large falconScotts Valley High School Administration

News from the Nest
Tuesday September 8, 2009
2009-10 It's Another Great Year to be a Falcon!

SVHS is back in action and we're delighted to welcome another flight of Falcons.  During the summer, construction has brought completion to the shelter over the quad.  For now we will refer to it as the "Big Top," but we will be soliciting new names from our students.  There has also been extensive construction to correct access paths and restrooms to comply with American Disabilities Act standards.  There are also new lights being added to the campus to provide for safer access during evening hours.

As we begin this year our teaching staff is virtually unchanged, with the only addition of our new Math/Physics teacher, John Postovit.  Holly Biancucci awaits your arrival with big smiles in the front office, our new school clerk.  Two new resource aides, Jenna French and Julia Mook will assist teachers in providing instructional support.  And we are delighted to welcome our new Career Center tech from UCSC Career Center, Christine Danner.  And Robert Castillo has joined our Campus Supervision staff.

Perhaps the most challenging aspect of this school year, as we grapple with the challenging economic state, is doing more with less, and doing it better.  That is our challenge and that is our goal.  Class sizes have increased with staff reductions imposed by the poor economy.  Surprisingly, our course offerings have not only remained the same, but have grown by two more courses this year, adding ROP Marketing II and Digital Photography to our on-campus courses.  With fewer staff, there are a few courses that have combined into the same period timeslot.  Under these circumstances, teachers deliver instruction tailored to the specific content of the courses, and adjust the grading strategies to the student's academic levels.  This allows us to deliver advanced level world languages and sciences to smaller groups within the same class as IB level courses.

Our staff has also made significant changes in the refinement of instruction, and they have taken great care in redefining the content standards, activities to teach those standards, and assessments to gauge the students' knowledge and growth.  Through those practices, we are seeing some gains in STAR scores.  We have much more work to do on STAR improvement, but progress is showing some gains.  Scotts Valley High School was once again named among the Top 1500 high schools in the Nation, but we improved our ranking from 1210 in 2007 to 1170 in 2009.

Back to School Night 2009

Mark September 16 on your calendar!  Come to the Student Union at 6:30 PM for campus maps and details for the evening.  Then beginning at 6:45 PM, follow your student's schedule and meet their teachers.  Please get your student schedule from your student or logon on to Powerschool to print it before the evening begins.  This is also a great evening to meet the volunteers who lead Scotts Valley Education Foundation, Parent Club, Falcon Club, and the SVHS Sportsplex.  There are so many devoted and caring people that make up our high school community, and this is a great evening to come and meet them!  Please join us!!

Get to Know SVHS

Our school website is one of the most convenient ways to make contact with teachers via email, check homework assignments, explore course information, or collect counseling and scholarship information.  Be sure to add this link to your favorite bookmarks:
The best way to keep informed with upcoming events is to monitor the School Calendar on our high school website.  You can check for daily events and schedules HERE.  Athletic schedules may be tracked, sport-by-sport HERE.

PowerSchool Delivers...

This year we have provided separate student and parent portals for access to up-to-date information on grades and attendance.  The passwords were distributed at SOAR day along with student's schedules.  If you did not receive your portal password, come on Back-to-School Night or contact the school registrar to get yours.  Access to PowerSchool can be fond on the Home page of our school website, or you may go directly there from this link:

Bell Schedule:
Welcome to All (Principal Gregg Gunkel) in Student Union........... 6:30 PM
Informational tables in S.U. for SVEF, Parent Club, Falcon Club, and others

First Warning Bell to attend classes 6:45 PM
1st Period 6:50-7:00 PM
2nd Period 7:05-7:15 PM
3rd Period 7:20-7:30 PM
4th Period 7:35-7:45 PM
5th Period 7:50-8:00 PM
6th Period 8:05-8:15 PM
7th Period 8:20-8:30 PM
Gregg Gunkel
In This Issue
Supplies Needed
Sr. Yearbook Baby Photos Needed
Big Day at SVHS!
On-Campus Parking
Important Dates
2009-2010 Student Calendar
SVHS Parent Club
Drumline Being Formed NOW!
Surf Team
Student Government News
College & Career News
PE News
Senior Awards Night
We Need Supplies!
Cold and Flu season is upon us. If you have any tissue or hand sanitizer that you can send in with your student for their classrooms, please do! 
The Parent Club contributes to that, but we are starting early with the flu season and have the need now.

