Maryland Leadership Workshops
Maryland Leadership Workshops
Learn to Lead.
Lead for Life.
May 2012



Summer is almost here and at Maryland Leadership Workshops we are already in planning and training mode!  Did you know that the MLW staff spends over 2,000 hours together in formal training to prepare for a week of programs?!   That is part of what makes the magic happen.


The core programs are filling up. If you haven't done so, send in your applciation today. If you need any convincing, check out these great videos from the Advanced Leadership Seminar staff!  

Word of mouth is our best form of advertising so please share this opportunity with principals, counselors, teachers, parents and students in your community. Tell them to Apply today for an experience that lasts a lifetime. 


As this school year comes to an end, we want to extend a hearty congratulations to our staff and delegates who are celebrating graduations this spring! We can't wait to see many of you back at MLW this summer. 


Ilaya Signature


Ilaya Hopkins
Executive Director
New Staff Day 2012
MLW latest recruits (and some familiar faces) at New Staff Day!
In This Issue
A Message from Eliot
Program Board and Beyond
Build the Foundation
MLW Student Leadership in Action
Of Note, Alumni Notes
Alumni Spotlight
MLW Board of Directors
A Message from the Chair
Eliot Head Shot
MLW Chair, Eliot Pfanstiehl

My friends,

The Board of Directors celebrated its first full year with a marathon strategic planning session in Hunt Valley in April.  We began the discussion of what MLW will look like in five years.  As you can imagine, it was a creative, spirited, inspiring and sometimes sobering discussion.  As school budgets continue to be tight, we need to find more avenues to sponsor students and underwrite our programs so that we can continue to offer them at affordable prices.  We will continue to have these discussions and as we begin to implement some initiatives, we will be sure to keep all of you apprised of our progress.


Our organization is fortunate to have the talents of a diverse board, each of whom has a strong connection to MLW.  I'd like to thank Dr. Nancy Grasmick, Wilson Parran, Skipp Sanders and Amanda Werrell for their service as they step off the Board. I would also like to welcome Larry Culleen, partner at Arnold and Porter and, more importantly, former staff director and President of the MLW Policy Board, and Liliana Evans, a SHW 2011 delegate, to the board.  It continues to be an honor to serve with so many dedicated to the success of MLW.  


Thank you for all you continue to do to support our programs and reaching more students in Maryland. 

 Eliot signature

Eliot Pfanstiehl

Chair, MLW Board of Directors

Program Board and Beyond

Once known as the Policy Board, the latest iteration of this body that is responsible for all things program related

Program committee chair and vice chair

2011-2012 Program Committee

Vice Chair Dustin Jeter and Chair Marcy Leonard

is now called the Program Committee and is being chaired this year by Marcy Leonard.  Marcy is a longtime MLW staff member and valued contributor to the heart and soul of the organization. Known as Ms. Leonard in her day job as principal of Hammond High School in Howard County, she is also embarking on her eleventh maraton this fall. 


The Program Committee has eight members - six general members including the chair and vice chair and two student members. Together, they help shape the core programs by appointing directors, crafting policies, and evaluating curriculum. 


Evaluation and feedback is a key component of staff training and development as well as part of the curriculum for delegates.  It is one of the many reasons the programs are fresh and relevant each and every year.


The new and returning staff day took place in mid May and the Program Committee was there to welcome the new staff and say hello to returning staff. Everyone is excited for a great summer ahead.

You can Build the Foundation of MLW

We are thrilled to announce that we received a very generous grant from the Frederick N. and Phyllis H. Leonard Fund of the Mid-Shore Community Foundation to allow student from five mid-shore counties (Caroline, Dorchester, Kent, Queen Anne's and Talbot) to attend the summer 2012 programs.  This kind of support helps make the programs possible and we are tremendously grateful.


You can help too!  A gift in any amount shows the breadth and depth of support for MLW and helps secure additional grants and corporate support. For example:


$1,000 Funds a scholarship to cover the full cost of a delegate's summer program experience

$675 Provides tuition for one delegate to attend a summer program!

$325 Defrays the difference between the actual cost per delegate ($1,000) and our tuition ($675)

$200 Supports the Staff Training Fund to cover a portion of the extensive staff training

$150 Pays for a staff member's stipend  for one outreach program

$50 Covers the costs onsite materials for one delegate


The Build the Foundation goal of $50,000 recognizes contributions made by alumni and active staff to the Alumni Partners Campaign, pledges and donations to the Mike Michaelson Endowment fund, and individual gifts from friends and supporters.  Download the donation form to lend your support to MLW today.


Thank you for your investment in MLW and leaders of today. 

MLW Student Leadership in Action

At MLW, we don't just talk about becoming a future leader of tomorrow. We understand that students are leading in all kinds of ways at school and in the community today.

Here are some stand out examples:

Congratulations to the 2012-2013 Maryland Association of Student Council officers, who are all graduates of MLW programs:

Devan Ogburn, Lisette Escobar, Jessica Qiu, and Pearson Benson. We look forward to working with you in the coming year.


At the National Student Council level, Christian Hodges was elected to represent Region 2 - Maryland, New Jersey, New York, Pennsylvania, and Delaware - for a two year term.  


Ed Burroughs won his primary election to continue to serve on the Prince George's County Board of Education and received a great deal of national press for this accomplishment.


