Trumpet and Torch Ministries


"For the eyes of the Lord range throughout the earth to strengthen those whose hearts are fully committed to Him."
- 2 Chronicles 16:9

This letter is written in response to many of you who have expressed your excitement to begin this 40 day journey into the "unknown" with hearts open to follow the One who is - and can be - known.
After all, that is His desire for us - that we KNOW Him!  These 40 days are all about getting to know JESUS CHRIST more deeply and intimately.  You may "know" Him, but you are about to know Him as you never have before.  You are about to experience an unimaginable time with Him. 
Getting started is simple.  Just register at to dine on the Word of God for 40 days using this practical online devotional (we ask you to register so that we might pray for and encourage you).  Many of you have questioned if you can really give up your food.  Do not let that intimidate you or discourage you!  Please know that God isn't interested in your cheeseburgers and your milkshakes.  He wants YOU!  If you don't feel led to give up your food at this time, simply surrender those things that are distracting you from spending time with your Lord.  Our time, after all, is the thing that most of us are unwilling to sacrifice!
When we pray, we enter the very presence of God.  When we fast our food, we learn to depend on Him more fully, and we gain greater clarity and awareness for His ways.  As you dine with the Lord and feast upon the Word of God, you will become Divinely strengthened, and He will give you the ability, the power, and the desire to offer your meal to Him.  We cannot fast in our own strength and many of us are just too weak to come to Him in this manner at this time.  We must come, though - empty or full, with food or without. The Lord will guide you!
If this is your first time at His table, you probably have many questions.  During our first fast, we certainly did.  Don't let your fears or concerns keep you from joining Him.  As you commit your time to Him, He will reveal what He has for you.  His Word is the missing and vital component in our lives.  It is living and active, and, if we are willing to eat it - every word of His Word - He will release His power in our lives.
We pray you will join us in the Temple on Wednesday, February 6th for breakfast.  Sit at the table of the Lord and eat His daily bread.  Return for every meal for the next 40 days.  Do not skip these necessary Spiritual meals.  Meeting with Him for every meal will develop a deep hunger in your belly for His Word; it will develop a longing to spend time with Him.  He will do a wonderful work in your life specifically and uniquely designed for you according to His plans and purposes.  He is waiting for you!  Be courageous.  Be faithful.  Be obedient.  Be blessed!
Our God is an awesome and glorious God!  "No eye has seen, no ear has heard, no mind has conceived what God has prepared for those who love Him - but God has revealed it to us by His Spirit." - 1 Corinthians 2:9-10
Our prayers are with you as you step out in faith for this journey of a lifetime,
Trumpet and Torch Ministries
P.S.  For those of you who have friends or family without internet access, we offer EAT, the devotional journal contained within the online Temple, in a downloadable PDF format.  You may download and print as many copies as you need at no cost.  Please visit the Media section on the home page at and click on the Media Materials to access the EAT.pdf.

Join Us For 4 0 Days of  Prayer and Feasting on the Word of God
February 6th - March 16th