If your student is sick please keep them at home to avoid the spread of germs.
babySENIORS ... 
Get your quote and your BABY PHOTO submitted!  Please turn both items in to Ms. Brandt Room E104.
Fall Sports Rally! 10:08-10:53

school photo
School Photo Makeup Day
during break, 5th period, & lunch in Student Union

Back to School Dance! bling dance
Theme is "Got Money?" Wear your Bling!
Time: 7:30-10:30pm Tickets will be on sale Thursday 9/10 in the Student Store at Lunch! $5 without ASB Seal and $2 with ASB Seal
CSF - California Scholastic Federation
Pick Up your CSF Application in Front Office!
Applications are Due on Friday 9/11.  The new CSF Faculty Advisor is Debby Rhoads.  For questions, please email her at [email protected]
Parking on Campus
Students must have a parking permit to park on campus. 
parking cartoonSenior parking Only available on a 1st come 1st serve in the upper parking lot in the lower 2 rows.  No students are allowed to park in Staff or Visitor parking.  Students are not allowed to drive or park on the perimeter road (K Street) that winds around the campus to the gym/tennis court area. Parking Citations will be issued if these rules are violated as follows:  1st citation $15. - 2nd Citation $20. - 3rd Citation $45.  Including after school hours.  Parents are NOT allowed to park behind the campus at any time or in fire zones in front of gym.
Wed, Sep 9
Frosh ASB Election Speeches, Voting on Thursday

Wed Sep 9
Surf Team Forms and Fees Due!

Wed, Sep 9
General Parent Club Meeting 7pm Teachers Lounge

Wed, Sep 9
Baseball Parent mtg

Fri, Sep 11
Maroon & Gold Club Sign Up Day!

Fri, Sep 11
Back to School Dance

Wed, Sep 16
Back 2 School Night 6:30pm

Thu, Sep 24
SVEF Mtg 7pm SV Hilton

Fri, Sep 25
Fall Sports Rally
Rally Bell Schedule

Fri, Sep 25
School Photo Makeup Day during Break, Lunch or 5th Period

Click HERE for the 2009/2010 Student Calendar Approved by the SVUSD School Board.
SVHS Parent Club News
Parent Club AppleGeneral Meeting Wed Sep 9th
7pm Teacher's Lounge!
Come to our general meeting this week, held in the teachers lounge.  We will be addressing specific needs for this school year, due to budget cuts. We still have positions open for a Grad Night Chairperson and a Scholarship Coordinator.

More information will be available at Back to School night at the Parent Club table.  Come visit us!
Drum line Adults, Parents & Students ...

We need your talent!
... a PEP band & DRUMLINE is being formed NOW to play at home football games, please contact our district music director, Kent Kurrus at [email protected].  ALL instruments and music backgrounds are welcome!
Surf Team
TODAY! -All Fees Due
All members who signed up at break or lunch in the quad last week need to get their paperwork into the office ASAP! 
Student Government News

Sign up for school clubs on Maroon and Gold Day on Friday, September 11th during Lunch in the Quad.

This is Freshmen election week! campaigning all week for Class officers, President, V.P. Treasurer, Secretary. Wednesday 9/9: freshmen during 5th period will go to the student union to hear the candidates speeches. Thursday 9/10: The Freshmen class will vote.  Friday 9/11: Election results will be announced during morning announcements. 
What is Falcon Forum? This was a tradition started by the pioneering class of this high school as a way for students (other than student government) to be heard by their school administrators.  It has made its way back to us and is an excellent tool for both students and staff to open the lines of communication and better understand one another.  The meetings will take place the last Wednesday of every month during 2nd period with the exception of November and December which will be combined into one meeting on the 16th of December due to the holiday breaks.
svef 2009 logoWho we are - Scotts Valley Educational Foundation (SVEF) handles critical fundraising for programs at a district level. For example, this year we helped to save the music program by donating $36k for all four of our schools.  Last year we were able to keep the libraries open at the 100% level by funding half of the amount needed of $61k . The year before that we donated $80k to fund a huge upgrade to the districts technology at each campus.  With the way the schools are being funded from the state it is even more important than ever that we continue to raise funds!

