logoGWRRA Wingin' It
"Friends for Fun, Safety and Knowledge"

August, 2010

In This Issue
Joke of the Month
Inspirational Quote
Join GWRRA's Facebook
Stories Needed
Knoxville Trivia
Wing Ding 32 Updates
Home Office Reminders
Member Comments
Rescue Plus Reminder
No Phone Zone
"How GWRRA Positively Effected My Life!"
Officer Story
Chapter News
Member Story
Special Offer
GWRRA Discount Program Links

Wing Ding 33 will be held in Knoxville, Tennesee!

 July 6-9, 2011
Call 800-843-9460 or 623-581-2500 (in Phoenix) to make your reservations now!


Quick Links
Joke of the Month
IRS agent to taxpayer: "I'm afraid we cannot allow you to deduct last year's taxes as a bad investment!" 
 (Remember, to send me your best, CLEAN joke.)
Inspirational Quote 
"Most of the important things in the world have been accomplished by people who have kept on trying when there seemed to be no hope at all."
~Dale Carnegie
 e    Advertisemente.
J&M Corporation
GWRRA is now on Facebook! 
Check out GWRRA's new Facebook page and sign up to follow us! It is easy!!
Looking for Articles!
Remember, I am still looking for articles for YOUR e-Newsletter! 
Travelogs, Member
and Officer profiles, your stories about how joining GWRRA has positively affected your life, etc. Please send your stories to me
Join Our Mailing List
Knoxville & 
 TN Trivia Feature
Let's see how much you know about Knoxville this month.
1-Who was Knoxville named after?
2-What soft drink had its beginnings with Harman Beverages in Knoxville in the 1940's?
(Answers to be found in the coupon block below.) 
Wing Ding 32
Here are some updates on what happened in Des Moines at WD 32:
  •  8,230 attendees
  • 630 bikes in the Grand Parade
  • 148 bikes in the Light Parade
  • The J&M Evening Entertainment Event was attended by over 1,800 people where John Lazzeroni of J&M raffled off some great products and raised over $7,300 for the children and families of Iowa!
  • Wing Ding 32 attendees also donated 52 pints of lifesaving blood for our host community!
  • Thank you to all the Volunteers and Officers who made WD 32 a very special event!
  • And, thank you to all the Sponsors who supported the event, as well as all the Vendors and Advertisers!
Home Office Reminders
Special Assistance
for Deaf Members with Rescue & Rescue Plus
If you need special assistance for your Rescue or Rescue Plus programs due to a hearing loss, the TTY number is 888-963-0688. There is also a special number for text capabilities. Please contact GWRRA Member Services here for that number.
It is time to update your Gold Book listing. Remember to make sure you have a current phone number listed on your Member listing, as well as the correct listing you wish to show in the Gold Book. (i.e., tools, phone calls, etc.) Also, remember if you select "Do not list me in the Gold Book" as one of your selections, you will NOT show up in the Gold Book! 
911 Addresses
For those Members who live in rural areas, please update Member Services with your new 911 addresses as they become available to you. We understand that they are going from Rural Route addresses to this new system of 911 addresses. Please contact GWRRA with your new address.
Message Boards
Sign In Help:
There seems to be a bit of confusion with the new Message Boards, so hopefully this information will be helpful.
The new website is www.gwrrabbs.org 
A pop-up box will come up when you get there stating:
User name is your GWRRA Membership number (zero's included)
Password is the numbers in your address and the expiration date of your membership (in most cases) (If you are Life Members, it will be your address and then the word life ex. 1234life.)
Once you are in the Message Boards, if this is your first time, you need to go up to the right-hand corner and press "REGISTER". There you will fill out the information asked and create your own user name and password. Keep in mind the user name you choose can't be changed and it is what everyone will see on the Boards when you are logged in, so choose carefully.
Once you have registered, you will receive an email with your information. Please save this for future reference.
You may be asked to login each time you go to the Board. The first set of logins will confirm your membership, the second logins will be what you created.
If you still have any questions on this process, please give us a call. It is easier to walk you through it over the phone 800-843-9460.
Member Comments & Feedback
About our Home Office Staff
"Hi Matthew,
Thank you for the follow-up phone calls. Those were a great help. I finally got logged on and now all is well (message boards). Thanks again for the fast and friendly help."
David Christmas
Victoria, BC, Canada
WOW, Jennifer!!
That is so awesome! I owe two big ole bear hugs and more to my daughter and to you. You both are totally awesome! I cannot tell you how much I appreciate your good work (Previous Membership Renewal). Thank you so much. I will look for you at Wing Ding."
Les Mathiews
Rescue Plus
 Remember to sign
up for
Rescue PLUS!
It will add more
miles and more
vehicles to your
standard FREE
Rescue towing
package from
it only costs
$25 per year
to upgrade the
entire family!!
Sign up NOW by
And remember, non-members can
purchase Rescue
PLUS for only $50
with all the same
Call NOW!
No Phone Zone
GWRRA's goal is to
get 100,000
pledges signed. To
 date we have 1,323 pledge forms signed.
Please check here
for the latest
information and number
of signed pledges. Please check with your local Officers or contact Charles Mallott at
to sign up to help get pledges at your events. The more events that have the pledges for our Members and guests to sign, the faster we can reach our goal and maybe be on Oprah representing GWRRA!
Help us get more pledges signed by taking pledges to your community events and having all your non-motorcycling friends sign up now!
Thank you!

