WE ACT for Environmental Justice
Visioning the 135th Street MTS:
A Community Collaboration

Saturday, May 8th, 2010 
9:30 am to 3:00 pm 
The Faculty Dining Hall at City College
North Academic Center (NAC), 3rd Floor
Convent Avenue, between 135th Street and 138th Street
New York, NY
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Do you agree that West Harlem is no place for that old, abandoned sanitation facility at 135th Street in the Hudson River? Do you have ideas for how the site can be redeveloped? Do you want a revitalized West Harlem waterfront for you, your family, and this community?  If so the time has come! 
The time has come to turn the abandoned 135th Street Marine Transfer Station (MTS) in the Hudson River into a community asset. The site is ripe for redevelopment to continue the revitalization of the West Harlem Waterfront that began with the West Harlem Piers Park. It is up to the West Harlem community to decide what the MTS will become and what it will look like. That is why WE ACT for Environmental Justice and Community Board 9 (CB9) have partnered to help make the community's vision a reality.
Please join us at the "135th Street MTS Community Visioning" on Saturday, May 8th from 9:30 am to 3:00 pm. 
MTS Visioning 2009 - 1 
WE ACT's James Subudhi gives a presentation on the history of the 135th Street MTS at the West Harlem Community Forum held at City College on November 21, 2009.

The Community Visioning will build off of the work from the Waterfront and Economic Development Committee of CB9 on potential re-uses of the site, and a successful Community Forum co-led by WE ACT and CB9 on November 21, 2009. The Community Visioning is your opportunity to express your ideas for how to reuse the MTS and engage in its redesign. However, the Community Visioning is not your only chance to have input into the process of deciding what will be there and what it will look like. WE ACT and CB9 will coordinate follow-up community sessions to make sure the designers and architects get the community vision right. 
MTS Visioning '09 - 2
West Harlem community residents listen to James' presentation at the November 21, 2009 Community Forum. 
The Community Visioning will take place at City College in their Faculty Dining Hall located on the 3rd floor of their North Academic Center (NAC). The NAC is located on Convent Avenue between 135th St. and 138th St. Breakfast, lunch, translation, and childcare will be provided.
We hope you, your friends, your family and the West Harlem community will join us in determining the reuses and redesign of the 135th Street MTS. Please spread the word about it by forwarding this email to your contacts. With your help we can transform the 235th Street MTS from being a trash transfer facility into a treasure for the community. In the future, when we see the transformation, we will be proud we came together for the 135th Street MTS Community Visioning on Saturday, May 8th from 9:30 am to 3:00 pm.
Please RSVP by April 30th to James Subudhi at WE ACT, or Eutha Prince at CB9 if you plan to attend. Contact information is below.
James Subudhi
WE ACT for Environmental Justice 
1638 Amsterdam Avenue
New York, NY 10031
(347) 465-8484
Eutha Prince 
Manhattan Community Board 9
16-18 Old Broadway 
New York, NY 10027 
Team WE ACT & Community Board 9