bubbles too
May 27, 2011
Dear FFCC Team Member, 
 road crew 


Another FFCC Team is on the ground in Tanzania!  Team #8 is spending several weeks in Tanzania to work in the village of Nkungi and alongside the Hadzabi Tribe.  Here's a report we just received from the team:


Dear Family and Friends,


We made it to the beautiful country of Tanzania. We are currently in the village of Nkungi. Our time has been spent getting to know the villagers and the children. We spent the majority of our first full day here at a church service where we were introduced and performed a couple songs that we knew from the states. The service consisted of a lot of singing and dancing and it was nothing like anything we have ever experienced. The building was packed. People were overflowing out the windows and doors. We had kids sitting on all of our laps throughout the service. At the end of the service there was an auction and we ended up buying a chicken for dinner. It was delicious.

            After church we went on a tour standing in the back of a truck with our local contact and friend, Mike Katwaka. He showed us his home town, the house he was born in and shared many memories and stories about Nkungi and the surrounding villages. We saw some of the most breathtaking scenery we have ever seen. We spent the rest of our day playing games with the children of the village.

            Today we visited the Charedeleco Village, a local leper colony, and spoke with the chairman to brainstorm ways that we can help them while we are here. Shaking hands with people who had leprosy was an experience that we will never forget. The joy that they still had was incredible considering their circumstances. It was an unforgettable experience and we are looking forward to spending time with them and working alongside them in the next couple weeks.

            We will try to keep you updated as often as possible. However, Internet access is very limited. We are safe and healthy as can be. We are looking forward to the experiences that lie ahead of us. We have already been so blessed by the people's generosity and kindness toward us. God has been working in all of us and we anticipate Him to stretch and shape us in new ways each day.



Much love from Tanzania,

Sean, Lenna, Greg, Tori, Megan, Lindsey, Gabe, and Kristi



echs volunteersGrauer Students Team Up with FFCC! 



Earlier this month, Tina Socha, one of our volunteers, was invited to The Grauer School in Encinitas to present FFCC to the middle school students.


Tina, explained how our organization works by putting together ideas, resources and manpower to solve problems both locally and globally.

She said, "Community needs and projects are shared through our FFCC newsletter and website and people respond in ways that they can and together we make a difference.  This is how FFCC works."


Caroline Williams and Chelsea Milne, seniors from Rancho Bernardo High School, together with Jackie Socha from Poway High School and Sean Harris from Azusa Pacific University joined in the assembly to share their experiences in traveling with FFCC both to Haiti and Tanzania.


After the assembly, students walked out to the lawn and decorated boxes that are going to be filled with non-perishable meals for the victims of the Japan earthquake and tsunami. Others had the opportunity to see how the food is put together during an FFCC food packaging event while others learned how water filters work and how they have been saving lives both in Tanzania and Haiti.


Everybody seemed very excited to have new service opportunities and students have already started by their contribution of toys for Japanese orphanages and their sharing of ideas regarding current FFCC projects.


Way to go Grauer Students!


In This Issue
Grauer Students & FFCC!
Any food can find
You make a difference!
Thank you so much for your gifts of time, talent, and financial support!
Quick Links
Upcoming Events at a Glance



Tanzania Team #9 Family Potluck                                                  June 4                5:00pm


Fight Against Hunger HS Club Coordinator Meeting                         June 5                 4:00pm


Homeless Outreach (Downtown Salvation Army)                              June 6                6:00pm


Food Packaging Event #25 (Save the Date!)                                     July 29



Tanzania Trip #9                                                                          June 20-July 7, 2011

Haiti Trip #8                                                                                 August 12-21, 2011

Haiti Trip #9                                                                                 November 4-12, 2011

Haiti Trip #10                                                                               January 21-28, 2012

Tanzania Trip #10                                                                         February 10-27, 2012 

Contact Information
FFCC Director
Phil Harris
Friends & Family Community Connection
12463 Rancho Bernardo Road, PMB 158
San Diego, California  92128
Nonprofit 501(c)3, Federal Tax Identification 75-3057954