I am writing this article after returning from my youngest son's wedding in Michigan. It was a great event, and it was very nice to get out of the scorching heat of Phoenix for five days! He married a lovely school teacher who could not find work in the Detroit area, so she moved to Phoenix two years ago, met my son and the rest they say...is history, actually yet to be written.
Now, I too, am ready to start a new chapter in my life, as I am also planning my wedding in August. As with many of you, endings and beginnings bring a whole new outlook to your life, depending on your attitude. As we have talked before about attitude, change and how we decide to handle these changes, will determine the outcome in many cases. I am very excited about my upcoming marriage and the new changes.
GWRRA is also going through many changes, as you may or may not be aware. In my opinion, most are in the positive direction. Some, like the declining Membership are not. The increase in new Member benefits, which I will explain shortly, are definitely a positive for our Members and potential Members.
The training of our Officers, a great Wing Ding (that just occurred), a new Director and his approach to improving Chapter Life...are all positive changes in GWRRA! But we need more, and we need your help.
In order to do that, we are going to be doing more surveys, both electronically and by phone. We will be placing polls on the GWRRA Home Page, so please participate. Just go to www.gwrra.org and let your opinion be known. Also, make sure you and your fellow Members have an accurate email registered with us in your "official" record. This is so we can send you surveys and ask your opinions on a variety of subjects about how to make GWRRA better and provide you the products and services you are seeking! We need and want your feedback. Remember, you always have the option of opting out of any electronic emails or surveys, but we really want your feedback. That is the only way we can provide you what you desire! Help us, help you!
We now have more new Member benefits and discount programs to offer you. With that being said, we apologize to our Canadian and overseas Members as most of these new discount programs do not apply outside the United States. We are always looking for benefit programs that apply to all our Members. So, if any Members in Canada or other countries have programs you would like me to investigate, please contact me and I will be happy to follow-up with you.
Here is a short description of each of the new programs:
  •         The GWRRA Vacation Center has partnered with America's largest cruise agency, CruisesOnly�, to offer the lowest prices in the industry to Gold Wing Members and backed by the only 110% Best Price Guarantee in the industry.
    Shop and compare thousands of cruises from 18 of the world's top fleets departing from 22 U.S. ports. Browse the latest in new promotions and last-minute offers or shop by category--weekend cruises, family cruises, honeymoon cruises, and more. Trained cruise consultants are ready to answer your questions, help you choose the right cruise for your needs and even help arrange land excursions. Click here to find out more!
  •         Wyndham Hotels (20% discount at eleven different Wyndham chains including Days Inn, Ramada, Super 8 and more)
    GWRRA Members save 20% on the best available rates at all Wyndham Hotels worldwide, including Ramada, Wingate, Hawthorne Suites, Days Inn and many more. Click HERE to reserve your room today! 
  •            KOA   Gold Wing Road Riders Association Members who purchase a Value Kard Rewards Membership for $18, regularly $24, will also receive a bonus of 6500 points (equaling $10 off their next stay)! Value Kard Rewards entitles Members to receive 10% off the daily registration rate at any KOA in North America, plus the ability to earn kamping points which translates into dollars off future camping.  Additionally, because they received the 6500 points they would be placed in our bonus earning level, where they accrue points at a 10% faster rate. www.myvkr.com/goldwing
Also, check below for a special offer from Sears Commercial Marketplace.
GWRRA and I are looking forward to the next phases in our lives, and we hope you will be a vital part of those changes. I started with GWRRA when I was 30...that's almost 32 years ago! GWRRA has been around for more than 33 years now, so I expect and want GWRRA to be around another 33 years at least.
This depends on you, our Members. Please help us by contacting me, participating in our suveys, filling out our polls, contacting your local Officers, Mike Stiger, whatever you need to do, to get your voices heard. This is your Association; and if you want GWRRA to provide you the services, products, gatherings, events and more importantly, "Friends for Fun, Safety and Knowledge", stay involved!
And remember, I also need your articles and stories for the Wingin' It, so we can continue to make Wingin' It a truly Members' e-Newsletter and GWRRA a great organization. Please e-mail me your input here.
Have a safe riding season, 
 Ed Price
Marketing Director, GWRRA

