WE ACT for Environmental Justice
Girl with globe
Photo illustration courtesy of GREENSTREETS Construction
Conference Agenda

Click here for a PDF document outlining the conference agenda.
Confirmed Conference
Guests & Speakers
Lisa Jackson, US EPA Administrator
Hon. Charles Rangel  (Invited), US House of Representatives
Dr. John M. Balbus, Environmental Defense Fund
Dr. Robert D. Bullard, Environmental Justice Resource Center at Clark-Atlanta University
Luke Cole, Center for Race, Poverty and the Environment
David Doniger, Natural Resources Defense Council
Omar Freilla, Green Worker Cooperatives
Dr. Howard Frumkin, Centers for Disease Control & Prevention
Bill Gallegos, Communities for a Better Environment
Peter Goldmark, Environmental Defense Fund
Tom Goldtooth, Indigenous Environmental Network
Dr. James Hansen, NASA Goddard Institute for Space Studies
Dr. Tyrone Hayes, University of California - Berkeley
Oran Hesterman, Fair Food Foundation
Eric Mann, Labor/Community Strategy Center
Dr. Manuel Pastor, University of Southern California
Gil Quinones, New York Power Authority
Dr. Cynthia Rosenzweig, NASA Goddard Institute for Space Studies
Mark Rossi, Clean Production Action
Ernest Tollerson, Metropolitan Transit Authority
Dr. Beverly Wright, Deep South Center for Environmental Justice at Dillard University
Elizabeth Yeampierre, UPROSE
And many more!
banner name updated
Can't Come to the Conference?
Join us in the ACJ Blogosphere!
  Greetings from Fordham University's Lincoln Center Campus!
Well, the excitement has been building up for weeks, and now the first national conference on climate justice hosted by a community-based organization is finally underway.  
Although registration is now closed, you can still be a part of this groundbreaking event by logging on to the Advancing Climate Justice - Conference 2009 Blog.

Throughout the 2-day conference, participants will be sharing their reactions to the speakers and other conference events as they occur. You can follow the action online and comment on the postings anytime.
See you in the Blogosphere!
Team WE ACT Signature
Proudly Sponsored By:
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
ConEdison, Inc.
The Earth Institute at Columbia University
Environmental Defense Fund
Ford Foundation
Fordham University School of Law
Mertz Gilmore Foundation
National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences
Natural Resources Defense Council
New York State Department of Environmental Conservation
NIEHS Center in Northern Manhattan
US Environmental Protection Agency Office of Environmental Justice
In-Kind Support Provided By:
Women's Environment & Development Organization (WEDO)
Public Health Association of New York City (PHANYC)
Mary Ann Liebert, Inc., publishers
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