The CSA at Arrowhead
One Week's Share

Friday, July 13, 2012 


What's in the Shares this week?


Summer Vegetable Share:


Heirloom Tomatoes, Kale, Lettuces, Onions, Cucumbers, Red Amaranth, Beets, Pick-Your-Own Sungold Cherry Tomatoes and the very last of this Season's Peas.



Cutting Garden Shares:


Sunflowers, Snapdragons and plenty of fresh Basil.



Tree Fruit Share:


The first tree-ripened Peaches of the Season; a Flamin' Fury Variety.


Now is the time to add a Tree Fruit Share and not miss a single week. The Peaches and Nectarines look to be exceptional this year and there should be plenty of Apples and Pears all late Summer and Fall. The Tree Fruit Share will be a great deal this year and you can join right now for just $285 for a full Share! Best to do so this weekend.


Also this is the last week to sign up for the Summer Vegetable Shares.


Pick up hours at Arrowhead are:
every Saturday from 11a to 3p---Volunteers will be on hand to greet you
every Sunday from 3 to 7, self-service only
every Monday from 7 to noon, self-service only 

Try to make it in on Saturdays if you possibly can. We look forward to seeing you at the Farm!

What's New at the Newburyport Farmers' Market this week?


Heirloom Tomatoes, Cherry Tomatoes, Sunflowers, Lettuces, first of the season Peaches and plenty of fresh Greens including Kale and Amaranth. Also, our extra special Peach Blossom Honey will be available. (note---this is a very limited production of a very light colored Honey---always sells out fast)


Join us at the Newburyport Farmers' Market every Sunday from 9a to 1p. You can also join us every Thursday at the Cape Ann Farmers' Market in Gloucester from 3 to 6:30 or every Tuesday at the Malden Farmers' Market from 3 to 6:30. Look forward to seeing you at the Market!

The CSA at Arrowhead
131 Old Ferry Road
Newburyport, Massachusetts 01950-6505