"Friends for FUN, Safety & Knowledge"
One of the Best Benefits of GWRRA!
by  Ralph & Darlene Jose  ND-D

Don't Leave Home Without It!
As a Member of GWRRA, a person can choose to have their name in the Gold Book and designate the services they wish to offer traveling Members. We have designated B - phone calls, C - tent space, D - lodging, and F - tour guide.
On Sunday evening, June 13, we got a call from Alan Reese of Elgin, Texas. (He was in Cando, North Dakota, attending a family reunion.) Mr. Reese inquired if Fargo had a Honda dealership so that he could replace his broken cup holder. We gave him U Motors' telephone number and additional information he requested. He said he would be in Fargo the next day (Monday, June 14) on his way to Rose Lake, Minnesota to visit a high school classmate.
When Mr. Reese arrived in Fargo around 5:00 p.m., he called our home for specific directions to U Motors. He stated that he would be staying in Fargo for the evening after he purchased and installed the cup holder. We offered him "lodging" at our home, and he accepted. He stated that U Motors was very accommodating and installed the cup holder while he waited.
We enjoyed his visit with us over dinner at the Fortune House and breakfast at our house the next morning, before he departed on a rainy Tuesday morning for Rose Lake. When he left, it was like saying goodbye to a family member - well, our GWRRA family.
Mr. Reese used his Gold Book to contact us. Now, there are a pretty good number of GWRRA Members in Fargo. So, how did he select our name, we wondered. Well, he told us that he started going through the names and saw the name "Jose" and felt that he could deal with a person with that kind of a name, because he said he is familiar with Hispanic people in Texas. He was surprised when he drove up our driveway and we introduced ourselves! Little did he know that the name "Jose" is of German descent! 
The Gold Book - one of the best benefits of GWRRA membership - don't leave home without it! 
Memories of Wing Ding 32
by Linda S. Johnson
International Director-
Membership Enhancement Program 
Wing Ding 32 is over, and all we have left are memories of the great times we had in Des Moines, Iowa. This year, the great memories for us started out with 10 outstanding couples who were going to participate in the International Couple of the Year Selection.   
Ed and I were able to meet up with the Couples on Monday night at the Machine Shed Restaurant where they were meeting for dinner.  This was the first time the Couples were united together as a group. It gives them time to get acquainted and draw for the order of their presentation in the Selection Process that was held on Tuesday.  
Time had not permitted us to visit with the Couples the night before in previous years.  When we arrived at the restaurant, some of the Couples were on a hay ride provided by the restaurant. We took some great pictures of big smiles and excited faces. 
Couples who participate in the Couple of the Year Program have a great advantage over other Members of GWRRA. They are able to use this program to visit Chapter Gatherings and Events and meet other Couples and grow in their knowledge of GWRRA. They often become Officers in the Association. The International Couple of the Year Selection gives each Couple the opportunity to let their personalities shine and their resumes give the judges the information needed to select the Couple that will best represent GWRRA as its Ambassadors.    
I was very proud of the wonderful group of couples who participated this year and especially proud of REGION H for their outstanding couple, Fred and Mandy Mew, who were selected as the 2010-2011 International Couple of the Year.     

At the end of Opening Ceremonies when the announcement was made that Wing Ding 32 is officially opened, it was off to work for us and off to the vendors and activities for the Members of GWRRA. We spent a lot of time at the Recruiting Booth meeting and signing up new Members. It is one of my favorite places to be during Wing Ding. It is so rewarding for me to tell people about the benefits of GWRRR, Chapter Life, and the "FUN" they will have becoming a Member. I get so excited telling them about GWRRA and the "FUN" that I almost forget about writing them a receipt or asking them what kind of a motorcycle they ride. Then, I get to give them their first "hug" as a new GWRRA Member. It always lights up their faces and puts a smile on mine.               
In my spare time, I am off to visit the vendors. Vendors become like family. It's always good to see them and hear of their travels and plans for the summer. Each year at Wing Ding there are many vendors that appeal to anyone in attendance. Whether you are a male, female, rider, co-rider or a non-rider there are vendors to accommodate your wants and needs. This year I talked with a vendor selling socks, and I purchased some that made my feet feel so much better after all the standing and walking. I visited with a shoe vendor and explained that something needed to be invented to help with the problems I have with the pain in the balls of my feet. I stopped by the Wood Art vendor just to chat, but they were so busy we didn't have time to socialize.  I could have shopped all day.  

Since we didn't ride our Motorcycle to Wing Ding this year, (Ed's back was out) we decided to watch the parade instead of riding.  They call it the "Grand Parade" and from the sidelines, it is just that, "Grand", led by our new GWRRA Directors, Mike and Lori Stiger, and followed by the Members of GWRRA. They proudly displayed a variety of flags and their beautiful "Wings". It was truly a beautiful sight!

As I reminisce about Wing Ding 32, I think about the people in Des Moines who were so proud to have the Gold Winger's in town. They were always telling us about how great the people were and wanted to be sure we had everything we needed. As Members email or call to talk about Wing Ding, they will mention things that didn't go so well, but then they continue to tell us about the fun they had. 
The best story we have heard so far regarding Wing Ding 32 was from a lady Member in our local Chapter. The Chapter Director asked her to tell about her experience at Wing Ding. She began with the ride to Des Moines and the riders they came in contact with and how they rode part of each day with different groups. As she talked about Opening Ceremonies, you would have thought you were sitting through it again. She looked at me and said, "I don't know if you remember what the Iowa Governor said, but he told us that the Better Homes and Gardens Home Offices were located in downtown Des Moines and mentioned that they would be giving tours of their Test Kitchens. 
Being a subscriber to Better Homes & Gardens Magazine, she took him at his word. Downtown they headed and told the receptionist they were there for the tour. The receptionist asked her, "What tour?"  So, she told her of the Governor's speech and that he had said there would be tours given of the "Test Kitchens".  The receptionist replied, "We don't allow anyone in the Test Kitchens".  Then, she asked how many people were present when the Governor said this.   She told the receptionist probably, "10,000". The receptionist turned pale and called the manager over. They were quick to let her know that the Governor had failed to mention this to them. They did allow her to tour the Test Kitchens, much to the surprise of the cooks, and she had a wonderful time. 
If I compare Wing Ding 32 to other Wing Dings I have attended, the most unusual thing or change that I have noticed would be how women have taken their place in this Association. They not only are increasing in numbers as riders, but they are active working in all the booths, giving Seminars and even participating in the Chapter Challenges. As we were leaving the Convention Center one day and walking through the parking lot, I saw a couple getting dressed in their safety riding gear and as they went to mount their Gold Wing Trike, he climbed on the back and she drove them off.   

