News & Events
Dear Friends,

There is general agreement that 2012 will be a watershed election for America!  We on the Saginaw County Republican Party Executive Committee are honored to dedicate our time, energies, and personal expenses to keep the Republican mission of responsible civic participation alive in our County.  We have dedicated this past year to planning and getting ready for 2012, but we can not succeed alone.  WE NEED YOUR HELP.

Your generous contribution will help us succeed in:
  1. Funding an election year GOP Headquarters
  2. Funding a temporary GOP phone service and newsletter
  3. Offering campaing training and support of conservative county seat candidates

We respect your time and consideration - this is our one time donation drive, and it determines our activist budget for the year.  Your generosity will determine the limits of our success for this most important election year.  Please send your donation to:


Saginaw County Republican Party

PO BOX 6653

Saginaw  MI  48608

(To comply with election laws, please include your Name, address, and employer name and address.) 


Respectfully yours,

Helene Wiltse, Chair,

Saginaw County Republican Executive Committee 

Michigan GOP To Hold Election Training Session 
Michigan Republican logo
Our State Party will hold a Regional Training session at the Macomb Victory Center on January 26, 2012 at 7:00pm. The session will be led by Steve Ostrow, State Party Political Director. This is a great opportunity to grasp the magnitude and importance of the election cycle we are going to face.


The training will give an overview of the 2012 election cycle, both from a national perspective and what we have going on here in Michigan. It will lay out specific goals for voter identification and GOTV campaign and will describe the methods and tools we are going to use in order to achieve those goals. There is also a short portion at the end on the significance of volunteers and volunteer recruitment.

This training is ideal for Executive Board members, precinct delegates, and any other volunteers who wish to participate in making the November election a success.

Union Conservatives Announces US Senate Debate
Union Conservatives
A group known as Union Conservatives, Inc. has announced that the organization will host a special debate for the Michigan Republican US Senate candidates.  Terry Bowman, president and founder of the organization, states, "Since union workers this year will be flooded with union propaganda instructing them to vote for current Senator Debbie Stabenow, we want to clearly show workers that they have other choices, and to give the other senate candidates an opportunity to show union members why they deserve to be their senator."

The debate will be held Saturday, January 28th, from 2:00-4:00pm at the University of Michigan Dearborn campus, Dearborn, in an auditorium located in the Social Sciences Building.  Bringing conservative ideas to union members is a core mission of the group.  Bowman said, "Unlike most union policies which attempt to mold their members into nothing more than 'drones in a hive', we acknowledge that each and every union member has individual value and the right to make their own decisions.  Workers are so much more than just a part of their union.  We all hold many different roles in life, and the decisions we make on voting for an elected office must reflect all those roles. We want union members to take a close look at all the candidates and their ideas and only then make the choice who they believe will best represent the interests of Michigan as a US Senator."


The event will be open and free to the public, although seating is limited. Please visit the ticket website for ticket information.

Second Democrat Official Sentenced in Fake Political Party Case  

A sescales of justicecond Democrat Party official was sentenced on January 11th for his role in creating a fake "Tea Party" in order to confuse voters in the 2010 election cycle. Jason Bauer had served as political director to the Oakland County Democratic Party and as campaign manager to that year's secretary of state candidate Jocelyn Benson. Former Oakland County Democrat Party Chairman Mike McGuinness was sentenced on similar charges in December. Bauer was charged with five felony counts and sentenced to probation by Oakland County Circuit Judge James Alexander.

The scheme involved creating a fake Tea Party by Mark Steffek of Clio, Michigan, which then held a so-called "convention" to nominate 23 candidates to various legislative offices both at the state and county level. The names of the 23 candidates were then submitted to the Michigan Department of Secretary of State. An investigation into the names by then-Oakland County Clerk Ruth Johnson (now Michigan Secretary of State) revealed that some of the candidates were not aware that the fake Tea Party had nominated them, signatures were forged and at least one no longer lived in Michigan.


Bauer and McGuinness were charged with three counts of forged records, a 14-year felony; three counts of false swearing, a five-year felony; and, one count of false swearing-perjury a five-year felony. Bauer was also charged with three counts of violating the Notary Public Act.  

Nationwide Primary Voting Dates Calendar
For those of you who are following closely, below is a calendar showing all the election dates for presidential primaries around the country.  It also shows total delegates to be awarded.  My thanks to member Amy Carl for discovering this.

Primary Voting Calendar
The Republican mission seeks to maintain a strong defense, encourage individual achievement and liberty through the free enterprise system, and strengthen families.  If you would like to help us move the area and the country towards these goals, please consider donating to the Saginaw County Republican Committee.  Every donation, no matter how large or small, will help ensure that we can find and elect people to work for those goals.  You can do so by mail to PO BOX 6653, Saginaw, MI  48608 or on the web at

Helene Wiltse, Chair, Saginaw County Republican Party
Donald Dale Milne, newsletter editor 
In This Issue
Election Training Session
US Senate Debate
Second Democrat Official Sentenced in Fake Political Party Case
Primary Voting Dates Calendar
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Helene Wiltse
Helene Wiltse, Chair

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That's Saul Folks 


Paid for with regulated funds by the Saginaw County Republican Party
PO BOX 6653, Saginaw, MI  48608
Phone: 989-799-8467
On the web at: