FFCC Logo  
August 1, 2012
  • FFCC will partner with Care Fusion for a private food packaging event on August 30th. 

If you belong to a church, business, or organization that would like to partner with FFCC to further this food packaging work, contact Phil Harris (philffcc@san.rr.com) or Tina Socha (tina.socha@san.rr.com). The needs are incredible, so thank you for your continued - and new - partnership! 


Your donations make a difference! At 25 cents/meal, $20 provides 80 meals to hungry people here in North County and around the world! 
Click here to calculate how many meals your planned donation can provide!


Food Packaging 4




This summer the Cub Scouts from the Black Mountain District of Boy Scouts of America partnered with FFCC to pack 8,000 meals for families in need! There were two events, one in June and another in July, each coinciding with a Cub Scout summer camp. Melissa Holiday, one of the organizers of the events, commented, "What a great service project this was for the boys. They could feel their efforts make a definite contribution and difference."


In addition to the food packaging, FFCC was able to assemble over 100 water filters and organize donated soccer gear for a tournament that FFCC will be hosting for a group of orphanages in Haiti this August. Thank you to Callaway Golf for your matching employee gift contribution providing some of the financial support for the event. We are grateful for the way San Diego County is committed to this Fight Against Hunger!  

If you have an organization or business that would like to sponsor a food
packaging event, please contact Tina Socha at tina.socha@san.rr.com.  






This coming Monday (August 6th) FFCC will be downtown at the Salvation Army at 6 pm to serve dinner to our homeless guests.  Our team will assemble a delicious Oriental supper of Chicken Fried Rice & Egg Rolls. We would love to have you come and help us serve it! In addition to coming to help serve dinner, you are invited to bring other items along that are both a help and encouragement.  For example, you could bring a case of water bottles, caps to protect from the sun, sun block, chapstick, socks, gently used clothing, blankets or hygiene kits.


The Salvation Army is located at 825 7th Ave, San Diego, 92101.  You can get directions and more information about things to
bring from our website (www.ffccsd.org). See you there!  




On Saturday August 10th, FFCC will take its 11th trip to Haiti since the
devastating earthquake of January 2010. Our team of 17 is made-up of
representatives from San Diego, Berkeley and Pequannock & Pompton Plains, New Jersey. (The New Jersey team members are a result of our food packaging event held there last fall.)


This team of 2 high school students, 3 college students & 12 over twenty-five will be hosting a three-day soccer tournament for four local orphanages on a field that was built by FFCC. Our team will be packing donated soccer uniforms, cleats, balls & other related gear to distribute to the children playing in the tournament. The news from Haiti is that the kids have been practicing hard and are thrilled to have this opportunity!


In addition to the tournament, our team will continue to provide water filters donated by members of our community to needy families and they will join in the ongoing construction of a girls' dormitory for Shepherd's House Ministries. This dormitory will provide housing for 100 girls who lost their families in the earthquake.


They are going to be very busy and very sweaty! Today's heat index for Port au Prince, Haiti is 110 degrees!  Keep the team in your thoughts and prayers as they labor to bring help and hope to the Haitian people! 


                            LOCAL NEIGHBOR NEEDS                                                                       helping hands across the globe
Several local families are seeking our help (e.g., 
clothing, double stroller, diapers, furniture). Click here for a list of items. If you can bless these families by supplying any of these items, please contact Becky Palenske at bpalenske@san.rr.com.

  • A single mom who is raising her toddler grandchildren now in order to give them a more stable life needs a very reliable, but inexpensive car. Click here for an easy way to donate a car to FFCC!
  • A non-perishable food storage facility is desperately needed for
    our Fall and Thanksgiving food drives.
  • Some refrigerator and freezer space would also help - even two shelves would be helpful. Our Albertsons Fresh Rescue program provides some great free food that needs cold storage.

A big thank you to all the summer volunteers who have helped with our
Backyard Produce projects and Albertsons Fresh Rescue. Because of these helpers, FFCC has already been able to distribute over 13,000 lbs of free food this summer to local families in need! 



In This Issue
Any food can find
You make a difference!
Thank you so much for your gifts of time, talent, and financial support!
Quick Links

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Upcoming Events at a Glance  

Click here to view a calendar of FFCC Food Packaging Events for 2012 


Haiti Trip #11 (August 2012) Family Potluck                                              August 5  5:00pm 


FFCC Homeless Outreach                                                                         August 6  6:00pm

Location: Salvation Army, 825 7th Avenue, San Diego 92101


Haiti Trip #11 (August 2012)                                                                      August 10-18


Haiti Trip #12 (November 2012) Team Meeting                                           August 21 6:30pm


FFCC FPE Coordinator Meeting                                                                August 27 6:30pm


FFCC Senior Outreach                                                                              August 28 9am-Noon

Location: Salvation Army, 825 7th Avenue, San Diego 92101 


Care Fusion FPE (private event)                                                                August 30


**For information on any of these events, contact Tina Socha at tina.socha@san.rr.com**



Tanzania Trip #13/#14 Azusa Pacific University               May 16-August 3, 2012

Haiti Trip #11 August 2012                                             August 10-August 18, 2012

Haiti Trip #12 November 2012                                        November 10-November 18, 2012

Tanzania Trip #15 February/March 2013                          February 15-March 4, 2013


For information regarding traveling with FFCC, please contact Tina Socha at tina.socha@san.rr.com


Contact Information
FFCC Director
Phil Harris
Friends & Family Community Connection
12463 Rancho Bernardo Road, PMB 158
San Diego, California  92128
Nonprofit 501(c)3, Federal Tax Identification 75-3057954