Of note, Alumni Notes! 
2012 ALS staff member, Annie Coble, is graduating on May 16th from Momouth University with degrees in Health Studies and Social Work! Then, even more exciting, this January she's starting graduate school at Boston College to get a Masters in Social Work, macro practice!
Candice Epps graduated from Virginia Commonwealth University this past Saturday - May 12th with a B.A in Interdisciplinary Studies with a concentration in Elementary Education, Minor in Special Education, and graduated with honors - magna cum laude. Way to go!
Jackie Fludd got engaged to Jon Peng on vacation in Paris on April 3. They plan to marry next spring. Jon is embracing Jackie's love of MLW by helping to host this summer's visual making party! 
Future MLW Delegate
Madeline Goldberg
Former Senior High Director, Rebecca Gifford Goldberg and her husband Jon welcomed their new daughter Madeline Erica Goldberg on April 23rd at 9:41am at 6 lbs. 5 ozs.  Best wishes to the growing family!
Next year, Barrie Moorman will be developing the 10th grade US History curriculum at E.L. Haynes Public Charter School, teaching the first class of 10th grade students who will graduate in 2015. 
Erica Myers just completed her first year at University of Miami. She is currently getting a Masters in Community Psychology. This summer, Erica is  working with a non-profit organization that helps foster care youth who are transitioning out of the system.
DaShawn Murry will graduate with an M.S. Technical Management from Johns Hopkins University on May 23rd. Congratulations!
If you have information to share, please send it to Director of Alumni Lauren Lee at [email protected].
Alumni Spotlight: Ryan Gielen

Describe your history with MLW - delegate and staff, etc. and how did you get involved in the first place?   

I attended MLW, then ALS, then became a staff member for a couple memorable, exhausting summers. I became involved because friends in student government were attending, and I wanted to tag along. I was a leader in some ways already- in sports and other organizations in school- and it seemed like a good fit.   


What is one of your favorite MLW memories?   

My favorite MLW memory is preparing for my first session as a counselor, and getting to interact with Annette Summers and John Burr as equals. It was inspiring to work with people I had looked up to for years. I'm proud to say I still look up to both of them.   


What do you do for a living?    

Ryan G Directing
Ryan on the set.

I'm a filmmaker and author.   


How does MLW help you in your everyday life?   

It's funny- I think about MLW a lot. I produce independent films, commercials and web series and every single day in the planning, shooting and editing phases I manage personalities, navigating group dynamics, tailor my approach to problems based on the participants involved, make others stakeholders... The short version is, I herd cats and I draw on things every day that I learned 15 years ago at camp.   


Do you have any advice for MLW delegates and/or staff members? 
It sounds cliche, but when adults who are passionate about MLW tell you it's a life-altering experience and you'll remember it the rest of your life... they're right. They're telling you the truth. If you invest in the experience, you'll see the rewards for the rest of your life. Also, one of the greatest lessons I learned at MLW- as a camper and a counselor- is just how much we all benefit from the collected wisdom of a group. Becoming a better listener at MLW and ALS has made me a better leader today.

MLW Through the Years
 MLW 1980
Thanks to people like Mike Michaelson, Steve Sultanoff and Karen Crawford, we are building the MLW Photo Archive.  If you have 'classic' photos to include, please email them to [email protected] or post them to our Facebook Fan Page at

Be sure to include the year, program and individuals in the photo so we will know who everyone is!  Thanks to Cathy Vitale, MLW Board member, for the photo above!

Join the legacy and be a part of MLW 3.0 as we continue to enrich, empower and engage Maryland youth. Stay in touch through, and LinkedIn

Let us know what you would like to see in our next newsletter at [email protected].

Are you interested in supporting MLW?

Download the form or contact the office at 301-527-8222 to find out how you can make a tax deductible contribution.

Contributions of $500 or more may qualify for a tax credit.

2012 Program Information


July 15 - July 21



July 22 - July 28


@ Washington College in Chestertown, MD. 


Check out the

2012 program brochure

and download Delegate Application Packets at 

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Leadership Opportunities

Youth Leadership Montgomery

Apply Today


LEAD at St. Mary's College

Apply Today 

Do you have Leadership Opportunities to share?  Send them to [email protected].

Important Dates




June 15, 2012



Application Deadline

(complete delegate applications must be postmarked by June 15 to reserve your spot in the program)


June 24-27

LEAD at St. Mary's with Leadership Southern Maryland


June 24-30

Journey with the Women's Giving Circle of Howard County


July 15-July 21, 2012

ALS and MSEL on site


July 22 - July 28, 2012

SHW on site


MLW Board of Directors

Executive Committee


Eliot Pfanstiehl,


President and CEO, Strathmore Hall


Sean M. Looney,

Vice Chair

Vice President, State Government Affairs, Comcast


Katherine Getty, Treasurer

Managing Director, Susquehanna Bank


Kim Coble,


MD Exec Dir, Chesapeake Bay Foundation, Inc.


Marcy Leonard,

Chair, Program Committee

Principal, Howard County Public Schools


Ilaya R. Hopkins

Executive Director


Board of Directors


John Cammack

Cammack and Associates


Larry Culleen

Partner, Arnold and Porter


Lloyd Etheredge

Project Director, Policy Sciences Center


Liliana Evans

Student Member


Holly B. Huntley

Vice President, Human Resources, CSC


Thomas Jarboe

COO, Technology Security Associates


Rose Krasnow

Division Chief, M-NCPPC


Nancy Minieri

President, Leadership Maryland


Ann Misback



Betty Morgan

Executive Director Grad Nation

America's Promise Alliance


Susan C. Simmons

Director, Caroline County Recreation & Parks


Cathleen Vitale

Delegate, Maryland House of Delegates


Betty Weller

VP, Maryland State Education Association