Heirloom Tomato Cherokee Purple
Bicolor corn Trinity
Weekly Updates
Extra Vegetables?
The Contest
Hi Folks!


I'll try to get a more newsy Newsletter out shortly, but for right now just a couple of timely things to go over:




Dick Chase

The CSA at Arrowhead

Extra Vegetables

Romano Gold Beans
SWEET CORN---This week will see the peak of the Sweet Corn harvest, Full Shares will receive at least a dozen large ears. Folks wanting extra Sweet Corn may purchase more for 60 cants per ear or $32 for a bushel (60 ears).----you need not be a member to purchase corn. If you would like extra corn to freeze---or just to pig out on---please send me an e-mail and let us know how much you would like to pick up. Thanks.


WASHINGTON CHERRY TOMATOES-----CSA Members may pick up to 5 extra quarts for drying, juicing, frozen puree or canning---we will have directions for drying----at no charge. Non members may pick at a charge of $5 per quart on Saturday from 11 to 3 and Monday from 8 until Noon This great old variety has outstanding Tomato flavor and are easy, fast picking.


PICKLING CUCUMBERS---This is the last call for making Pickles as the season  for extra cukes is ending. If CSA Members want extra cucumbers to make pickles. NOW is the time---next week will be too late and you will have to wait until July for another chance. Again, please send me an e-mail. No charge for CSA Members--$3 per pound for everyone else.


ROMANO GOLD BEANS-----Everyone has been telling me that this old Heirloom from Italy is the best Yellow Bean yet, and I will definitely put it on the list to grow next year. But if you want extra beans to freeze, can or make Dilly Beans, NOW is the time. Farm Members may pick all they want at no charge-----$3 per pound for non-Members. Dilly Bean Recipes will be available this week.


LARGE RED TOMATOES-----We have a new row of Sunstart Tomatoes ready for picking, and Members may pick up to two gallons at no charge----non=Member charge is $14 per gallon. We also have low acid Yellow Tomatoes ready to start picking---same deal applies. Both of these varieties are great for juicing, have good Tomato flavor, and make a nice Tomato Sauce or fresh Salsa.


HERB GARDEN SHARE MEMBERS-----may pick plenty of fresh Basil to make Pesto this week at no extra charge.


ALL OF THE ABOVE------Will be available for picking on Saturday from 11 to 3 and on Monday from 8 until Noon. Both the Sweet Corn and the Pickling Cukes will be ready-picked for you----everything else is pick-your-own.

The Contest!

Johnny Seeds

The banner photo in last week's newsletter shows a small box of seeds for the Mid Winter Share. This is also a wonderful Share where you get to visit Spring every week in the Farm's Greenhouses all Winter long. You may also sign up for this Share now as well---please see the website. But here is the contest: The reader who most celery guesses the cost of this small box of seed will win a Late Season Share. One hint---the seed that we plant for Winter crops is relatively in-expensive. So send me an e-mail with your best guess. A winner will be chosen on August 31st. You may also enter your guess at the Newburyport Farmers' Market this Sunday from 9 to 1, or at The Cape Ann Farmers' Market this coming Thursday from 3 to 6:30. The Seed Box will be on display at both locations.
Green, Yellow & Red Tomato