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Reading to Babies - Meg's Tips

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Dear Friends,

It's never too early to start reading to your baby.  I often wish I saw more people reading to infants and it is a topic about which I receive many questions -- after all, babies can't follow a story line in a book.  What kind of books should one pick?  How exactly does one read to a baby who can't even sit up yet?

Below is a short video with some tips to help you, whether you have your own newborn, you're a grandparent, or you're picking out books for a baby gift.

I hope you like this video format. And, let me know if you find the tips helpful.

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Happy parenting and best wishes,



P.S. The official release date for my book is January 8th, 2013!


Reading To Babies - Meg's Tips 


Parenting Solutions Quick Tip #1: Choosing Baby Books
Parenting Solutions Quick Tip #1: Choosing Baby Books

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