Please check out our website and what we have been doing and what is coming up. We have our next meeting September 24th at the Hilton 7pm, all are welcome to attend.

We also have Oktoberfest tickets on sale at each of the school offices and 100% goes to SVEF. It will be October 16th, please click on Oktoberfest for more information.

If you have any questions about SVEF or how we work, please contact us by emailing [email protected]. Or come visit our table at Back to School night.

Scotts Valley Educational Foundation
College & Career News
Please let me introduce myself - My name is Christie Danner and I am very excited to be the new Career and College Center Technician at SVHS.  My most recent professional experience is in higher education.  I was employed at the UCSC Career Center for over six years helping students with career assessment and development, resume and job search, and applying to graduate school.  I have extensive experience developing career and internship related campus programs and special events and consider myself an expert in student outreach.  Also, I am currently working on my MA degree in Educational Counseling at SJ State.  Please contact me with any questions, comments, or suggestions at 439-9555 x117 or email me at [email protected]
Please visit our SVHS website where I will keep current new updates including college rep visits and useful websites.

Facebook SVHS College and Career Center Facebook Group - Join to receive instant updates about what's happening (college visits and new scholarships) at the Scotts Valley High College & Career Center!
Santa Cruz Elks Lodge Scholarship six local scholarships for graduating seniors in this area.  Nov 2nd deadline.  For more information go to: Elks Scholarships
Cal Success Program Scholarship opportunities for Cabrillo College vocational programs.  Student must be receiving food stamps from Santa Cruz County to qualify.  For a list of vocational programs and more information, go to: Cabrillo Scholarships
I look forward to working with you!

PE News
PE class Locks and Uniforms

We are looking forward to a new year in PE and hope to see improved levels of health and physical fitness.  The Freshmen will be starting the year with Physical Fitness Testing and a Disc Golf Unit and the 10-12th graders will be kicking off the year with Team Handball. 
All students should have brought a combination lock and their PE clothes on Thursday/Friday, August 27/28.  PE uniforms may still be purchased during class (prices listed below), or you may bring your own.  If you bring your own shirt it must be solid grey with no writing or logos, and maroon or black solid shorts with no writing or logos.  
  • SHIRT: $12
  • SHORT: $12
  • PANTS: $16
*ENTIRE SET: $60 (SAVE $5) while supplies last
SVHS Fall Concert 2009

Saturday September 26th
Student Union from 7:00-9:00 pmBand
$2.00 Entrance Fee

All proceeds will go the SVHS Athletics! This concert is put on by a collective body of students at the high school. and is different than the school's music program.

Auditons will be held Friday September 11th, after school.  Students please come prepared with three songs.

FacebookCheck out the Facebook group! SVHS Artists & Musicians If you want to volunteer at the event, it is a pre-approved community service activity!  Contact Chris Youmans.
SENIORS - Request Transcripts NOW!
Seniors, don't wait until the last minute to request official transcripts for your college applications. We do not send transcripts directly to colleges; you must request them from the registrar and then send them to the colleges yourself. During the "transcript season" expect it to take up to two days for requested transcripts to be ready for pickup. The first two transcripts are free and all subsequent ones are $2 each. The registrar's office is in the back of the administration building, behind the attendance desk.
Quote of the Day:
"The challenge in the forest is to grow tall enough to Cast your OWN shadow." - Gregg Gunkel, Principal
If you leave the Scotts Valley Unified School District or decide you absolutely must opt out of these e-mails for any reason, please e-mail Angela Marshall, School Secretary directly at the reply e-mail provided, rather than go through the "SafeUnsubscribe" process. (We've discovered this method is not so "safe.") If you unsubscribe, you will no longer receive e-mails from any school within the District, or e-mails from the District itself. You opt out of every Scotts Valley School if you select this method, and opting you back in is not an easy process. Please e-mail Angela if you want to remove yourself from a list or need to update an e-mail address. It's easier that way, and we are happy to make any necessary changes. Thanks so much.
SVHS News from the Nest
Scotts Valley High School Administration