Mass Communications
TTU College of Outreach & Distance Education
TTU Student Government Association
Whitacre College of Engineering
New titles this month 
M O D E R N   S O U T H E A S T   A S I A

The Battle at Ngok Tavak
 The Battle at Ngok Tavak
 Allied Valor and Defeat in Vietnam
 Bruce Davies
 $24.95  |  paper  |  978-0-89672-658-1
In a single desperate encounter, a microcosm of what went wrong in the war
An Loc by General Tran Van Nhut
 An Loc
 The Unfinished War
 General Tran Van Nhut, with Christian L. Arevian
 $27.95  |  cloth  |  978-0-89672-645-1
A South Vietnamese leader's revealing retrospective, now in English
T E X A S   F O R   Y O U N G   R E A D E R S
Journey to Goliad by Melodie A. Cuate Journey to Goliad
 Melodie A. Cuate
 $17.95  |  cloth  |  978-0-89672-649-9
 Book Four in the award-winning
 time-travel series


R E C E N T  A W A R D   W I N N E R S
N O W   I N   P A P E R B A C K
Getting Away with Murder by Bill Neal
 Getting Away with Murder   
 on the Texas Frontier
 Notorious Killings and Celebrated Trials
 Bill Neal, with foreword by Gordon Morris Bakken
 $18.95  |  paper  |  978-0-89672-651-2
Ruling Pine Ridge by Akin D. Reinhardt
 Ruling Pine Ridge
 Oglala Lakota Politics from the
 IRA to Wounded Knee

 Akin D. Reinhardt, with foreword by Clara Sue Kidwell
 $24.95  |  paper  |  978-0-89672-656-7
TTUP Books
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    We hope you'll enjoy what you find here. You may change your contact information or unsubscribe at any time (see information at the bottom of this page). You may also send this link to friends, or post it on your own Web site or blog. Thanks for spreading the word. Write us anytime at  [email protected].
Barbara Brannon  |  Marketing Manager 
In This Issue
Literary Lubbock 2009
New Titles This Month

Leap by Elizabeth Haukaas

The Andrew Poems by Shelly Wagner
New and recent in the Walt McDonald First-Book Series
Leap: Poems
Elizabeth Haukaas
$21.95  |  cloth
The Andrew Poems
Shelly Wagner
$14.95  |  paper 
Wild Flight: Poems
Christine Rhein
$21.50  | cloth
Wild Flight by Christine Rhein
Join Our Mailing List
John O. Baxter Bill Neal
West Texas Historical Assocation
April 3
Elizabeth Haukaas McNally Jackson Bookstore
New York, NY
April 2, 7 p.m.
Mixer reading and music series
New York, NY
April 15, 7 p.m.
Rosanna Taylor Herndon
Visiting Writer, West Texas A&M
Canyon, TX
April 21-24
Shirley Gordon Jackson
NAACP, Elkhart, IN
April 16, 7 p.m.

Charles Gordone Historical Marker Installation
Elkhart (IN) Public Library
April 18
Left Hand Books
Boulder, CO

April 2, 7 p.m.
Riverton (WY)
  Branch Library
April 4, 2 p.m.

Scottsbluff (NE) Public Library
April 6, 6 p.m.

Chadron State University
Chadron, NE
April 7, 7 p.m.

Dudek's Christian Bookshelf
Gordon, NE
April 8, 11:30 a.m.

North Platte (NE) Public Library
April 9, noon
Kearney (NE) Public Library
April 9, 7 p.m.
Ewald Library
Grosse Pointe Park, MI
Thurs., April 16, 7 p.m.

Schuler Books & Music, Okemos, MI
Tues., April 21, 7:30 p.m.
Cromaine Library Hartland, MI
Thurs., April 23, 7 p.m.
Don't see your event here? e-mail us at [email protected] 

Texas Tech University Press  |  Box 41037  |  Lubbock, Texas 79409-1037 USA  |  800.742.2982
Save 30%
Leap by Elizabeth HaukaasThe poems in Leap . . . rage and sing, and tell stories with brilliant sass. [They] do what poems should do:
 they leave you feeling more alive.--Rick Barot 
Leap: Poems
Elizabeth Haukaaas, with introduction by Robert A. Fink
Order by phone 800.832.4042  |  806.742.2982  |  mention code CC04  |  Exp. 4/30/09