Notes from the Farm 
The CSA at ArrowheadAugust 17, 2012
Hi Folks,

     It's high Summer and the Summer vegetables are starting to come in strong------August and September mark the height of the vegetable season. The Shares are starting to reflect this. I'll tell you about this week's Share in a minute, but first I have a few links I want to share with you. So please take a bit of time and visit here and there around the World Wide Web with me.
      First I have a great link to some of Julia Child's earliest shows---courtesy of NHPTV. Things like this are why Arrowhead is so supportive of New Hampshire Public Television, and why we always contribute to their Spring Auction. The French Chef was great---enjoy.
      Next I want to call your attention to a speaker Tufts University has engaged this Summer. Dr. Temple Grandin will present a talk on Animal Welfare and proper handling going to slaughter on Wednesday, August 29 at 7pm in Worcester. This woman has set the world standards for humane slaughter. If you eat meat or poultry this is information you should have and this talk is for you. Dr. Grandin is also autistic. Want to see how much a person can overcome in life? Then this is also for you. A rare opportunity to hear Dr. Grandin speak in New England. Consider attending.
      Now let's stop by the Newburyport Farmers' Market and check out the Great Tomato Festival that our beloved leader, Shari Wilkinson has put together for us. Want to treat yourself to some wonderfully different Tomato flavors? Then stop by the Market this Sunday. You'll be glad you did.
      Paula will have some interesting Summer Vegetable recipes available at the CSA Barn and at the Market this week, but I'm also going to send you to the Midwest Magazine Tomato Recipe Page. A fair number of our Heirloom Tomato cultivars came out of the Midwest in the nineteenth century so these ideas for using Tomatoes are very appropriate for us here in New England. And CSA Members and Market Patrons will have a plethora of Heirloom Tomatoes to work with over the coming weeks.
      And finally, as long as we're on-line anyway, let's stop by the Arrowhead Website and sign up for a Pork, Beef or Chicken Share. Both the Beef Share and the Chicken Shares are available right now. The Pigs will be ready for the Butcher later in the Fall. It's also time to sign up for the Late Season Share as well if you have not already done so.
Welcome Sign
Crop Walk Time

Don't forget our Crop Walk Tour at Noon on Saturday. We'll walk through our Crops and see what is doing well and what is not (really everything looks good), and discuss why. We can sample a few things as we go along and I will try and answer your questions as best I can. It's great fun as well as interesting, so please come along with us. And don't forget to bring the Young Folks. All are welcome---you need not be a CSA Member to participate. No charge.
Mastering the Art of French Cooking
What To Do With All Those.....
Cucumbers! As a tribute to Julia's 100th birthday anniversary this week, I felt it only fitting to use one of her recipes. This is from her Mastering the Art of French Cooking, a two-volume French cookbook written by Simone Beck and Louisette Bertholle, both of France, and Julia Child of the United States. The book was written for the American market and published by Knopf in 1961 (Volume 1) and 1970 (Volume 2). The recipe may seem odd, but be brave and adventurous.

Baked Cucumbers 

32 inches of cucumbers

2 tablespoons wine vinegar

1 ˝   teaspoons salt

⅛ teaspoon sugar

3 tablespoons melted butter

˝ teaspoon dill or ˝ teaspoon basil

4 tablespoons minced scallions

⅛ teaspoon pepper

  • Cut in half lengthwise and scoop out the seeds with a spoon.
  • Cut into lengthwise strips about 3/8 inch wide.
  • Cut strips into 2 inch pieces.
  • Toss the cucumber in a bowl with the vinegar, salt and sugar.
  • Let stand for 30 minutes to several hours.
  • Drain and pat dry in a towel.
  • Preheat oven to 375.
  • Toss the cucumbers in a baking dish with the butter, herbs, scallions and pepper.
  • Set uncovered in the middle level of the preheated oven for about an hour, tossing 2-3 times, until cucumbers are tender, but still have a suggestion of crispiness and texture. They will barely color during cooking
     There's plenty of Summer left. Be sure to enjoy every day of it. I'll leave you with a quote from one truly amazing woman, "Bon Appétit!"
Dick Chase

CSA at Arrowhead  


Tomato taste-testing this Saturday at the CSA Barn! Please help us decide which of the three varieties tastes the best. Saturday only, 11a to 3p. 

In This Issue
Crop Walk Time
What To Do?
This Week's Share
Quick Links
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This Week's Share
Will likely contain Sweet Corn, Romano Gold Beans, Red and Yellow Onions, Green and Gold Zucchini (please let me know which you like best), Burpless Cukes and Pickling Cukes, Green Onions, Heirloom Tomatoes,  Washington Cherry Tomatoes and the first Mountain Magic Tomatoes from the field..
Extra PYO crops will include Sun Gold Tomatoes and Romano Gold Beans.
Fruit Shares will contain White Lady Peaches, Cantaloupes, and June Glow Nectarines.
And lot's of bright Summer Sunflowers for the cutting Garden Share.
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Not Micro-Greens...
not exactly baby greens either, maybe 'tween greens?

Anyway, John has grown some nice looking young greens, kind of like mesclun mix but without the lettuce. This will be available at the CSA Barn on Saturdays from 11a to 3p, and at the Newburyport Farmers' Market, Sundays, 9a to 1p. It will still be growing when we cut and bag it for you. An excellent substitute for lettuce, $5 a bag.

On the subject of lettuce, almost every lettuce crop on every farm in the Merrimack Valley has been affected by the abnormal heat. Even those farms with fields right on the river have had their lettuce crops fail. Here at Arrowhead we always grow French Crisp or Batavian type lettuces during the summer as they are very heat tolerant. Even these have failed and it looks as though our next crop of lettuce won't be ready until mid September.