September 12, 2012

Series Spotlight: Grit, Luck and Money
  Photo Courtesy of American RadioWorks

Award-winning journalist Emily Hanford knew more Americans were going to college than ever before, but she also knew a startling number of students --about 37 million-- never graduated. Her 2011 American RadioWorks documentary, "Some College, No Degree" took a closer look at college dropouts and efforts to get them back in the classroom. 


Still curious about who doesn't finish college and why, Hanford produced a new documentary "Grit, Luck and Money," airing on public radio stations this fall.


"Grit, Luck and Money" focuses on low-income students, many who are the first in the families to attend college, and their struggle to avoid becoming a statistic. Only 9 percent of low-income students earn bachelor's degree.


Read More about the research that went into "Grit, Luck and Money," listen to the radio program and explore additional interviews and student profiles here


Hanford's newest investigation of higher education, "The Rise of Phoenix," looks at the escalating debate over for-profit universities. 


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headlinesNEWS OF NOTE

In Chicago Strike, Teachers Draw a Line on Education Reform
The Christian Science Monitor, Amanda Paulson | September 11, 2012
Chicago is the first big school district in which organized labor has taken a major stand against reforms focused on teacher evaluation, seniority and teacher accountability. The outcome may affect education-reform efforts beyond the city.

Tough Homecoming for Vets (Opinion)
The Daily Beast, Harriet McDonald | September 10, 2012
Jobs have not been easy to come by for post-9/11 veterans. Who are these young men and women and what do they need?

Marriage is Not Antidote to Poverty (Opinion)CNN, Stephanie Coontz | September 10, 2012
Marriage makes excellent economic sense for a woman who wants to have a child. But finding a partner who can actually make a financial contribution to the marriage is an increasingly difficult task. 
Young Killer Did the Crime, But Should He Pay a Lifetime?
The Houston Chronicle, Claudia Feldman | September 8
Almost 1,900 inmates In Texas' prison system were locked up at age 17 or younger. Juan Garcia, 20, is serving a 99-year sentence for murder, a crime he committed when he was 15. He spends his time reframing his court case.
In D.C., Another Measure of Gun Violence: Men in Wheelchairs
The Washington Post, Madonna Lebling, Jennifer Jenkins and Whitney Shefte | September 7, 2012
Wounded by gunfire in the District, a fraternity of men faces futures forever altered by violence.
A Court Without Judgement
The Chronicle of Social Change, Daniel Heimpel | September 6, 2012
Rural Siskiyou County's Family Dependency Treatment Court emphasizes therapeutic support instead of punishment for families on the brink.

Kansas City Bishop Convicted of Shielding Pedophile Priest
The New York Times, John Eligon and Laurie Goodstein | September 6, 2012
Survivors of sexual abuse say the courts were too lenient when they sentenced the first American Roman Catholic bishop to two years probation for neglecting to protect children from a priest who preyed on minors and hoarded homemade child pornography.
Women Failing to Get Hired in U.S. Seen in Child Care Woes
Bloomberg News, Michelle Jamrisko | September 6, 2012
The child care industry is struggling as unemployed parents watch their children at home, states cut child care subsidies and the birth rate hovers at a 12-year low. In turn, slackening demand for child care workers contributes to unemployment for women.
The Truancy Trap
The Atlantic, Annette Fuentes | September 5, 2012
Low-income parents around the U.S. are facing stiff fines if their children miss too much school. Critics charge that truancy courts are criminalizing absenteeism to justify a new revenue stream.
September 13, 10:30 a.m. - 11:30 a.m.
The Office of Sen. Al Franken (D-Minn.), Grantmakers for Children, Youth & Families
Washington, D.C.
The briefing will discuss the need for more support, resources and services for grandparent-headed households. 
NationalPTA and The Pew Charitable Trusts
September 13, 7 p.m.
This conversation, targeted toward parents but open to all, will discuss the U.S. Department of Agriculture's new nutrition standards for school meals. 
September 19, 12 p.m. - 1:30 p.m. 
Center for American Progress
Washington, D.C. or  webcast
Under-resourced schools prevent children from getting a high-quality education. The event will address funding inequity in school systems and the challenges facing reform efforts. 
September 19, 1:30 p.m. - 4 p.m. ET
American Enterprise Institute and New America Foundation
Washington, D.C.
Senators Ron Wyden (D-Ore.) and Marco Rubio (R-Fla.) will discuss the Student Right to Know Before You Go Act, a bill that aims to increase higher education transparency. 
Institute for Research on Poverty
September 19, 1 p.m. - 2 p.m.
Child Support Policy 
About 40 percent of children are born to unmarried parents. Experts examine the important challenges that arise for poverty and child support policy as a result of these families.


WMPG Blunt Youth Radio Project, WNYC Radio Rookies
Deadline: September 17
A competition featuring non-fiction work created for digital platforms. 
Dart Center for Journalism and Trauma
Will take place September 21 and 22. A briefing on the latest research as well as specialized reporting skills training to allow journalists to report on suicide knowledgeably, ethically and effectively. 

The New York Times
Deadline: September 29
A training and development program for print and web journalists who aspire to become newsroom managers. The Leadership Academy is open to members of the National Association of Hispanic Journalists and the National Association of Black Journalists. 
Columbia University Graduate School of Journalism, McCormick Specialized Reporting Institute Program
Deadline: October 1
A workshop addressing efforts to stem youth violence in Chicago and how to cover youth violence in a sophisticated way. Intended for justice, mental health and education reporters based in the U.S. 
The Annie E. Casey Foundation and SparkAction
Deadline: October 1
Design an infographic using KIDS COUNT data to illustrate the story of children in your community. Share it with the Challenge platform and your social networks. 
National Center for Disability and Journalism, Walter Cronkite School of Journalism and Mass Communication at Arizona State University
Deadline: August 1
A new national awards program to recognize excellence in reporting on disability issues and people with disabilities. Entries will be accepted beginning January 1, 2013. 

Mina Dixon, Editor 

The Journalism Center on Children & Families, a program of the University of Maryland's Philip Merrill College of Journalism, is a national nonprofit organization committed to supporting media coverage of children, youth and families, particularly the disadvantaged. The JCCF News Summary helps journalists and others keep in touch with the latest news, policy analysis and research reports on critical social issues that impact families and communities. We encourage redistribution of this material with credit given to the Journalism Center on Children & Families.

Journalists are encouraged to submit their stories for consideration for publication in the JCCF News Summary and on our website. Please send story links to: info@journalismcenter.org. Stories should be archived and free of access charges for at least seven days.
JCCF thanks The Annie E. Casey Foundation for its generous support of our work.


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