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Oprah Winfrey produces a yearly program called "My Favorite Things," about products she loves. She not only describes the items but gives them away, free, to every member of her studio audience.
Well, this month I am rolling out "Meg's Favorite Games and Toys." Unlike Oprah, I can't give the items away. But I do give links to sites where you can purchase them. Feel free to contact me through my website, www.parenting-solutions.com, if you have any questions about the products I've recommended.
As we prepare to celebrate the Thanksgiving holiday by sitting around the table with family and friends, I want to put a word in about the importance of eating meals with our children all year long. One of the most accurate predictors of whether a child grows into a young adult free from drugs and juvenile delinquency is whether the child's family ate meals together as a family. One study by the National Center on Addiction and Substance Abuse at Columbia University found that, startlingly, teens who have less than three dinners per week with their families are twice as likely to have tried cigarettes, 50% more likely to have tried alcohol, and twice as likely to have tried marijuana, compared to youngsters who shared five or more dinners weekly with their families. A 2004 study from the University of Minnesota found that family connectedness developed through, say, discussing shows or traveling together, does not replace having meals together. Even among families that exhibit a high level of connectedness, youngsters who had meals with their families seven or more times each week were significantly less likely to be troubled by alcohol, cigarette or drug use than were youngsters whose families had one or no weekly meals together.
So, I encourage you to find a way to incorporate regular family meals into your life. The meals needn't be dinner; our family sits down to breakfast together every single morning.
Have a wonderful Thanksgiving holiday and happy parenting!
Best, Meg
In the last issue, I offered some guidelines for choosing children's toys and games. This month, I give you some specific recommendations in preparation for holiday shopping or for use year-round.
The items marked with an asterisk are linked to the "Tips and Advice" page on my website. There you can read my review (just scroll down to find the game) and then, if you wish, "click through" to a website where you can purchase the product.
To begin with, my favorite baby gift is the Wood Baby Rattle from Satara, Inc. I love the smooth feel of the wood, its perfect shape for little fingers, and its gentle rattle sound.
For older babies and toddlers, I like the Remo Kids Percussion Lollipop Drum, and Plan Toys' "Shape and Sort It Out" shape sorter, "Punch and Drop" hammer toy, and "Stacking Ring."
The following are great gifts for preschoolers: - Gulo Gulo* (game) - Max* (game) - Secret Door* (game) - Funthinkers* (educational toy) - Discovery Toys Marbleworks (toy) - Pallino Mosaic Machine (toy) - Bailey's Book House, Millie's Math House, Sammy's Science House, and Trudy's Time and Place House (computer games) - Disney's Ready for Reading and Math With Pooh (computer game)
I recommend the items below for lower elementary school children:
- Blokus* (game) - Incan Gold (game) - Set (game) - Rush Hour* (educational toy) - LeapFrog Globe (educational toy) - The Logical Journey of the Great Zoombinis (computer game) - Incredible Clay Book by Klutz (art activity) - Ed Emberley's Big Red Drawing Book and other Ed Emberley drawing books (art activity) - Marker Set (art supply)
And, finally, here is a list of great games for upper elementary school children and older kids:
- Zooleretto* (game) - Ticket to Ride* (game) - Uptown* (game) - Advanced Mastermind (game) - 24/7 (game) - Settlers of Catan (game) - Bohnanza (advanced card game) - American Girl 300 Hundred Wishes (game) - Backyard Baseball, Football, Basketball (computer games)
I hope this makes some of your holiday and birthday shopping a little bit easier! Keep an eye out for my children's book recommendations in an upcoming issue.
When selecting toys and games for your children, remember to choose a few that are either travel versions of some favorite board games, or are inherently compact so that you will have a collection of a few games to take with you when you travel. We've played many Gamewright brand card games while waiting in airports!
Are you struggling with a parenting challenge? Are you having trouble being consistent? I can help you find practical solutions that will make your job as a parent easier and more enjoyable. Consultations are in person, by phone, or by e-mail, so I am able to work with parents nationwide. Contact me today at meg@parenting-solutions.com.
Are you interested in organizing a parenting workshop at your child's school? I offer workshops on a variety of topics including Putting an End to Power Struggles and Developing Good Sleep Habits. I can also tailor sessions to suit your particular audience's interests. Contact me at meg@parenting-solutions.com and we'll discuss!