
Weekly E-News: June 4, 2008

Thinking, Planning, and Getting Better
Dear Friends,

As I lay here recoving from my surgery, I feel blessed by your prayers and outpouring of love and support.  I give thanks for you and for your continued relationship with me, and with our parish, and want you to know how much I truly appreciate all that you do.

I feel like I have been lying on my back for almost a month (because I have), and while my body is healing, my mind has been happily engaged in "what if" thinking - some of which resulted in an improved website, and these weekly newsletters.

Some of my other thinking has been around the areas of Sunday School, Worship, Caring for the Sick, Preaching, Community Outreach, and Communication. 

For each of these areas, there are a number of ways that we can further enhance the good work that has already been done - but for each idea, I keep coming back to the same place:  None of this can be done without you and your personal involvement.

Take Worship, for example:  Episcopalians talk about "liturgy" a lot.  Some people confuse the "liturgy" for what the priest does, standing there at the altar - using the same words, week by week, to sanctify the bread and wine.  But liturgy is not about the priest - it is about the people.  In fact, the Greek roots of the word "liturgy" specifically mean "the work of the people" - worship then, is all about what YOU bring to the table and what YOU ask God to do with it.

As I return, we will be planning for enhanced programs, in the areas of Sunday School especially, and I'm going to need you to exercise your gifts and help!  None of the work of the church can be accomplished apart from its people, because the work of the church IS the work of the people.

Together, we will continue to build and enhance - but most importantly, together we will continue to worship!

To God be the Glory,
This Sunday at TFC-E

  • Sunday School Celebration: Begins at 11:15.  Children are encouraged to wear clothes for games and outside play!  We'll start at our normal time, and weather permitting, go outside for games and yummies!

  • Worship: Begins at 11:15 in the Loft.  This week we welcome The Rev. Jennifer McKenzie, long-time friend of the parish, who will be filling in for Michael, who is hoping to be well enough to attend worship.

  • Furniture Drive (see below)

HELP WANTED:  Our Altar Guild is looking for people who would like to help!  If you are interested in helping to support this ministry - especially on the first or third Sunday of each month, please contact Sally Cook: [email protected]
FURNITURE DRIVE!furniture drive
Help support Homestretch by cleaning out your garage, attic, or back room. 

We're looking for donations of all kinds of things, check out our website for a list.

 If you have items to donate, please have them ready this week and a TFC-E crew will pick up at your house THIS Sunday, June 8th.  Other arrangements can be made if necessary. 

If you have small items that can be brought to church on Sunday, please do so.  We will drop off the furniture load direct to Homestretch on Monday, June 9th during the day. 
Contact Neal Callander for more details- 703-538-5699 or [email protected]
Haven't been to one of these?  You're missing out!

While Michael is recovering from his back injury, Adult Education will continue to meet, led by Bob McCan and YOU! 

TONIGHT:  "Keys to Revelation", an introduction to unlocking the power & promise of the last book of the Bible.  We'll meet at Paul and Debby Miller's house - 603, S. Spring St., Falls Church. PLEASE email Debby as soon a possible if you are attending so she knows how many people are coming:  [email protected].

We meet from 6:30 - 8:30pm.

Future Adult Ed Topics:  The Great Divorce,
The Book of Common Prayer (6 week study!)

Next week we meet at the home of Bill and Robin Fetsch - please email if you're planning on attending. [email protected]
Pastoral Care Notes
We continue to pray for Tom Simmons who is currently in Intensive Care following complications with his surgery. 

Tom's wife, Ginger, tells us that Tom is stable, but that he is in need of prayer and your support.  Please keep Tom and his wife Ginger, and their family in your prayers.  If you would like to send Tom a note of encouragement or support, please direct mail to:

Cancer Treatment Center of America
1331 East Wyoming Ave.
Philadelphia, PA  19124
Attn:  Mr. Tom Simmons

Michael's surgery went well - though the surgeon found quite a bit more scarring than she had anticipated.  He is healing, but sometimes in a bit of post-surgical pain.  Your prayers are appreciated.
Issue: 3
In This Issue
Reach Out!
Adult Education
Pastoral Care
Prayer Requests
JUNE 15th!

Kids Choir

Bring Dad to celebrate Father's Day! Bring the family to kick off the summer! Bring yourself to eat good food, meet good people, and enjoy the day!

Immediately following the 10:00 a.m. worship service, on the front lawn of FCPC and inside the Fellowship Hall.

Hotdogs and drinks will be provided. Please bring a dessert or side dish to share.

Questions? Contact Kerry Grannis at 703-532-1804.
Prayers of the People

In your daily prayers, please remember:

Carl Garris
Tom Simmons
Michael Pipkin
Jerry Patterson
Kathleen Crane
Mary Wilmeth
Jackie L'Heureaux
Effie Panagiatopolous Kitty Edwards
Helen Harter
Margaret Callander
Alan Callander
Mary Corey
Jim Purdon

Give thanks for Tom Simmons' and Carl Garris' successful surgeries last week.

Remember especially the hearing before Judge Bellows today - that God's will be done, and for a future peace and reconciliation between all parties.


 O God, you made us in your own image and redeemed us through Jesus your Son: Look with compassion on the whole human family; take away the arrogance and hatred which infect our hearts; break down the walls that separate us; unite us in bonds of love; and work through our struggle and confusion to accomplish your purposes on earth; that, in your good time, all nations and races may serve you in harmony around your heavenly throne; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.
The Falls Church Episcopal