The CSA at Arrowhead
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Stop by and visit the CSA at Arrowhead for the First Picking of Juicy, Ripe Nectarines Summer Beauty

DATE: July 22, 2012
TIME: 9a to 1p
LOCATION: The Tannery Marketplace on Water Street

Live Music, Good Breakfast, Sweets and Savories along with plenty of Flamin' Fury Peaches, lots of heirloom tomatoes (Cherokee Purple, Fordhook 1889, Great White, and the first of the Prudence's Purple and Kellogg's Breakfast!) Plenty of cherry tomatoes, tangy or sweet, your choice. Plenty of greens and other fresh summer vegetables.

Summer Tree Fruit CSA Shares are also available for purchase at the Market.
The CSA at Arrowhead
131 Old Ferry Road
Newburyport, Massachusetts 01950-6505