If you attended Wing Ding 32, I hope you have great memories of it and the Des Moines area. Plan now to attend Wing Ding 33 in Knoxville, TN and look forward to riding and enjoying the beautiful mountain roads that are available in the area.               
Chapter News--NC-X 
Submitted by Bob & Dorothy Richards
Chapter Directors
Wake Forest Wings
My Mom used to say, "There is more than one way to skin a cat".  Well, the Members of Chapter X in North Carolina have discovered "there is more than one way to increase Motorist Awareness about motorcycle safety while contributing to the betterment of our local community".  The Wake Forest Wings, Chapter NC-X, has adopted a stretch of roadway in Wake Forest, North Carolina.  Saturday, May 15, 2010, was our first clean-up day. 
A total of 21 Members of the Chapter participated and we managed to fill over 20 bags with trash from alongside our 2-mile stretch of road - all in less than two hours.  The State of North Carolina has posted two signs along the road that say "Adopt a Highway, GWRRA Wake Forest Wings".  The state provided us the safety vests, gloves, and trash bags.  The Chapter purchased the grabber tools.  Our commitment is to clean up a minimum of 4 times each year, or as often as we determine necessary.  During our clean-up we also posted yellow and black GWRRA Motorist Awareness Division signs to remind folks to watch out for motorcycles.  Here is a picture of our cleanup crew.
                       By Jerry "JJ" Jones #55820
This story is about the "Forty to Phoenix" ride held March 12-20, 2010, and an amazing person I met during the ride. Even though we live about 50-miles apart, Jerry Boswell and I had never ridden together. Jerry rides with NC-D2, the Palace City Wings from New Bern, and I ride with NC-F, the Crystal Coast Wings from Jacksonville.
Jerry is retired from the U.S. Marine Corps and his own construction business (now ran by his son). While in the USMC, Jerry was on the International Marksmanship Team and competed for 9 years. He served in Vietnam as a Section Leader within an aircraft squadron, too.
Now, here's what I think is so amazing about Jerry. He is 73-years old and mostly blind in one eye. He is able to handle his GL1500 and trailer with no problems. During our trip I never heard Jerry complain about anything. He never mentioned being cold, wet, tired, or hungry. He never complained about the roads ridden or hours in the saddle. The only problem Jerry had was riding in the dark with his limited visibility.
Jerry also built his own trailer to pull behind his Wing. He used a small trailer from Harbor Freight cut down in width to fit an aluminum fuel tank from a dump truck. Since New Bern, North Carolina is the place Pepsi was founded, Jerry decided to paint the trailer as a Pepsi can. The only real difference is he listed it as holding 100 Gal versus 12 oz. I spent the majority of our ride following Jerry and his Pepsi can trailer and never once worried about what he was doing as we rode along.

