What is it about Yosemite?

Our yearly children's ministry retreat, Yosemite Summit, is now history.  It was, as always, an amazing week. The place is beyond description, though of course, I try. As I often say, it is where God showed off. Our language lacks adequate words to do Yosemite justice.

Incredible. Amazing. Spectacular. Breathtaking. Beautiful. Magnificent.

YosemiteYou can't get your mind around it. You have to be there and just experience it. But what is the "it" - "it" is not Yosemite, it is GOD. His Bigness, His Majesty, His Beauty, His Greatness, His Power, His Creative ability.  I love Yosemite because it draws me into a depth of worship I can only experience there.

It's like somehow God is more there than anywhere else. While I know theologically that isn't true, this broken spiritual vessel is somehow healed there - even if only temporarily - and able to feel God's presence like no other time. All doubts, all worries, all concerns, all pressures, all temptations, all guilt, all my earthly distractions vanish there - and I get a taste of what heaven will be like. Not necessarily what I see the outside there - but what happens to me on the inside there.

And I beg God to let me take Yosemite (His peace and presence) back with me when I return to my normal life. May I not forget those mountains, those waterfalls, those trees and those vistas are all still there - even as I hurry about my busy life - to remind me that HE is still there too, quietly, patiently waiting for me to STOP and ponder Him, worship Him, and return to that place of Awe wherever I may be.

Because Jesus Loves Children,
Karl D. Bastian - a.k.a. "The Kidologist"
Children's Ministry Telesummit - June 21-22
CM TelesummitThe Children's Ministry Telesummit is a phone-based conference featuring 16 ministry leaders sharing advice and inspiration to help you build an effective children's & family ministry. This FREE event on June 21-22 is hosted and presented by Bethel House Media.

Unlike a traditional conference that requires travel, this event requires that you simply "dial in" to hear the many speakers.

While the event is FREE, you will need to register in advance to ensure your participation. Karl Bastian will be presenting... will you be there?

Register for the Telesummit
Discuss Telesummit in the Forums
Special: Telesummit Training Bundle
Latest Openings in the Job Center
Kidology Job CenterIf you are a Kidology Member looking for a new ministry or a church seeking a children's pastor or professional, the Kidology Job Center can help!

Here are the latest openings:
Visit the Kidology Job Center
Movie Review: Shrek Forever After
Shrek 3"We find Shrek and Fiona settling into family life," explains CP Team member Nancy Keith in her review of Shrek Forever After.

"Every day blends into the next...feeding the babies...diapering the babies...enjoying the babies as they play..experiencing the babies passing gas...going on play dates with Donkey and his family. It's a wonderful, literally, It's a Wonderful Life! Take the Frank Capra favorite and add a DreamWorks spin..."

As with all Kidology movie reviews, we provide children's ministry-oriented teaching tools such as an overview, areas of concern, teachable themes with scripture, and discussion questions.

Read the Review
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Who's Your Daddy?
Who's Your Daddy?Perfect for Father's Day: Kids Power Company's Who's Your Daddy? 4-part message series!

This series teaches kids about the attributes of their Heavenly Father - focusing on the names of God found in Isaiah 9:6. Earthly fathers are human; they sometimes fail us, leave us, or disappoint us. But God, our Heavenly Father, is perfect in all his ways. Kids are taught that they can always trust him no matter what they are facing in life.

This series includes a comedy character skit and a puppet/costume character skit for each lesson, games, object lessons, popular movie clip suggestions, take-home family devotions for each lesson, logo and more! 

Get it via the Kidology Store!
Father's Day Ideas
Father's DayFather's Day will be upon us before you know it! (Sunday, June 20 to be exact). Therefore, you might find it helpful to click on over to Kidology's Father's Day Zone, packed with ideas for appreciating dads... and thoughts on teaching about the World's #1 Dad!

Dad time... don't forget!
Kidology Open Source Curriculum
Kidology Open Source CurriculumKidology Open Source Curriculum is a collection of teaching tools you download, remix, and share with others!

Get a complete 3-year children's ministry curriculum for FREE.  This collection consists of three 1-year programs: Old Testament Chronological Study, New Testament Chronological Study, and Value Keepers of the Bible

All you need is a Kidology Membership - whether that be at the FREE Basic level or the all-access Premium option -- to download our Open Source Curriculum.

Then go ahead and upload your changes to the curriculum so that others can use it as well.  Each unit features interactive discussions via the Kidology Forums.  Pull down the content, modify it, and upload your new version. 

Let's do something collaborative and benefit everyone who works with kids at church, school, and home!

Learn more about Kidology Open Source Curriculum
Discuss this FREE curriculum in the Forums
Join Kidology with a Basic or Premium Membership!