CSA & the Farmers' Market
Saturday, July 7, 2012
Hi Folks,
Today I want to focus a bit on the Newburyport Farmers' Market, as well as on the CSA Shares. First the Farmers' Market (every Sunday from 9a to 1p at the Tannery)
Many of you who attend the market are not aware of this yet, but Farmer Dave has moved on to other markets. All of us at Arrowhead will attempt to fill that void. If you are one of Farmer Dave's customers we invite you to stop by the CSA at Arrowhead tent, we will do our best to make you welcome. This week at the market we will have three varieties of heirloom tomatoes, two different cherry tomatoes, fresh peas, amaranth greens, first of the season zucchini, rhubarb, beets, fresh green onions, three varieties of lettuce, and plenty of other nice greens; all grown without any pesticides or Ag chemicals whatsoever. When you stop by please let us know you're one of Farmer Dave's customers, I think you'll find Arrowhead to your liking.
And for CSA members, summer hours are as follows: Saturdays 11a to 3p, with volunteers available to help you; Sundays 3p to 7p and Mondays from 7a to noon, both are self-service pickup hours. There are still plenty of pick your own peas available, sweet and delicious, the picking is fantastic. CSA members are welcome to come anytime to pick peas, but this will likely be the last week for peas. Other summer crops are coming right along behind them. The Cut Your Own Flower Garden Share has started this week with a new crop of herbs following soon. There are still Summer Vegetable Shares available. Please send an email if you are interested.
Fruit Shares: This coming week should see the Tree Fruit Share start with the first picking of Flamin' FuryŽ Peaches. Both the peach crop and the nectarine crop look terrific this year. And most apples look plentiful as well, with a few notable exceptions. The following apple varieties, Black Ben Davis, Gibson Golden, and Thompson County King did not pollinate at all and there will be no crop on these trees. Most other varieties have seen good pollination. There are still a number of Tree Fruit Shares available if you would like to add a fruit share, or join our CSA starting with a fruit share, please send me an email, I think you'll be glad you did.
Arrowhead has grown a wonderful selection of colorful summertime hanging plants. This week only mention this newsletter and receive $5 off the purchase of any two hanging baskets.
Cheers, and enjoy this wonderful summer weather,
Dick Chase