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March 6, 2012

The 2012 Casey Medals for Meritorious Journalism
Caught in the Crossfire
Photo by Barbara Davidson, 2011 Casey Medal Winner


Enter the 18th annual Casey Medals for Meritorious Journalism competition, which recognizes exemplary reporting on children and families.  


First-place winners receive $1,000 and will be honored at a ceremony in Washington, D.C. Casey Medalists will also be considered for the America's Promise Journalism Awards for Awareness and Action, and the new Grad Nation Award for excellence in education reporting. Alliance winners receive $5,000 and will be announced at the Medals ceremony.  


Nearly 5,000 journalists have competed for Casey Medals since 1994. You can find the medalists and their winning content by clicking on the Awards tab on the JCCF homepage.



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Streams of Inspiration 
Troop 1500, Courtesy of ITVS
March 8th is International Women's Day;  March is Women's History Month. A new public media initiative called Women and Girls Lead includes an online film festival featuring many powerful ITVS documentaries including:
Meet Girl Scouts whose mothers are serving time in Hilltop Prison in Gatesville, Texas.
Me Facing Life: Cyntoia's Story
A 16-year-old girl is tried as an adult and sentenced to life in prison for murder. What led to this tragedy?

What can be done about misogyny, homophobia and glorification of violence in the rap music industry.

The story of an African American newspaper publisher who advocated for the integration of public schools.

In her fight for justice, a survivor of a brutal gang rape at the age of 19 must relive the crime multiple times a year to testify at parole hearings for each of the men who assaulted her. 




Rise in Preschool Cavities Prompts Anesthesia Use

The New York Times, Catherine Saint Louis | March 6, 2012

Dentists nationwide say they are seeing more preschoolers at all income levels with 6 to 10 cavities or more. The level of decay is so severe that they often recommend using general anesthesia.


Report: Minority Students Face Harsher Punishment

USA Today/Associated Press | March 6, 2012

A report released by the Education Department raises questions about whether students of all races are disciplined evenhandedly in America's schools.


Charting a Century of Change in American Girlhood

The Washington Post, Monica Hesse | March 4, 2012

The Girls Scouts of America turns 100 this month. The nonpartisan organization has influenced generations of women, but continues to walk the tightrope of being too old-fashioned for some and too progressive for others.


After Scandal, New Rules For Juveniles in Pa. Courts

NPR, Joel Rose | March 3, 2012

Juvenile defendants in Pennsylvania will no longer be allowed to waive their right to an attorney. The move is a response to a notorious case of a corrupt judge who took cash from private prisons in exchange for convictions.


Sports Rules Shift in Light of Concussion Research

Education Week, Bryan Toporek | Feb. 29, 2012

Faced with data on head injuries, youth sports associations push for changes in order to protect young athletes from trauma during games and practice.


Born to Not Get Bullied (Opinion)

The New York Times, Nicholas Kristof | Feb. 29, 2012

Lady Gaga's Born This Way Foundation aims to nurture a more congenial environment in and out of schools. Experts and educators alike are are calling for more focus on bullying as a neglected area of education - and as a human rights issue.


Housing Crisis Hits Poor Renters Hard

Miller-McCune, Emily Badger | Feb. 29, 2012

In the face of foreclosures, low-income families are struggling to find affordable rental housing.


South Florida Programs to Fight Childhood Obesity are Beginning to Show Results

The Miami Herald, Lidia Dinkova | Feb. 28, 2012

YMCA KidFit and other programs are making a dent in the epidemic of childhood obesity, and boosting kids' self-confidence and health literacy along the way.



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latest headlines on children & families


March 8, 10:30 a.m. - 12 p.m.
Center for American Progress
Washington, D.C. or webcast
In connection with International Women's Day, the event will focus on how closing the gender gap in the workforce and in political and corporate leadership will improve work-life balance and support productive economies around the world.
Building a Grad Nation Summit 
March 18 - 21
America's Promise Alliance
Washington, D.C.
The Grad Nation campaign is a 10-year effort to end the high school dropout crisis. The summit brings together educators, local and state leaders, national nonprofit organizations, businesses, youth and others to share progress and catalyze action.

Mina Dixon, Editor 

The Journalism Center on Children & Families, a program of the University of Maryland's Philip Merrill College of Journalism, is a national nonprofit organization committed to supporting media coverage of children, youth and families, particularly the disadvantaged. The JCCF News Summary helps journalists and others keep in touch with the latest news, policy analysis and research reports on critical social issues that impact families and communities. We encourage redistribution of this material with credit given to the Journalism Center on Children & Families.

Journalists are encouraged to submit their stories for consideration for publication in the JCCF News Summary and on our website. Please send story links to: info@journalismcenter.org. Stories should be archived and free of access charges for at least seven days.
JCCF thanks The Annie E. Casey Foundation for its generous support of our work.


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