WE ACT for Environmental Justice

Help WE ACT Win Chase Community $ on Facebook! 


Over the years, your support has helped WE ACT achieve great victories for communities of color and low income that have been burdened by the adverse effects of negative environmental exposures. Today the air in New York City is cleaner, because you helped us create the political will for the MTA to retrofit its buses with clean air technology. New York City school bus cabins are about to become cleaner too, because you helped us get a law passed that would mandate that they also be retrofitted with clean air technology. The West Harlem Piers have been re-born as a beautiful waterfront community park, because you came along with us on a 10-year journey to see them revitalized. And our current work to secure food justice, climate justice, transportation equity, and overall sustainable development in Northern Manhattan and beyond would not be possible without your faith in us, and your support. Thank you.
We Want Clean Air
We Want Clean Air
Community residents at a rally in Northern Manhattan...
We are asking that you support us again, this time by casting your vote for us on Facebook. Chase Bank is giving away millions of dollars to community groups like WE ACT, but they are asking regular people like you to vote for the groups that they will support with funding. The groups that get the most votes will receive up to $100,000 in grants from Chase. If you have a Facebook page, please become a fan of Chase Community Giving, vote for "West Harlem Environmental Action, Inc." and encourage your friends, family and networks to do the same.  Voting ends December 11th so we need to move fast!
If you do not have a Facebook page and are averse to creating one, please consider making a tax-deductible contribution to WE ACT by clicking here. Any amount would be a great help to us, as we seek to empower communities of color and low income to advocate for a healthier environment. We are so grateful for your support, and we look forward to bringing you news of our successes on behalf of the communities we serve.