The first two days of the ride we arrived at each stopping point after dark. A few of us discussed splitting off in order to leave earlier to make the next day's stop before dark, and Greg McKinney agreed this was a good idea. This worked well for a number of riders, and we had a nice little group of four bikes. Since our group was small, we did not worry too much about front-to-back communications, but relied on each rider paying attention and riding their own ride.
However, once we got into Texas, we were notified by Greg about a winter storm brewing in New Mexico. We stopped in Amarillo, Texas to determine a safe route to get to Phoenix and for the main group to catch up. After a discussion, our group decided to turn south through New Mexico and below the mountains that added over 100 miles to the trip, while the main group decided to continue on the original route.
Ray Latta had joined us in Amarillo and agreed to guide us south through New Mexico. Since Ray lives in this area we quickly agreed to follow him, even though he had no CB for communications. Since we were not too big on front-to-back communications, this did not present a problem for any of us, and we had a nice safe ride. Our little group grew by a few bikes, but we still had no problems.
After leaving Portales, New Mexico the next morning, we headed to Roswell. When we stopped for fuel we spoke with Greg, and he informed us events at GWRRA Headquarters were being delayed for a couple hours the next day. This made the decision to continue south around the Sacramento Mountains a little easier. Even though this added another 100 miles to the trip, we all agreed it was worth the extra hours in the saddle to have a safe ride.
We all made it to Phoenix safely and had a great time. While in Phoenix we met Kevin and Sandy from Michigan, who were snow-birding for the winter in the North Phoenix RV Park. This couple went out of their way to make everyone feel welcome and helped put on a great lunch for all. Later, they even invited Jerry and me to sleep in their toy hauler for the night.
The following morning, Jerry and I watched the group leave for California and then headed East. We made it to Las Cruces, NM that night. During the ride, we decided to take a day off the Interstate for a little sightseeing tour. The next morning, we rode to the White Sands Missile Range to look at their outdoor display of rockets and bombs. Later we rode further North to the White Sands National Monument where the actual white sand dunes are. What beautiful clean, white sand it is. It reminds me of sugar.
After a full day off the Interstate, it was time to get going East again. We went back into Texas and got on I-20 at Pecos. After a night in Odessa, we woke up to find a storm was coming along behind us. We had a long day, but made it to Longview, Texas where Jerry has a niece. We had a good dinner at the Catfish Village and a good night's sleep.
The following morning, we stopped in Shreveport, Louisiana for breakfast with one of Jerry's brothers. After breakfast, we got a tour of his business and another of Jerry's brothers joined up for a visit. Since we still had that storm behind us we had to make some miles. After another long day and 500-plus miles under the wheels, we stopped just East of Birmingham, Alabama. The storm finally caught up with us that night. With only 580 miles to go, we decided to take it easy in the rain and made it a two-day ride. 
So, after 5,000 plus miles, I bid Jerry and his Pepsi can farewell and had to make it the final 50 miles to the house on my own. I thank everyone that made this such a great time and wish them all the best for the future. This was a great trip, and I'd do it all again.
Sears Commercial Marketplace
You're invited to save 5-50% on the everyday products you want, with Sears Commercial Marketplace. Gold Wing Road Riders Association welcomes you to your one-stop resource for the products you want - all at everyday special pricing.

Choose from the largest selection of products including energy-saving appliances, flat screen TV's, Craftsman tools and more. It's so easy to shop and save. This is a limited time opportunity - be sure to sign up now and start shopping.

CLICK HERE to sign up and use this invitation code 07152010A. HURRY! Offer expires 08/22/2010.
GWRRA Member Benefit Discount Program Links!
Here are links to some GWRRA Discount Programs.
LifeLock Logo

Prescription card
If these Discount Programs may be of interest to you, just click on the link or call 800-843-9460 or 623-581-2500 (in Phoenix) for more information.
Save 18%
Featured Official GWRRA Product:
Argus Battery Bug
Sale Price $35, Regular Price was $42

We've got your Battery Bugged!! The Argus Battery Bug� - Starting Battery Monitor for Motorcycle/Power Sport is a full-time battery monitor that warns you of approaching battery failure. As your motorcycle or watercraft starting battery gets older and nears its end-of-life, the Battery Bug will alert you with an audible alarm that your battery should be replaced - BEFORE it is too late!! Patented Argus CrankCheckTM technology tracks battery health and predicts cranking failure, so you won't be left out in the cold. The Battery Bug LCD display shows % remaining battery life, lost capacity, present battery voltage, and alternator/charging voltage. Six feet of cabling allows the display to be conveniently mounted outside of the battery compartment. Critical audible alarms indicate "low battery charge" and "replace battery now." 
Click here or call 800-843-9460 or 623-581-2500 (Phoenix area) to order.
Click on above link to go to the GWRRA Official Products website and view the product on sale this month, and be sure you mention the special code on this coupon. 
Answers to "Knoxville Trivia"----
                1-Henry Knox, President Washington's War Secretary
                2-Mountain Dew                                          
Offer Expires: 8/31/10. Mention code  "August E-news"
Contents copyrighted by GWRRA, Inc.